Heal Barrels not Tallying at a Certain Point?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by quirkers, Apr 23, 2017.

  1. quirkers Well-Known Player

    Has anyone been experiencing this...?

    Last week I was doing Area 51 Lpve with my sister, I was hitting heal barrels to help towards the "breaking heal barrel" feats. When I checked it was at 399/500, so I hit more heal barrels with my toon, then I had her hit the heal barrels directly with her toon, it still stayed at 399/500. I then went to Gotham the Penthouse suite to hit some heal barrels - number still didn't change. Since last week, we have done done duos and solos and the number hasn't changed.

    I also checked on one of my lower toons who don't have the feat just to see if it was just her toon not tallying heal barrels. I think as soon as checked the feat menu at 52/100 it then wouldn't register any new heal barrels breaking.

    Checked this week too, doesn't seem to still be tallying any new heal barrels.

    P.S. I only realized it because I had been helping out my sister on lower level DCUO stuff.
  2. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Its been an issue off and on for a while now and has been reported. Hey I created a new alt back when the flash cowl was given away and was doing mission, including the alerts like Area 51, and it was on that alert when i realized I hadn't gotten credit for busting a single barrel of either kind. I had stayed behind after the mission was over specifically to bust barrels and got curious why I had yet to get any pop ups. When I looked I had ZERO listed for number of barrels busted, red and orange both, AND I forget how many contact missions I had done but also had no credit for opening any treasure chests.

    It has been reported and I was curious so i checked the other day... That same alt is now Cr 167 and barrels are being recorded but I still don't have ALL the feat associated with them. Normally I have all of those by the time i have hit thirty level.. Hope you get it working soon. Good luck
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  3. quirkers Well-Known Player

    Thanks for the feedback! :) I couldn't remembered if this had been an issue.

    Since I got the feat on my main many moons ago, my alts have adopted a que sera sera attitude, and the main reason I noticed it was due to helping with easy feats known as "heal barrel bashing." :oops:

    I did post in the Arkham Asylum section. Hope it get fixed soon :eek:
  4. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

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  5. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Feats are transferrable.
    CR Skip gives out these feats.
    The feats become bugged.
    Feat and feet are homophones.

    It's all so clear, now.
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  6. The Jelly Bean Dedicated Player

    Hmm, good point. It's like they give us a cr boost to make sales off of feat replays.
  7. The Jelly Bean Dedicated Player

    It's been broke for a few months now and just send them tells and post this every week so it gets their attention. That's all we can do.

    Don't forget to say that you borrowed my poking stick.
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  8. quirkers Well-Known Player

    Thanks for the link, finally got around to re/creating an account, voting and commenting on it - used a mobile which made it an interesting experience.

    Glad you've been persistent about this. Will try and stay aware of this issue well.

    Like it all makes sense now *mind expanded*

    Thanks for the input and guidance, and sorry for the slow response(s) 'cause unlike the reapers I don't have all the time in the world - and I also waste a bit of it.
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