CR will still remain in SEPT??

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Nucleus DC, Jun 8, 2017.

  1. Nucleus DC Well-Known Player

    Wow I couldn't believe I read that in the recent Dev thread about SEP content.

    I could have swore Mepps said Stats Revamp would be complete before the next content
  2. IamINC Dedicated Player

    I don't know for sure but i'm pretty certain that there is no date set for the revamp to go live yet.

    Personally I am not expecting it till early next year.
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  3. ChillCat Loyal Player

    Mepps confirmed the revamp would be done before the next SM is released.

    However, "plans change"(c)
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  4. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    One thing to keep in was never EVER going away. CR Differential is going bye bye bringing our damage in and out back to our stats as provided by gear, mods and stat points. CR will go back to what it was before GU47...a gear score to give people a clue as to where you should be approximately stats-wise.
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  5. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    There has never been a set date for the stats revamp, if there was it would be in the announcement thread.
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  6. Nucleus DC Well-Known Player

    Mepps said before next SM technically there is
  7. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player content by september?
  8. Nucleus DC Well-Known Player

    Good point. Hopefully they meant gear CR and not differential
  9. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Yepper. And it'll have the same sort of open world preview as the AOJ.

    Read the announcment threads, it's not being made up.
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  10. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    What Khalon said above is correct. We will still have CR after the revamp, but it will be a general idea of where you are in the game rather than actually controlling how much damage you do/take. All that was said in the announcement is that our CR will increase with the September content. That has zero to do with whether or not the revamp has been released by then.
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  11. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    takes a lot to blow my mind.

    this is kind of good
  12. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    Ok lol when's the next SM????
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  13. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Might come down to how the post from Mepps was worded. If he said the plan is to have it out before the next SM, it'd be best to keep in mind that plans change and that might not be the case. Plus they've been pretty upfront in saying it will go live when it's ready and not by some arbitrary date.

    Given the "pitchforks and torches" nature of some forum-goers, they tend not to put anything into stone until they know for sure.
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  14. spack2k Steadfast Player

    LOL , mepps said next SM will be released after stats revamp and stats revamp will be released when its ready to be... so there is ur answer
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  15. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    If anything the saying might have been before the next DLC.

    The next thing we were supposed to get was an Event and due to the shifting sands the event is going to be more like an episode/event hybrid.... which ultimately means that it might not end up being clamped like the events/seasonals are.

    Either way all plans are subject to change.
  16. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Yeah it's very good news. That means the episode the AOJ stuff will take only about maybe 3 months to complete at best.
  17. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Don't agree with you much, but this is correct.

    There was not much from the devs this past week. Pretty sure they've had a lot of serious meetings to do the changes to content like they did. This obviously will have a trickle down effect.

    The best thing you should take away from yesterday's new is more content to do until the revamp does get here. But they way they imply, it will be sometime this year, but my time frame I've been guessing, since last year, it would release around xmas.
  18. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    its weird but i don't mind not being done within 3 months time. i guess just after 6 years i don't need to speed through everything.

    i'm taking my time with this dlc. i wont be buying any new gear till i get the op collections out of the way and enough renown under my belt to buy the elite gear and even then i wont be resetting any content until we get a bonus bond weekend or a summer sale (or both). the elite raids are a little tricky but theres nothing you cant do in game with the 172 gear you can buy off the broker and any 173 drops ou come across.

    very good news indeed. no doubt were all eager to learn what its going to be.
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  19. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Hey there. You've missed a couple of things. Combat Rating is and will continue to be a measurement of how good your gear is. The revamp impacts that in no way. What the revamp removes is Combat Rating Differential, where your combat rating impacts combat. Instead, stats will impact combat.

    The comments about September should communicate to you that there will be new, better gear with the content launch, and nothing else.
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  20. lukelucky Devoted Player

    i think a update on stats matter would go a long way. i understand testers are low and its a huge task but maybe an update going like this

    stats matter is ruffly X percent done and we anticipate another X amount of time before it gets to the game. understand however its almost certain delays are yet to be discovered but we as a team are working as hard and fast as possible to restore the game to a previous and better system. thanks a bunch and sorry its not here today but "soon"

    side note mepps it was a pleasant suprise the wonder woman shield then u guys actually taking our feed back and acting on it with the new content. very appreciated