So Between nature and celestial healing........

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by SilentGhostAlpha, May 7, 2017.

  1. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Hivemind no longer exists in the stat revamp.
    It got turned into an ability called Flourish which is a heal.
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  2. Dr Petros Well-Known Player

    Don't hate on it till you've tried it. Recently got my Vit up to 5.5k on my nature healer. Under the right circumstances (usually whenever there is a mental dps using their supercharge in a raid) using harvest actually gives more power back than it uses. Vit is OP in nature healers.

    Though I do agree, things will change when stats matters comes out, for now it works really well with the power.
  3. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    Nature Healers don't get their power back from Vit, our power back mechanic is actually based on our Power stat. I was just made aware of this as the guides for power back are outdated or non specific:
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  4. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    It's affected by vitalization.
    I think I still have some charts on it. Will have to check.

    On that note..
    I cannot say I agree than Nature is far above Celestial's ability and that due to Celestial having mitigation on its side.
    It is above its ability to heal purely in terms of output of hots and burst because of its speed but it isn't that far ahead.
    It's one thing to heal but uts another to cut damage down by 75%.. Consecrated Ground..
    Celestial also has McB which is arguably one of the strongest non sc healing abilities in the game. Being able to hit caps equivalent to your restoration multiple times in a 14 second duration through damage alone makes it very Power savvy but it has a 2 second registration. Risk vs Reward.
    You don't need to battle heal to reach that cap either.
    That's just talking PvE though.
    Plus purification spreading is something that a lot of Cele healers don't do.
    I know of only one who actually uses the PI like an extra hot.
    Celestial also boasts 6 max render distance heals.

    In PvP I absolutely agree that Nature is far superior to Celestial in healing. Celestial healers can hit hard but that damage is of no effect when it's all AoE in a Single Target Damage Meta.
    That damage splits hard man.. really hard.
    You can play a Celestial healer perfectly in an arena and not be rewarded for your hard work. It's bitter work for no reward at all. Garbage healing. You're a liability instead of an asset.
    Too much power required and too little of burst being put out. Barely any mitigation from blessing and consecrated ground and McB is a joke. You're better off using BcM for the single target dot and lower power cost.

    Well damn.. I'm sorry. Got carried away.
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  5. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    I would actually really like to see those charts because i tested both stats and didn't get much from vit
  6. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    When I'm discharged I'll see if I have any info saved for you.
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  7. Tahaalizzy2000 Well-Known Player

    I really like celestial healing
  8. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    I'd appreciate it, I love numbers. But as I was saying before I do not spec into Vit but heavy into power. I never have any issues with power.
  9. Dr Petros Well-Known Player

    Before I start, I want to be sure there is no confusion, my claims refer to and took place on the current DCUO server. I am not referring to the stats matter update or the test server.

    Here's my own vit test chart using an olympian vit soder (+470 vit) I determined that it comes out to about an extra point of power returned per 6 points of vit (about 75 extra per power usage for the soder). Now more accurate testing could be done, I only did 100 uses per vit score but this, coupled with a few tests at the sparring targets to determine power cost as determined by cr and I was able to figure out how much vitalization is required to completely get your power back when no other targets are present.

    When I did my tests at cr 188, I was able to get a significant chunk of my power back (1401 cost and 832 base power back). However when running a raid, I find all of my power returning. The more targets that are affected by harvest, the more power it gives back (I tested this with mental's mass terror supercharge), usually averaging a number between 30-40 extra power back per target.

    Lastly, I found that when there is no power over time buff active, my power bar does slowly go down and after watching the blue power-back numbers I found that there are often two large numbers followed by several 2-digit numbers whenever I have the PoT buff active.

    My conclusion? Power back comes from vitalization, number of targets, and (in the case of harvest) reapplication of all -over-time effects, including power over time and nature dps's pheromone based damage over time effects. I have not tested the effects of an increased power pool, it could very easily play a role in the power back mechanic as well.

    Here are my charts:
    Vit in Nature Healer

    The blue bars are my standard tests, no buffs, and the red bars are after drinking a vit soder.

    Hope this helps.
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  10. Dr Petros Well-Known Player

    So what you're saying is that while nature might have an advantage on the scoreboard as far as numbers go, celestial can provide an equivalent amount of survivability through heals and mitigation. Very interesting, I must say I hadn't even considered that. I'll have to look into the powers and loadouts, I'm really curious now :p.

    By any chance do you know the particulars of the loadout you had mentioned with the purification spreading and PI as a HoT? I'm interested to try it out for myself.

    I haven't really looked into healing ranges much, can't say I've encountered many issues with range as a nature healer, though I have heard that celestial has the best range from multiple different sources.

    I take back my comment about nature being the best; its one of the best :p
  11. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Sure bro.

    The Purification PI heal sits at 2-6 base strength which is just as potent as the HoT on the glyph of Divine Light.
    The mitigation Celestial provides is through Consecrated Ground which is a 50% Supercharge. It reduced damage by 75% in an Area of Effect of 20m.

    Celestial has the best range hands down but Nature comes fairly close. Both the healers are great in PvE due to their range alone.
    You are right when you say in terms of pure healing out Nature is the best and the power back is what gives it over the top strength.. not really because it has power back.. it's because the power back scales up too powerfully with Vitalization and Allies affect how much power you get back.
    It allows you to cheat the system basically. It's fine for it to have power back but they poorly implemented the power back mechanic with Nature.

    That aside Nature has the highest scaled power costs next to Celestial with healing which is justified given they are potent healers without fail in open areas. They majorly fail in close ranges though. Electric and Sorcery are king in the mid ranged fights.

    Anyway back to the max render distance heals.
    Admonish and Corrupted Admonish
    Renew and Corrupted Renew
    Malediction cBenediction
    Cleansed Curse
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  12. recoil Committed Player

    celestial. it's the only healer support role with a successful ability to be a combat support role. nature and other majority healers don't have the defense and offense stats even in bug or wolf form unless heavily modded to take front line blows which is a shame cause that's where healers ironically end up anyways being the last person standing.
  13. Mosquito_1 Well-Known Player

    I have a nature heal, and I am at the point also where I am speccing vit. Right now, its close to around 4100, and I can see a huge difference to the point where my power out to myself is nearly double an average troll power to the group.

    I was reading through some posts, and may have missed, but you do want to remove your pheromones after 3 applications. I apply, harvest 3 times apply again, harvest another 3, apply then harvest to blossom..Rinse repeat on a normal rotation which includes hive mind and swarm shield. By doing that, you will notice you don't have to panic heal with blossom nearly as much in critical moments
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  14. Dr Petros Well-Known Player

    While nature may not have the defensive/offensive stats to go battle-healer (this sounds like what you are referring to), do not underestimate the effectiveness of harvest's stuns. I can't speak much for most of the other healing powers as I haven't played them nearly as much lately but I just wanted to point out that there are many many factors in play.

    Also from what I've seen, celestial battle-healers are crazy power hungry and as such pretty much impossible to run without a troll in the group. In something like an alert, this means replacing a potential dps with a troll which ends up with less total damage out for the group as a whole.

    I agree completely, I've even gone as far as to put a few vit mods in my base generator and a couple pieces of gear. I'm up at about 5k vit unbuffed and it just makes a tremendous difference. Assuming I don't mess up my rotation, my power bar almost never drops below about 3/4 full. Also backup trinkets and the mental mass hysteria supercharge are a nature healer's best friend (more targets healed = more power back).