Getting caught up

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Vulmyss, May 9, 2017.

  1. Vulmyss Dedicated Player

    Hi everyone. It's been a few years (two or three) since I last played DCUO, and I was thinking about trying it again. Before I do so, however, I have a couple questions for you guys.

    Firstly, how would you say the game is right now?

    Secondly, how much time would you guys say it'd take to get "caught up" in terms of gear (I'd be mostly PvP'ing)? I'm not really a fan of grinding gear, I prefer just getting the gear quickly and then being able to play on a level playing field.

    Third, I think my main guy from back in the day was rage... Is that still considered a "viable" power set, or will I most likely need to change if I want to be "competitive"?

    Thanks :)
  2. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    So many changes.
    Were you here for Clamping?
    Were you here for Advanced Mechanics?
    Are you familiar with the upcoming Revamp?
    Are you familiar with Time Capsules?
    Did you know you can now buy certain Skill Points?
    The game is very easy; as they have quickened the pace of leveling.
    In fact you'll now run into "high end" Trolls Healers and Tanks that have no idea whatsoever what they are doing.
    But that doesn't matter; because the High End Content is very easy.
    Once Revamp occurs, everything will change once again.
    Rage ain't great right now; but once revamp hits in 3 weeks or 6 months; everyone will be looking for a new power.
    Just try to have fun, don't get caught up in the RNG Time Capsules, as the drop rates are pathetic.
  3. Vulmyss Dedicated Player

    I don't believe I was here for any of those things. Looking at my latest forum messages, I think I was last playing the game in early 2014/late 2013.

    I'm not overly worried about levelling, I have multiple characters at 30 (I don't think the level cap has changed? Pretty sure it hasn't). The main thing that would really convince me to come back is if the PvP aspect of the game is enjoyable, and the grind to get PvP gear isn't too tedious/time consuming. Looking at the PvP forums here, neither of those things seem to be the case, but perhaps I'm reading things wrong.
  4. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    PvP is broken atm in terms of unbalanced powers, unfair mechanics and hackers. Highest PvP CR is 101 I believe. Highest PvE CR is 192 and that's with the latest OP gear.
  5. saywhaaaaaaaat Well-Known Player

    Hmmm, no wonder i keep losing in PvP.
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  6. Saami Loyal Player

    You need to learn how to play, if you keep losing.
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  7. saywhaaaaaaaat Well-Known Player

    No,no,no, the PvP is broken that's why.
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  8. BƖack Dedicated Player


    I couldn't agree more.
  9. warpaxio Well-Known Player

    1. i would say the game is in the worst state ye. alot of rng and pay2win, and alot of events with clamped content.

    2. if you have money prob 1 day for pve. for pvp there is no point to come back, since there is none, no updates for years, and devs said they dont plan on doing anything for the pvp in the near future.

    3. rage is ok, but there is no competitive or pvp anymore
  10. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    1. The new content and reward model is pretty good but the content itself is mostly still super easy as it has always been. Thematic and story-wise it's really good though if you care more for that. Gear progression is also not RNG driven anymore because the best gear is available in a vendor, including omnipotence pieces.
    Combat is super boring for DPS since those are heavily restricted to predetermined "advanced mechanics" builds. Roles are also imbalanced thanks to huge power creep for all roles that left DPS with 10+ times the damage output of supporters and led to 5 DPS raid setups becoming standard.
    That's right now though. There is a major revamp on test currently that will most likely launch later this year and fix a lot of problems with the combat system. Roles will be much more balanced then and every role will have lots of options (including some new ones) for how to build their character.

    2. The Starro even that's running currently is an extremely easy way to gear up from any starting point. It's open from level 10 and drops plenty of gear that attunes to your CR which means you can start at any CR and gear up to endgame (or at least much closer to endgame) within a couple of weeks. It's only running until the end of May though. It has never been easier to catch up (or gear up alts or off-roles) than it is right now.

    3. It's competetive if you're willing to put in the effort. It's not a braindead easy 1234 competitive powerset like Ice, Mental, Sorcery, Gadgets etc. but it gets the job done. The only powersets that are not viable at all right now are Nature and Electricity for DPS role. Considering how easy content is these days, unless you're a Nature/Elec DPS, there's zero reason to worry about your performance as long as you know how your powerset's AM works.

    About PvP, it's utterly broken right now and the grind to top gear is quite heavy as well. If that's what you care most about then I can't recommend returning right now. PvP will only be fixed with the revamp, or after that. So you may just want to check in casually for now, use the Starro event to gear up a bit, but maybe not invest too heavily before the revamp is here.
  11. saywhaaaaaaaat Well-Known Player

    Wow, I keep getting likes out of no where, I just want to say thanks to my fans *cough* jasonlsley *cough*.
    Edit: thanks again lol
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