Old school PVP

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Kazllab, Feb 4, 2017.

  1. Ash Inferno Well-Known Player

    Bringing back the rps system and role specific gear would be a good start although it will be totally meaningless without proper power balance.
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  2. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Now now. Removing the one shots from smoke bomb and other weapon combos was not a nerf. They did fail to balance the healing, but that's just Daybreak not understanding their own game. Removing one shots is not a nerf though, cmon.
  3. TheLastSuperman Well-Known Player

    Since they made all new players spawn into pve phase, its slowly died ever since. I'd love to see it switched back so everyone spawns into pvp phase and must learn about phase shifter and the different phases. Open world pvp is not what it used to be, it was alive two years or so back, I have screenshots of 80-100+ players in huge wars... both Gotham and Metro, sometimes started over collecting exos or collections, a war couldbe started over anything and things were interesting and spciy back then - versus chat was ALIVE. IF the open world wasn't enough, want to make it official? Then take it to Arenas but open world pvp kept this game going for ages, made players grind pvp arenas to get the gear they needed to crush their rivals on villain or hero side vice-versa.







    Then we went to limited choices in Arena map selections, then rotations, and now we have it open to anything but not enough people ever queue to take advantage of the map choices. It's very sad this game has undergone more changes than any other MMO, this is why it's never re-reviewed in any major gaming magazines - they wouldn't even know where to begin lmfao! Imagine a game like COD or Battlefield undergoing this many drastic changes even over time, players would move on and needless to say DCUO can't hold up to next-gen titles, so thinking this game will thrive when you keep changing it so much its barely recognizable is not the thing to do, if they want to do that just make a new game entirely stop wasting long standing players time with changes that don't make sense (example: Home Turf dlc, came out adding variety and more loadouts via util belts for pvp... then later they changed it all and did prismatic sockets and such so basically the entire Home Turf dlc is now a mute point, a waste of time for all of us who played through the content back in the day).
  4. SPAM Level 30

    open world pvp 3 years ago:

    where did you go?
  5. CTEN Well-Known Player

    Fun has been forbidden by royal decree.
  6. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    You must be young. Your game examples were not the best. COD did have a giant exoudus. When they were still Modern Warefare. It's was a bad break. It went from serious gamers to a little kids game. Same with Battlefield. It was originally a PC game. Most PCers hated the Battle Field Bad Company 2 that was made more for consules. That was their best title. When they started to gear it back towards the PC version with the following Battlefield titles, they have not done as well.

    The game has never had great media coverage. The are horrible at marketing. On top of that six months into its release the Hack Attack happened. Most games aren't mentioned in magazines 6 almost 7 years later. Pretty sure the game was dubbed a failure to begin with because of the large loss of money when first released. Sony spent like 50million just to develop and design the game.

    And home turf was not good for pvp. No one wants the days of 4 people dropping backups and splitting damage to the point each match could last the time limit. There was not much skill with that. Removing all of the home turf helped pvp, other changes hurt it.
  7. TheLastSuperman Well-Known Player

    Nah I'm an old fart, my examples meant to highlight the countless changes in this game and yes games older than dcuo have been re-reviewed (usually in mmo or mmorpg yearly recap mentions etc). You mention COD as in referencing the load outs or? Of course many people differ, so where you don't want more options in pvp others do. It's like handing someone a new copy of Battlefield and giving them all the guns maxed out then a few months later taking away those customization options - when you can add variety to something that matters. Some always thought using backup trinks, sidekick and other trinks plus your own soders was not "arena worthy" but it takes skill and timing to know when to use those trinks at the right time in Star Labs on a node to save the day and for the win mind you - the issue was always whiners who didn't work hard and didn't have the gear/trinks like the rest of us (this is why we can't have nice things) so they ished just like with certain powers so we constantly see nerfing.
  8. Racchus New Player

    If the players can't even agree on what changes to make, I wonder how the devs decide what changes to make. I thought they made changes based on the feedback they were getting, looks like that didn't work out LOL. DCUO community might have killed the pvp scene after all, or at least the ones that cried too much on the forums when things didn't go their way.
  9. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Your exactly right, kind of. I can't remember the name of the dev, spytle I think. He was one of the few who backed pvp. Did not always things everyone liked, but you can tell since he left or was promoted 2 to 2 and a half years ago, no one else filled his void. Pvp was just left untouched when he left. Well, except for the fix on some weapons.
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  10. Victor99dcuo Well-Known Player

    Yes your right Black Prime, After he left no one is doing nothing to Work on Pvp Balance. Here is a video on Pvp Wars in 2017.
  11. Max Sharps Level 30

    This is why I left 3 years ago, summer of 2014. The moment they took away the choice at the beginning for PVE or PVP, numbers dwindled quickly. New players who like PVP assumed it was just another lame PVE game, leaving mostly PVE people. I know people say it's the griefers... the gankers... but then there's people like me that loved that aspect of the game. I didn't give AF what level you were, I'd still take you on even if it meant getting sent back to the police station lol. I just missed the real challenges that old school PVP presented and coming up with innovative ways around them.

    This was basically me as a noob in old school PVP:
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  12. Life Caster New Player

    Role specific classes ment everything to pvp now it's just a boring 1 track class DPS!!!!! EWWWWWW
  13. Life Caster New Player

    Lol facts an it was fun
  14. Life Caster New Player

    The epic days of pvp I miss you
  15. Winter Sabel Dedicated Player

    What hallucinogenic drugs are you on? The persons name that shall not be spoken FUBAR PVP to no ends. PVP was jacked up under his watch and he created the 1 shot 1 class spam fest garbage.

    SOE 2014 ...3 powers in 12 months are the words that came out of his mouth.
    SOE 2014 is when he announced the 1 shot spam fest because PVP battles took too long (his words not mine).
    What else did that guy implement??? Oh yeah

    Marks relevancy & everything associated with GU 47.

    That guy was a cancerous tumor to DCUO.