Max Pot is only 793? why??

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by FuryMY, Jul 16, 2017.

  1. FuryMY New Player

    i just discover that the max pot you can get max pot only by 793. My Vit is at 10270 gave me 793 pot (without crits). Then I use trinket (Lvl 171) to increase my vit up to 11000++ vit and it still gave me 793 pot.

    Why cant it go higher? Why even put caps on the vit? can it be fix?
  2. FuryMY New Player

    Im PC US player..CR 202 / 322 sp
  3. GJGBlackDragon Dedicated Player

    I'm not a controller in my main and haven't take a controller toon that far but my question, Is that a hard cap or a soft cap? I mean, is it a cap that you hit because of your current stats? or is that your base PoT and if you drink a consumable it doesn't go up anymore?

    Last question, are you in a stat clamp map? For example, in War Torn Village I hit the cap in Health as a Tank but is due to the map being stat clamped, if I get in an instance I don't get capped.
  4. spack2k Steadfast Player

    doesnt matter cause GU73 is on its way anyway...
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  5. Wade Spalding Loyal Player

    Overstacking players are the death of every combat engine in RPG systems. So to not endlessly have to fondle with balance and challenge issues, most systems use a sort of cap, it's totally normal. Some systems use the "diminishing rewards" approach to discourage overstacking (first time you double your stats you get fully 100% of that stacking, second time just 50%, then 25%, 12.5%, 6.25%, 3.125% etc. while you invest more and more and more points to double your stats for every step). I'd actually add poisoning/damaging effects on players overstacking from a certain stage of doing so, so just be happy this is not my game :p

    Yet, that is..... ;)
  6. FuryMY New Player

    nah i test it at watchtower..
    it seem that 10200 vit its the max for pot which is 793..i use comsume n trinket which increase my vit n supposely my pot too..but it still the same 793.. I guess it hit soft or maybe hard cap
  7. FuryMY New Player

    its matter..if i can get 800 plus sure i can solo troll on stats revamp..unless Dev dont allow it..force us to use 2 troll
  8. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    Mate I think you misunderstand what the revamp is about. All numbers and most mechanics will change, including the Power curve, Power costs, the Vita curve and how PoT works. None of what you see on live right now will be relevant in the least once the revamp goes live.
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  9. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    This ^^^
  10. FuryMY New Player

    yea i understand how new thing work i test it b4..but PoT is still talking about the caps..if they still gonna let it on when the stats revamp came does not matter how much power usage change..even right now we don't know how much the power cost we just estimate it from the bar ...They can change anyway they want,player receive pot either 5 sec each or 4 or 3 or the number of vit bonus they increase it for still does not matter if there still caps on that PoT...Unless the pot is not relevant to troll anymore, that player receive pot from the own vit then yea CAPs don't matter to me... im just saying why they need put caps on the PoT...i always max out my troll vit on every dlc and this is first time i see the caps PoT on six years i been playing..they put it now im sure they gonna put in on the stats revamp too..
  11. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    To answer the question, yes...there is a hard cap on P.O.T. on live. I don't have the knowledge to explain why it was made at that particular number, I just know that there is one. It was mentioned somewhere on the forums (for the life of me I can't recall where).

    As Crimson Mayhem has pointed out, all of this is changing on the stats revamp. There's no point in asking what the new cap might be as no one knows what the final version of this revamp will look like just yet, as there are still a few more things to tweak.
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  12. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    Really just stay calm. If you've hit a cap that just means your OP.
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  13. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Spec into some precision or might and do some damage. :)

    I hate seeing people waste Pot. :)

    Really though. Having the max anything is not needed in this game. It only makes it easier, not necessary.
  14. PolishEagle Dedicated Player

    It's because we are playing a cr differential engine currently. All roles do this currently. One of the smartest players in the game explained to me a year or 2 ago how I was wasting my sp by placing it in Dom and he was right I took out 20 sp out of dom and noticed zero change. You hit hard caps with cr based scaling. For instance if you were 200 cr you can only pot up to 770 no matter what you do. The second highest vit troll in the game can only throw 770. Mind you all this will change with stats matter.

    My advice would be to save your soders, or remove your trinket as at this point it's meaningless. Until I hit the cap I run it. Once I hit it, I replace with orbital.
  15. FuryMY New Player

    now i know why some are bad troll
  16. Mazahs Loyal Player

    The difference between you PoT is about 100 (198 troll /201 dps)
    I honestly dont know why that matters as you your talkin 100 power every 5 seconds as its not a big deal.
    Maybe after revamp this will matter but I doubt it!
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  17. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Its a hard cap, and has been that way for almost a year now we have known about the hard cap on vit.

    Revamp is going to change that. Cant really say due to how bad a spot controller is right now on test.
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  18. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    not really, I've seen CR203 fully modded people blow chunks JS
  19. Rockdaddy099 Level 30

    The question is was this always like that or was it recently change to make revamp seem more comfortable. I main troll and lately it has been harder to keep groups powered, not impossible by any means just more challenging than previous days, couldn't tell if the groups had no sp or if I just was slacking. But I was popping supers more than ever to keep healers happy. I personally feel the devs got sneaky on us but to be honest they are right it don't really matter with Stats Revamp is coming. But glad someone else notice the difference