About Crit WM Exclude!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by NathanZolanskii, Apr 23, 2017.

  1. NathanZolanskii Level 30

    Okay so does it the crit disable when you purchase the power point in the top corner. Or does it disable if you have the whole combo...aka 20 in both trees and you pick a WM combo!?? Referring to Earth and the Crystal pet
  2. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Weapon Mastery is not supposed to be able to used with Advance Mechanics in power sets (there is a bug that allows it to be used with at least one AM that I'm aware of). The Crystal is the AM for Earth, so while you have your Crystal out you are not allowed to get bonus power damage when you do a WM combo. The WM crit is a bonus you get when you do a WM combo and then a power (you know you've done it right when you get a shing sound and a red ring around your character) - the power will get an extra damage bonus. It has nothing to do with how many SP you spend or how many WMs you unlock.
  3. NathanZolanskii Level 30

    i understand all that im not a noob lol im just saying if i buy the top one in one weapon just to get the extra damage and control resistance... like when you just spec 20 points in Bow... and you do the pop up move it pops up more than one add. thats all i want it for.. i dont wanna just the WM Combos!
  4. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Sorry but I have no idea what it is you're actually asking. Hopefully someone else will be able to understand.
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  5. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    It's already disabled by default for earth and sorcery if you have the pet out, doesn't matter if you spec into WM or not. If you want WM crits, need to take crystal or fury off your loadout, that's how it works. There's no specific trigger you need to click on, except just simply having the pet on your loadout bar and active, if that's what you're trying to ask.
  6. Here2Help Devoted Player

    Don't buy the top SP that unlocks WM. You can spend another SP somewhere else if you want to unlock the bottom row of extra stats and gain the buffs.
  7. NathanZolanskii Level 30

    Im not trying to get any WM crits like from weapon mastery combos like when the sound makes after you activate a power i just want to go into bow spend 20 points and the one at the top so the pop up launcher launches more adds... im not talking about getting the combos at the bottom of any weapon trees
  8. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    You're talking about Explosive Shot combo right? Yes, you can get Bow Mastery and use the multi target version of Explosive Shot with any AM. The [WM crit excluded] only refers to the cross-weapon combos and not to the single weapon Mastery combos.
  9. NathanZolanskii Level 30

    THANKS! Thats what i wanted to Know... <3 <3
  10. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    I just knew my Bow experience would come in handy one day :D

    Keep in mind with ES Mastery though that the multi target version does only half damage so you can hit more targets but the total damage will stay the same as with the single target version. The cc is nice though!
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  11. NathanZolanskii Level 30

    Yea i ust want the CC so when i do solo content on alts too low and stuff
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  12. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Probably why I had no clue what he was talking about. If I had no weapon available to me except for a bow, I'd consider just pissing on the boss before I put my hands on one of those things.
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  13. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    Protip: 1234 AMs, grace periods, and Explosive Shot mix surprisingly well in single target builds ;)

    I do hope we can get them to make Flurry Shot clippable in the revamp though :confused:
  14. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Im celestial, I don't mess with weapons unless its to phantom range right after the buffs lol. Since there's no buffs in the revamp version, there's no reason for me to even touch weapons period unless the troll can't keep me up and I need to help regen myself.

    Getting off topic though, maybe.
  15. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    Forgot that for a second, of course you Celestial folks wouldn't be familiar with the concept of "weapons"! Although, if the clickbait videos and forum rumors are to be believed you'll never do a single combo again because of impossible power costs :eek:
    I hope OP doesn't mind the off topic in this case since his question has been answered.
  16. stärnbock Devoted Player

    also: while it says otherwhise, some combos get reduced dammage when you get the WM skill but use clipping. no good!
    example handblaster: if you want to clipp, use scissor kick! you will gain higher crit chance when WM activated, this however reduces dammage to both meteor blast and solar flame.