"Big Content"? Yet no Solo nor Duo

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Alrighty Then, Jun 6, 2017.

  1. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    There are many players of whom this is their bread and butter.
    How can you call this "Big Content"; just because it's gonna be 8 months long?
    It is time to fix this DLC and add a Solo and a Duo.
    FWIW running around defusing bombs; is not quality solo material.
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  2. BumblingB I got better.

    Open world is solo content.
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  3. Here2Help Devoted Player

    I was extremely disappointed to find out that no duo came out with this DLC. They used the excuse of having an open world which is ridiculous. If I got 7 other people and went to do an open world mission, it wouldn't be a raid. If I get 1 other people to do an open world mission, it also wouldn't be a duo.
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  4. ChillCat Loyal Player

    Looks like somebody forgot to use their.....
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  5. Please Stop Me Well-Known Player

    I figure that they didn't add either because then there would be more daily resets instead of weekly ones. Ultimately the goal is to keep players earning the minimum amount of warbonds so that they will buy more replays, or at least that is what the general idea seems to be.
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  6. Trexlight Devoted Player

    With the reduction of missions in the Open World, a Duo is needed to fill up the missing time to enjoy content.
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  7. SocratesGS Well-Known Player

    I think what I just posted in ChillCat's thread applies here, so I'm just gonna quote myself:

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  8. SocratesGS Well-Known Player

    According to Mepps, open world content is Solo, Duo, Alert, and Raid content all in one big bag. [sarcasm] You just need to ninja invite people to make things more fun! [/sarcasm]
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  9. Kuno Loyal Player

    Open world missions got cutted, they took it away so what's left? I just can't with this game anymore.
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  10. spack2k Steadfast Player

    yeah ppl who like to solo only got hit big time with last hotfix but **** happens :)
  11. BumblingB I got better.

    It did, indeed. I was commenting to the OP saying it didn't have it.

    I think the OP wants an instance solo and duo, but that's not how the devs look at it. They look at what rewards you get. Which is why it got cut down.

    In AF3, we had
    3 open world dailies
    1 open world weeklies
    3 instanced dailies
    2 instanced weeklies

    In AOJ we have
    3 open world dailies (bounty and the one from each)
    2 open world weeklies
    2 instanced dailies
    2 instanced weeklies

    When it launched it was
    7 open world dailies
    3 open world weeklies
    2 instanced dailies
    2 instanced weeklies

    You can see what I'm comparing here and what they chose to cut down to compare to AF3.
  12. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    That's not really how they view it. This DLC, along with the Starry event, is supposed to make new players and end gamers play together. If you read Mepps & Jacksters comments, it was all intended.

    I can live the with outside content, it's not that big of a deal. I'm almost done with all the feats, like others. Area 51 will be a ghost town soon, mostly because of the 411 mission. I still think making these operations will hurt us as players in a few months.
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  13. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Just group up with someone and pretend the open solos are duos :p
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  14. BumblingB I got better.

    I think you are confusing AOJ and Starro events on what Jackster was talking about. Jackster was talking about paying customers getting the shaft with the free event (starro) and explained his view point that it was due to population and getting new customers UP.

    AOJ and what Mepps was talking about is the "grind" view. The reason they cut the open world is the fact that players (or how the devs perceived) viewed it as the monotonous grind. Got to log in daily do 6 open world run around. Got to get those marks to be able to actually get the gear in the allotted time. They looked at what we were saying about how AF3 was and how much more cost the AOJ gear was and did a literal comparison and cut what was not similar and not kill something that would cut down their development. They aren't going to kill an alert or raid. And they didn't remove the missions, just cut down access to them. So we are here at this point because players cried and they perceived what we really wanted. Nothing really changed, takes about the same amount of time since there is less marks involved. But we do have less daily content.
  15. BumblingB I got better.

    What? You don't have blow up the bombers? :(
  16. light FX Steadfast Player

    So u think 8 people together in open world is a raid then?
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  17. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Sorry Fatal one this one we disagree. mainly because I didn't even feel like the DUO we had inAF3 felt like a real duo. I can remember a time, not that long ago really, when if you teamed up with another player and did a duo you wound up with 2 (that's T W O) pieces of game currency you could use to purchase gear. Now if all you ever did was duos it would still take a LONG time to buy a complete set of gear.. Of course once they switched from Quarterly to Monthly content .. when could you ever actually buy a complete set of NEW gear? Okay a month before it all started to get replaced by a brand new set of gear with higher CR. But way back then (July 2016) at that duo gave you 2 whole marks you could actually use on gear.

    And then AF 3 hit and suddenly we were getting 1 mark and 1 ancient coin and of course the Vendor selling the new gear had no clue what a mark even was.. All she wanted was ancient coins. Suddenly that duo was giving me half the amount of relevant currency I needed to buy "the best gear" and OH yeah also the cost of the new gear was close to double what the older gear was. So it pretty much took 4 times as long to get enough currency to buy anything.

    OH yeah here's another interesting fact .. remember back when we were doing T7 content and everything we played was giving us MARKS we could use to buy gear or anything else we wanted?
    We had:

    2 Solo challenges
    8 duos
    4 alerts (not counting Expert)
    8 raid (not counting Expert)

    Now of course not all of those came out at the same time and most had different CR ranges but here's the thing... with the exception of 1 solo challenge, 1 duo, 1 alert and 1 raid..... if a player was sitting at CR 140 they could play all of the rest of that content and earn marks that were perfectly good to buy any gear from any vendor.

    THEN T8 arrived.

    Now a Rip in Time is technically a T8 alert but if my alt is sitting at CR 188 and has nothing but gear above CR 163... What good does it do me to do that mission? None of the gear that drops is helpful (other than as salvage) and since it doesn't award ancient coins or war bonds... if I have all the feats done the thing is totally useless.

    Hey how about the Underworld Trial? Okay my CR 189 has exactly 1 piece of gear that is not already CR 164 or 165 on both roles so basically almost none of that gear that drops is anything but salvage as well and since its dropping ancient coins not war bonds there is almost no reason for me to do THAT anymore either.

    So what are we left with? 2 alerts and 2 raids that give us war bonds and exactly 1 solo in each of the two outdoor zone that give up bonds. Once I get the raids done for the week (because I am NOT using hundreds of replays) It will take maybe an hour tops to do all the available content that can help me improve my gear.

    So we went from so much to do you could pick and chose what you felt like playing that night and be busy from after dinner till bed time IF you had the time available to do that.. TO not even having enough to do, without using replays, to keep you busy from after dinner till 8PM when Supergirl came on on the CW. And there is a good chance this may be it as far as new stuff to do until possibly NOVEMBER?

    June 1st the new content hit and I was pleasantly surprised by how much there was to do. Two days later I was disgusted and have not even logged on my higher CR alts. I'm playing an old forgotten one that has now hit CR 50. And gee I have sooooo much content to pick from.
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  18. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    While I appreciate the lengthy reply (yes I read all of it), my original post was meant as a satirical joke lol. I've always been a raid person, I get my gear via raids or alerts. Duos and solos I only did here and there to cap off on marks needed for my next peice. So I'm indifferent on there being no duo. My gripe would be if they cut back on raids.
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  19. Norwegian ninja Well-Known Player

    When they said it was large content, they were talking about the amount of time needed to complete everything, not the actual amount of content provided.
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  20. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    I figured you were joking but I used your post to get on my soap box... I am just about ready to join you in the ranks of semi retired from game over this latest Bull. Sorry if i got long winded ... The whole thing just has me ticked off LOL.. OH yeah AT THEM not YOU ;)