Seasonal Sadness

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by C0de, Jun 27, 2017.

  1. C0de Well-Known Player

    I was shocked today to see people still struggling to complete the seasonal, even though its been extremely nerfed down to being able to complete it in about 30 secs if you have a good team. I was on my healer toon when I qued up for the seasonal. I usually run events and seasonals in dps role since a healer is not required but the key thing I want you to remember is i'm a electric healer with healer gear in Dps role. So we get inside and right off the bat i'm consistently having agro on the boss and adds about 90% of the time. First red flag but I thought well maybe the rest of the group is low tiered or low leveled. So we have an electric healer with healer gear in dps role w/o a proper dps loadout consistently holding aggro.

    Then the consoles pop up and everyone else if focusing on killing the turrets while i'm soloing grabbing all the consoles, red flag 2. This stayed like this all the way down until we dwindled ocean masters health down, which was PAINFULLY SLOW i should mention. I was pretty much doing the most damage in there which was sad because all I was doing for the most part was autofire and a few powers here and there. Finally we get to the last part where all you have to do is hit all 3 consoles to finish the fight and I noticed all 3 group members were instead focusing on fighting the adds or the turrets still, this blew my mind! I managed to get 2/3 but of course that wasn't enough so we missed. Long story short, we ended missing for the next 4-5 times. I even screamed in group chat to stop fighting and hit the consoles once they popped up but no one even budged. Finally we get it at the end because I manage to get all 3 consoles and I was just beyond shocked. They couldn't have dumbed down these seasonals anymore without just giving you the marks just for walking in.

    Before I left I decided to inspect the other 3 group mates I had and one of them was 198 while the others were in the 180 cr range. This was the biggest surprise to me because the 198 was an earth dps and could've easily melted down the boss with little to no effort but instead he was using consistent weapon attacks without using his powers at all and I managed to top him on the score board by quite a bit. Sorry for the long rant, I barely play this game anymore but when I do and see these types of group, it really makes me wonder about the mental compacity of some people that play this game
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  2. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    TBH when I saw the title I thought this was a rant on the prices or something.

    But after reading the post, I've been in a few groups like this; despite the fact the alert is uber easy people can't do something as simple as activating the defenses.

    Oh well, Like you said in the original post; they can't really dumb this thing down any further and if they ever considered doing that I would be personally disgusted.
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  3. light FX Steadfast Player

    Ive been in multiple groups where i had to turn all 3 cogs myself. Ive watched numerous people running around clicking on turrets who end up with a 0 on the scorecard for dmg out when ya dont even need to bother with the turrets. Its sad that the event has been nerfed into oblivion and somehow people still struggle with it.

    Turning cogs is in an issue for the 1st boss of JFA now too. U dont even have to sit there turning the cog like ya used to. Now its instant as soon as ya hit the button in the seasonal. Imo its sad to see the playerbase of this game in the state it is. Intellectually bankrupt is the phrase that comes to mind :p
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  4. Winter Sabel Dedicated Player


    This year you can take a nap and beat the Ocean Nerd instance. I use to run it with tanks so I could carry 3 mindless button mashers but that's not needed now.
  5. C0de Well-Known Player

    Its Mind blowing to be in the instance with end game players that are that dumb. I commend the Devs for what they have done for simplifying the seasonals but there isn't much more they can do. New players that have just started playing for a year or less get a pass but 2 years or more? Unacceptable
  6. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    But but that would ruin new players experience :eek:

    O wait
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  7. mexmex Dedicated Player

    This evil has spread all acrosed the game now, so sad indeed what is becoming, and what is worse now, is the fact you don't even need to step a foot in there and still get the latest feats
  8. Proxystar #Perception

    Hey I have that phrase copyrighted ;)
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  9. Wade Spalding Loyal Player

    Working as intended. 75% dumb population have the chance to be carried by one person in the know. No "IQ" hurdle -> more potential customers, and that is sadly not limited to DCUO or video games, but happens in lots of aspects of normal life. It's a social problem, and it does not go away with the PC approach of declaring dumbness and stupidity as something people cannot change (like color of skin or gender etc.) and thus has to be tolerated. Until everday life becomes challenging enough for stupid people to actually work on their handicap, this will not change, but they feel happy in their paradise of fools.

    Instead of giving them incentive to catch up, they win lawsuits because coffee isn't labelled with "Caution! Hot!" or because the speed control is not labelled "this is NOT an auto-pilot system" or the "do not warm up your pet in this"-sticker is missing on the oven and the microwave.

    College graduation trip?

    "Smart" phone?

    Mom looks after 47yo kid?

    And just some utter stupidity cases to keep it more international:

    This is the world we live in, and this is the world video games have to find customers in. So unless that world changes or better, gives the stupid specimen incentive to change, there is no real room for challenging games.
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  10. calvin_0 Dedicated Player

    i been in these group a few times... after trying to turn all the console by my self a few times and failing, i just stop playing.. and let them figure it out.. i would understand if these players are under lv.30 (aka new players).. but all the group i join so far are all lv.34.. so there is no excuse...

    this is why we cant have nice things...
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  11. Proxystar #Perception

    I think I understand the problem. It's cause they're console users and they think pressing the consoles in game will power cycle their console in real life and they don't want to go link dead.

    I mean it makes sense not to want to press the console unnecessarily.
  12. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    I don't mean to make it sound like you're not right, because you probably are, but there's another reason high tiered people could be focusing on adds (besides the feat). There seems to be a superstition (or maybe it's true, not sure) that killing more adds makes it more likely to get collection pieces. At least that's what quite a few people have told me when we que into the instance, asking us to slow down the burn.
  13. Proxystar #Perception

    Yes and when you want to increase op drops you take gear off because the game always gives stuff to noobs in the instance.

    RNG is RNG all these theories on how to increase your odds are ******** spread by idiots ;)
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  14. calvin_0 Dedicated Player

    the add do drop collection piece independent of the boss reward, but so do the add in metropolis... just go kill those if you are farming for collection..
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  15. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Good to know, lol. I'll take my lucky underwear off now then.
  16. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    I'm not talking about me, just saying it's what people are doing.
  17. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Also, metropolis adds only drop the collection pieces for the title, not the one for the aura (which I personally don't like and don't want anyway).
  18. Proxystar #Perception

    The aura collections only drop from the boss.

    P.s glad you're taking those underpants off they've needed a wash for a while. :)
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  19. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    I feel you OP. If people don't turn switches in the first round, I put something in chat. If they don't turn them the second round, I just stop doing anything and tell them they're on their own for the rest of the instance.
  20. light FX Steadfast Player

    I rarely every say anything rude or mean ingame to anyone but with this seasonal i havent been holding back. If i have to get all 3 cogs u better believe im opening my mouth :D I swear i watch players sometimes and its like zombies who only know mash 1234 and nothing else.
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