Seasonal Aura collection tooo rare?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Dark Soldier, Jun 22, 2017.

  1. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    Ok so ive ran the seasonal 2 times this year on all of my 10 characters & ive only seen the new collection for the aquarium aura drop once, and when u go to the broker the pieces are being sold for 8^ mil and the aura its self on the broker is 179mil ( idk how someone got that much money but umm yea..) .... does anyone else think that these pieces are a lil toooo rare?
  2. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Everything is too blooming rare in this game. They're punishing us all for the best gear in vendor campaign by making literally everything else nearly unattainable.
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  3. TheAkuma Well-Known Player

    In 5 runs i only seen one collection drop but it dropped 3 copies of it in one run. Personally the price of them is insane for a cosmetic aura and not one with feat points attached
  4. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Not going to say it's not rare but it's a known classic for people to try and charge you a fortune for something new and fresh for the first few days. All other seasonal auras we've gotten lately eventually went down to pocket change, I can't see this one being treated any differently.
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  5. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    well. there are to kind of players DBG caters to. the casual. that will never have any of this stuff. and the people that spend to get it all. the people in the middle. the people that keep this game going. (well the game is in trouble) they care not about them!!! at 318sp and having NONE of the rare stuff. and don't think I ever will. this is yet, another aura I will never get. will NOT spend REAL money for it. and even when I have enough in game cash to buy the stuff. I just don't need it...
  6. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    I had two different collection pieces drop for me today while running through the open world portion of the summer event, the Aqualad and Barnacle from Mera's Crown pieces.

    Of course, it happened on a newer character that didn't get taken through the Tides of War content last year so I'm more interested in getting the older collection pieces to drop instead. LOL
  7. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    Dude honestly i hate spending real $ on stuff like auras but I definitely would for this one its kinda dope
  8. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Yeah, they're rarer than normal because we don't get our own individual "roll of the dice" on them.

    In the Spring event, everyone had a chance to get a seasonal collection from Swamp Thing upon defeating him. You either got one or you didn't.

    In the Summer event, if lucky, the entire group gets sees just 1 collection piece and the group has to roll against each other for it. So even if you get to see one, there's a 1 in 4 chance you won't leave the instance with it.

    With less collections being generated by the game, the supply is lower and the demand currently exceeds the supply we have, so the prices remain high.

    Hopefully they change it because the Need Before Greed system is a load of horse ****.
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  9. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    Lol it was ur preview vid that made me want it
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  10. DCUO Addict Committed Player

    I'm not saying your wrong, but you should also give it a little time. The event just dropped, and we haven't gotten to the weekend yet. I sold one of the old collection pieces fot $300k on the first day. I wasn't being greedy; the other ones on the broker were going for $400k+. Next week, that same collection probably won't even sell for$300.00.
  11. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    Um. We haven't even made it through day 2 of a 36 day event. Broker prices are gonna drop.
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  12. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Just keep buying replay badges and stabilizers. Eventually after the 10,000 TC's full of crafting mods, you'll get one. /sarcasm
  13. light FX Steadfast Player

    I ran all 11 of my toons thru inside today and saw 8 collections come up. I lost the roll on all 8. There is no feat points for this aura and its a title only. Not even a good title imo. Not really sure why they are making this aura so hard to get. People have requested a water aura and fish aura for awhile now. We finally get it and its almost impossible to get :rolleyes: And some people have actually said there is less RNG in the game now o_O

    I just searched 10 of the 11 drop collections on the broker a few mins ago and not 1 was below 2 million. I actually added up the cost of the lowest for each one and its roughly 23 million to buy all 11 right now. The lowest aura on the broker was 80 million lol :confused: The economy of this game is so messed up. Its only the 2nd day tho prices may go down and people might see more drops.
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  14. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    There's a message saying as of Friday everyone gets their own loot. No rolling.
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  15. inferno Loyal Player

    Crap!! I was just giving my doubles in the league bank. Arrgh, all those millions.
  16. spack2k Steadfast Player

    be patient, in last week of summers event all those collections will be available off the broker even for premiums
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  17. Hraesvelg Always Right

    With not having to roll, I've actually seen multiples drop in some instances.
  18. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    got to pay to win...
  19. calvin_0 Dedicated Player

    i havnt seen the aura for starro, spring and summer...
  20. MastaMind Dedicated Player

    Bad news is that neither of those are for the aura collection. I was mislead originally as well as both have a somewhat similar name. Those also don't drop as often for me, but after just two days of hitting it on my alts and swapping duplicates with friends in my league I was so close that I went and dropped half a million to get the 2-3 I was missing. My reward? A feat that was worth "N/A" points. A title "Knight Of Atlantis" and a big whole 5 Marks Of Victory. The collection pieces for the aura is an entirely separate collection and that is the ones that are all overpriced a millions for each one. I doubt it was on your to-do list but definitely don't invest until you know which is which. I wonder if anyone else like the OP also has done the same thing. I don't remember the two names but I didn't even realize there were two entirely different ones until it was too late.

    As far as everything else. As stated several times above it is insane how coo-coo people go for brand new stuff that is purely cosmetic and usually not that great. The only reason I invested the half mill above was to maintain my "feat a day" regimen. Since then I have become so frustrated with that open world mission (You know, the one that you have no clear way of finding your way back to?) that I have entirely stopped running it except on my primary character. I spent way too much time looking for it on day 2 only to discover that if I walk out of my sewer lair it is directly in front of me. Then we have the fun of destroying those generators where ads continue to spawn while you try to turn the cog, yet damage is capped so that even a high rank player has some struggle with it. Which means that my poor healers might as well be fighting Ultimate Soldier because as soon as I win the battle with 4 ads and start to turn the cog. Here's another 4. The only saving grace was that they became more liberal about people stealing the stuff so that thankfully if I am even near the thing I can get credit for it.

    All in all though you do not have to pay to win. After realizing that there are two different collections I ran only the event from the On Duty menu on 6 alts. I am 4/12 right now and I have definitely skipped some alts on some days. So it is very possible to do without paying out the wazoo.