A Great "Should You Play" DCUO Video!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Yuber, May 24, 2017.

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  1. Yuber New Player

    I made this video. Hope you guys like it. It's a great game!

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  2. Yuber New Player

    Thanks for the support so far guys! I'm glad you enjoyed the video! :)
  3. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    Have you seen the comment section of that video?
    The name of the video is: "DC Universe Online | Should You Play?", to me the answer is yes, besides the flaws, it is still a fun game to me. The OP thinks that the game is worth and people should try it. What is the big deal?

    And the people who think that DCUO is "P2W" should go and play other F2P mmos like Revelation Online, Archage or Black Desert to give a few examples and then come back again and say that with a straight face.
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  4. Yuber New Player

    Thanks for the support!
  5. light FX Steadfast Player

    Not getting into the p2w discussion and no i havent see the comment section of the vid.
  6. Magician Dedicated Player

    Yuber, I'd like to offer a minor correction to your video. There is open world PvE if you choose to use the Phase Shifter in the Watchtower / Hall of Doom to phase into the PvP
  7. Shadow Force Committed Player

    I Wish i could see the comments that were deleted, just curious what was written here that was deleted. Those who do know pm me i guess.
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  8. Here2Help Devoted Player

    Take a look at the YouTube comments and you'll get a feeling for what was said ;)
  9. Yuber New Player

    Yep! I realized that after I made the video! Thanks for the correction!
  10. Twelve Gauge Committed Player

    You should, it's priceless :D
  11. Yuber New Player

    Thanks for the continued support guys! Let's keep supporting this amazing game! New game update coming too! HYPED!
  12. JangaMan Active Player

    the title of the thread is wrong. you say its a great vid of "should you play DCUO". but its not a great vid, it lacks knowledge, alot. the game was great, but after 2/3 years it started going downhill, with what i feel were oversight changes. the changes were for the good of the game but it failed in hindsight. and instead of reverting back said changes, they went on with the ungrate changes and after that it went sour real bad. and at this point alot of the greater veterans are fed up and stopped completely. :/
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  13. Yuber New Player

    Sorry you feel that way about the game man! It really is a great game and I hope you will get back into it!
  14. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    just throwing this out there, the video came off as trolling.

    '90% gear, 10% skill, let me repeat that, 90% gear 10% skill'

    a week old player would know that how? You got carried 90% of the way to 103cr lol


    not to mention you're trying to tank in DPS stance R.I.P. Shows where your skills lay at.

    and you say DCUO isnt p2w yet you skipped to cr100/60sp, and saying its 'zero p2w' is BS, when you even showed seed pods and stabilizers on the MP lol

    and you have to be legendary to even access your in-game $$ so that in itself is p2w when there are items on the broker nowadays for 100mil.

    and your cut off all content above T4.
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  15. IamINC Dedicated Player

    Well , I gave in and watched this after reading the thread over the last couple of day.

    I'm gonna start by saying that the video contains a lot of blatantly wrong information and misconceptions of the game as a whole , you are clearly a very new player to DCUO and don't have the necessary skills or experience to provide an accurate perception of DCUO 2017.

    However , I can't fault your enthusiasm and passion for the game.
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  16. Twilight Avenged Dedicated Player

    This thread and peoples love of drama are blowing homies video views up.

    I will need to copy this marketing method for a video or two in the future...
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  17. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    is why GohGamer is so 'popular' :rolleyes:
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  18. Yuber New Player

    There is very little information wrong in the video. Also, the P2W part is subjective. But I do appreciate your insight and I thank you for watching! Let's just support this great game in our own way!
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  19. The Anxient Loyal Player

    Yall are just feeding the troll. If you look at his responses to on the YouTube comments he's obviously a pathetic troll with nothing else going on.
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  20. Yuber New Player

    LOL. That's not true. I made an honest video on what I thought of the game. Guess you haven't seen my previous videos.
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