Anybody know about this code?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Balistical lce, May 6, 2017.

  1. Balistical lce Well-Known Player

    DCUO2017FCBD. Type it in at your redeem claim window in the MP
  2. Gamma Lantern Committed Player

    Lol mystery code eh
  3. Winter Sabel Dedicated Player

    DCUO 2017 Free Comic Book Day :)
  4. calvin_0 Dedicated Player

    what do it give?
  5. Domi Well-Known Player

    Yes, I'll be putting a video of it soon

    It is ridiculous.
    Daybreak logo
    New genesis gear (plus mask ring neck weapon, etc)
    12 soder cola ultimates
    2 radar enhancers.

    Redeemable per account.

    Didn't even make a new logo, gave us the anniversary logo instead which is suppose to be limited. Pretty b.s. status if you ask me.
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  6. calvin_0 Dedicated Player

    hmmm i wonder if the gear will scale with your CR, if it does, i'm keeping them until starro event ended..
  7. Domi Well-Known Player

    They do not. Their max level is 25.
    I opened them on my 180 CR alt and they're all level 25.
  8. light FX Steadfast Player

    Tbh i dont even see the point of giving out this stuff. Maybe its just me but im kinda confused.
  9. SkullGang Devoted Player

    The gift that keeps on giving lol.
  10. Domi Well-Known Player

    Here is the video.

    Please be aware there is a lot of cursing.
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  11. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    They could of done an enhanced version of the Daybreak logo at least.
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  12. Caroline Dedicated Player

    Cool, I like free stuff!
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  13. saywhaaaaaaaat Well-Known Player

    Free feats.
  14. calvin_0 Dedicated Player

    i already got it on my character and unlock it on my others character using replay badges (buying feats, not really, i got replay badges for free =P).. so i'll be keeping them for future..
  15. Balton hero Committed Player

    It's marketed as a free starter pack in the FCBD Edition WW#1. Designed to try to get new players. Will actually be useful when I start leveling my Atomic toon in the summer.
  16. TheArmorsmith Dedicated Player

    This whole thing reminds me of a scene in Not another Teen Movie. Where the main character gives a sandwich to a homeless guy after he asks for money. He looks at the sandwich and says, " I asked for money b****.... (then throws sandwich at her)".
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  17. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Nope after I saw this thread I logged back on and checked in out. You get one download per account and it is not account bound so whoever grabs it is pretty much stuck with it and the gear is just flat out 25 level doesn't scale at all. It is a starter kit designed to be used by a new ALT you want to create that will allow you to automatically slot 25 level gear in all slots. Oh lets see so you get:

    1 head piece
    1 chest piece
    1 pair of legs
    1 set of shoulder
    1 wait
    1 pair of feet
    1 pair of gloves
    1 back piece
    1 necklace
    1 mask

    and NO rings. Now if you were still working on the new genesis armor it's all that style, at least what i wound up with was, so you could grab the feat for that style.

    And as mentioned the free sodas and two radar enhancers and the Daybreak logo.

    Warning to anyone and every one .. This stuff is not account bound so do not grab it with your CR 188 Tank and then think you can just put the thing in your shared bank or email it to a low level alt. Once you hit accept .. it belongs to THAT alt with no way to transfer to anyone.

    Now I have two accounts one Legendary and one Premium and yep the premiums get the same one free kit. Sorry I don't own a F2P account so no clue but I'd venture a guess since I figure the whole idea is to stimulate players to create new alts .. there by eventually spending more cash to equip them... so my guess would be free 2 play can use the code too.
  18. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Ahhh but don't forget that OLD SAYING.. "If you hand a man a sandwich he can eat for one day.

    If you teach a man to plant wheat and harvest it, then turn it in doe and bake it he can create a loaf of bread.

    Then teach him how to raise chicken, or turkeys or pigs and then teach him how to slaughter and butcher then so he can turn them into lunch meat.

    And then teach him how to raise and care for cow and how to milk them and turn that into butter.

    He can make sandwiches for life.

    Of course he still needs to learn how to make Mayo or learn to drive so he can buy that at the store but hey.. He's close to eating a sandwich ever day right?" It's a long old saying but back then they didn't have cable TV or the Internet so what the heck else did the have to do? :D... <------oh yeah dat's right I am a total smart aleck* (*) please not the term aleck has been substituted for another word that may or may not have been censored LOL
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  19. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Here's a wild and whacky idea: it's actually intended to attract new players, not playes who are already playing and burnt out on entitlements, but nah, new players? Who needs them? What sort of company would be interested in attracting new players?
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  20. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    That's a good possibility too but the thing is would a brand new player even know to go to the market place and if they did would they know how to claim the freebie? Basing the question on the CR 105 I ran into in the Metropolis Battlezone that needed detailed instruction from me on how to pull up his map and where to look to find the button so he could warp to the rally point and get back above ground. He had hit that glitch where you arrive before the street fully rezzed and you wind up under it. If they can't use the map what are the chances they can find the market?

    But yes this would be good for a new player as well. Now let's hold their hand so they can cross the street and help them figure out how to get back inside a safehouse. LOL