I haven't had dps gear as Nature in 2 years..TWO YEARS

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Theblackcat456, May 7, 2017.

  1. Theblackcat456 Committed Player

    I managed with Nature dps for a while but as other powers got superior AMs i deleted my dps gear in May 2015 during the HOP 2 dlc because the damage was absolutely awful as the other powers were completely superior and clearly the content was designed with the superior powers in mind. 2 years later and Nature is even worse as other powers have got improvements since 2015.Its May 2017 and nature has sucked since AF 2 in February i would say. I remember it was good just before AF 2 during WOTL 2 in November in 2014. So much time has passed and nothing has been done. More than 2 years of a dead dps power.. Fix it.
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  2. Here2Help Devoted Player

    Whilst Nature has been lacking for a very long period of time now, I have to disagree with one of your points if I read it correctly. I believe you're saying that Nature hasn't been good since AF2, including AF2. I was Nature back in AF2 and found it to be performing rather well in certain pieces of content such as Throne.
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  3. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    You are aware there is a revamp currently being tested, correct?
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  4. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    I HAVE a full set of DPS gear in my nature ALT but to be 100% honest it is no where near as high in combat rating as the Healer gear these days. Basically I'm like you all I do is log that alt on and join alerts and raids as the "healer" Now I don't mind the support being Number 1 because I like playing support but it does limit you when you want to do a solo challenge, on the dailies or, GOD FORBID, find a team mate that won't turn and walk out if you try to be the healer on a duo.

    HOPEFULLY when they finally get stats matter ready to go the DPS side of Nature will be better.... But It would be nice if they'd done some thing with it a long time ago.

    PS... I also have an electric healer.. same situation.
  5. saywhaaaaaaaat Well-Known Player

    Global warming? Revamp will fix that.
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  6. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    I don't understand why were making a thread like this when they actually are working on the revamp right now, it makes no sense.
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  7. Kuno Loyal Player

    Power Stats Revamp is taking forever... I think it's normal that Nature and Electricty players are pissed off. They never got their AMs right in the first place, or their weapon or midrange pass or a temporary DoT buff fix. NADA.
    They only been told to wait... for 2 years now. I think it's pretty embarrasing, heck one of the powers is Premium.

    I know people are tired to hear the complains here but they got the right to do it.
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  8. stärnbock Devoted Player

    why dont you change to electro? well, just kidding...
  9. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    So why exactly can't you switch to Damage for Solos and Duos? I'm not at all saying Nature is on par but I had run every Solo and Duo with Nature since Amazon Fury Part 2 and before as Nature Damage. Heck, I've done a considerable amount of Alerts and same 8-Mans of that same caliber, when it was still new, as well without immediately needing to switch to Healer.

    I have barely played in almost 3+ months but I was still able to do the Amazon Fury Part 3 content like that, the Anti-Monitor content and now the Starro content. Of course also the seasonals. I'm not saying that these are exceptionally hard content but that has been the mainstream content for a while. Content that the majority of players will be in.

    So I ask again why do you have to be a Healer for Solos and Duos? I suppose you could use the excuse that just because I can do it doesn't mean others can. However, I'd also argue that because I am able to do it, and with pretty relative ease, that anyone has the potential to do what I did too. None of what I mentioned is an extraordinary feat either so I am just very confused on your statement honestly...

    Waiting sucks. It really does, but some of you make it out to be that Nature's Damage side is completely unplayable at the moment which is far from the truth. If anyone wants tips I'd be happy to provide some, assuming I keep up with logging in of course. :)
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  10. Proxystar #Perception

    With due respect the revamp is taking a long time because they're attempting too do it correctly.

    Would You Rather They push it out broken only leading to more complaints?

    If so why? When your entire complaint here is about broken powers.
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  11. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    I want to see video proof that nature is doing good as a dps
  12. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    You are aware that nature had another revamp and people like you said the exact same thing?
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  13. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Same song for 3 combat revamps
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  14. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    It's not that it's tired (or that it's been said a zillion times or anything like that) and I understand (believe me I play those powers, I understand the pain) how frustrating the situation is.

    That being said were actually in a spot where not only are they working on it but it's been on test (as in we have proof it's being worked on, not just what is being said). In addition to this, the devs have already stated once (if not more than once, honestly can't recall at this point) that taking time to fix any of the current powers just takes away from the stats revamp (this was in response to folks asking for the long ago promised electric buff that we never got) and would make things take longer and be harder..

    So ergo this thread doesn't make sense to me because it's not a straight out vent, at the end of the day the OP is telling them to fix something, which is something they are allegedly doing (I say this because I don't currently like the way nature plays on test right now but we aren't finished so their is still at least hope).
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  15. Proxystar #Perception

    Actually this is the first time the developers have done a revamp I one go all at once with all powers.

    Every other revamp has been piecemeal one power at a time.

    So I'm giving it a chance at least.
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  16. Kuno Loyal Player

    Good. But why the other powers had many tweaks and passes and Electric and Nature were neglected time after time? I totally understand the complaints. We know they are working in the revamp, but like they say: forbidden not forgotten lol
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  17. Proxystar #Perception

    I can't answer that question the developers chose to leave dot powers until the end and they obviously never got there before scrapping the whole lot.

    I don't think you'll ever get an apology or the answer you're looking for but on the bright side at least its getting fixed now.
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  18. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Well mainly as I mentioned because my DPS gear is so far behind the HEALER the missions I have the ability to join and run as a healer are rated for higher CR than the ones I'd be able to join as a DPS. I am currently doing Starro event content and thanks to the Stat clamp involved there I can run both ways. But until I can get the DPS combat rating up outside the event the missions I'd be doing as a DPS wouldn't award any marks.
  19. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    have you seen what there doing to nature DPS side? don't hold your breath for a good outcome...
  20. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    Lets be for real, theres going to be uneven / unbalance powers regardless how long they take, if its 1 year, 5 or 15 years, theres going to be unbalanced powers like with any past revamps this game has seen. This revamp will be no different mark my word.
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