With the new DLC We need more MoV and others improvements

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by XPerfectX, Jun 6, 2017.

  1. XPerfectX Well-Known Player

    I know that all I'll say was said before but maybe not enough to be eard by the devs.

    1- Increase the cap of the MoV to 999 (most needed for the R&D and Styles)

    2- Clamp the HL players to the cr relevancy max to earn all the MoV in old contents (some of the low level players will like it) or at least exchange the tokens (a second life for them) against 2 MoV

    3- All R&D items (Exobytes/bites, Complexes, Simples, Focus, ...) stack increase to 999

  2. DCUO Post Loyal Player

    1. Why do you want to bank them? Just to buy the styles all at once?

    2. Why only HL players?

    3. The only thing I can agree on.
  3. Theblackcat456 Committed Player

    1: There's nothing in game that costs more than 100 marks so its not necessary but why not.
    2: Forced stat clamp is the worst idea ever and defeats the purpose of progressing your character. So im definitely against this point.
    3: I agree with this point it would save alot of inventory space and be a great improvement.
    • Like x 1
  4. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    Wait what?

    Why marks of victory when we are out of Marks of victory

    Why only HL?

    this is the most confusing thread of all..

    Wait let me guess your HL, and you want a lot of mark of victory.
  5. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Mr Jameson Parker Wants some marks for just being hardlight.

  6. Jeazy Baby Dedicated Player

    Sounds like OP meant HL as High Level (context clues). basically saying clamp high cr players in lower tier content so they can earn MoV from them.
  7. >>>KIra<<< Dedicated Player

    Yes I would like to see all exobytes, complex, simple, ect stack to 999