Why the hate on High Heels in this game?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Phoenix Gemini, Dec 7, 2015.

  1. The peoples Badguy Committed Player

    The Bad One says high heels are not practical for combat and should be taken out of this great game. We are at war, this is not a America's Top Model.
  2. RealTegan Dedicated Player

    You have clearly never been kicked by a woman wearing high heels.
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  3. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    if a character can fly or has superstrength and endurance high heels shouldnt be a problem. its the street level fighters thats a real stretch of the imagination and even that can be resolved just by having them constructed out of special/durable materials to avoid heels breaking or the inevitable tiwst of the ankle.

    doubt it.
  4. sepiaskidmark Committed Player

    How are you going to superspeed run in high heels.....might as well kiss your ankle bones and Achilles tendon goodbye now.
  5. gkVector New Player

    OK, this is an older thread, but I have an on topic suggestion, so I'll post it here.

    I was looking at the thigh high boots the other day and I think, with very little work, they could be modified to offer more costuming options. All that would be required would be to add color zones and then tweak the materials (textures) a bit. Here's an example of the color zones I suggest:


    I'm assuming color zones are defined along vertexes, but I suspect the lower zone is fairly close to those. The band at the top could be adjusted a bit. Then, change the 2 upper color zones to the spandex material (urban slick or formal gloves). They'd still work as thigh-high boots, but you could also add a boot cuff or turn them into stockings and heels.

    This could be done without changing the model itself, so it wouldn't have to go through the clip validation process again. It wouldn't be perfect (the flair at the top would be a little funky on the Mesa and Monarch models) but, from any distance, I think it would work quite nicely.
  6. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    You'll have to post that picture to an image hosting website such as Flickr or Imgur. It doesn't embed for us in here because a log in to the site it's hosted on is required.
  7. gkVector New Player

    Sorry about that. It showed up when I was posting (probably because I was logged into my provider). I hope this is better:
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  8. Erin Arror Dedicated Player


  9. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    I like heels because they make my toon look hot.

    Jk idc
  10. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    promotes prostitution?
  11. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    High heels...promote prostitution? Right... Somebody doesn't know the history of heels and why they were invented.
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  12. DCUO Addict Committed Player

    I like the idea of being able to use more than one color. Still. - I really want a pair of normal high heels!
  13. gkVector New Player

    That would be nice too, but a new model requires a whole lot of validation work before it can go into the game. I thought, since this could use an existing model, it might be a decent stopgap. You still couldn't really use it with pants but, at least you'd have something to use with skirts.
  14. High Troller Loyal Player

    When I first read the title of the thread, I thought it was about my character named High Heels
  15. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    Im going off the logic of Experimental serums promote drug abuse :rolleyes:
    • Like x 1
  16. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Oh yes of course of course! :p