Idea - Damage Based Auto-Kick From Instance

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Skull Collector, Jan 23, 2017.

  1. Skull Collector Committed Player

    Agreed on penalizing terrible players being an issue, and that's why I think the percentages need to be fairly low. I know the title comes off as sounding like I want a feature that kicks crappy players, but that's not remotely what I was thinking. Some crunching would have to be done to figure out the average numbers for damage in or out/healing/power out etc. Once you found those averages then you'd need to start testing to see how low you could get away with before you're just risking kicks for players who aren't very skilled. I would think it would be pretty low, somewhere between 15 and 25 percent of the average numbers maybe? I don't know, I honestly suck at anything involving numbers other than addresses and phone numbers. Math and I don't get along very well.

    I'd just like to have an option where when the I'm in the middle of combat, the game let's me kick people who aren't pulling their weight looking for a free ride, or have gone afk for too long. And of course, the option to vote No to that kick offered up by the numbers the game is reading.
  2. recoil Committed Player

    hell no. healers naturally are low dpsers even in DPS mode with exception of celestial. now if the person wasn't doing anything i could understand. for example i was running the non stat clamped version of starro invasion and at the start they said "need both healers". well i and the other player both switched to healer. guess what? the other person barely healed and every body died. REPEATEDLY died. and then somehow i got kicked for doing all the healing. moral of the story? people are idiots. it'd be far better to make it similar to the inactive gamplay disconnect. not doing anything? kicked from the mission. this works well for healers, tanks, dps and trollers alike.
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  3. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    The Op was perma banned months ago, I don't think this idea is going anywhere... you can rest easy tonight,
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  4. recoil Committed Player

    well that's a relief. until that mission i'd yet to see a healer carried. didn't even think it was possible.
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  5. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    thats b/c ppl rather complain and argue rather then offer idea's and how to tweak said idea from the OP to improve a simple suggestion.

    something as simple as saying:

    make this for only events as it seems he finds / found ppl going AFK in major events / seasonals ect a issue, and make regular content have instance kick locks. Meaning if you kick someone in PBR your locked from kicking in PBR again for 1 hour. Not across the board like it is now.

    See how hard was it to offer a suggestion? Its not but all people on this forum want to do anymore is argue over nothing. Is why nothing gets fixed b/c developers see arguing and immediately close the thread rather than looking through and reading some of the good suggestions that were actually made by some people.
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  6. recoil Committed Player

    that's true. usually i see roles slacking off when theres 2 of each. of course instances like unholy matrimony and basically all of tier 8 require players to perform their roles. other wise everyone dies. i just think it'd go alot easier on everyone if healers could deal damage as well as heal. it'd be rather useful if they fused dps roles with the 2nd roles each player has.
  7. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    Not me they just need to make content harder so support is actually needed. Not impossible but hard. People should be able to beat it if they have the right set up of roles, skills ect

    but those that refuse to allow more then 1 of a support into content should struggle. That way of thinking IMHO needs to stop asap. Support deserve the right to content just as any role.

    Much like Elu in fatal's thread had brought up with tanking, if they did as you're suggestion for healers it'd be focusing on dmg more then their main roles duty, like it is now on live with atomic battle tanks. Is why I dislike the idea of tanks being like atomic.

    Dont get me wrong ppl should dab into support, or if they support only dab into DPSing at some point just to get their hands dirty of both worlds / roles. It builds onto the persons knowledge and experience of the game. I've been every power (minus water obviously lol) and been every role in the game multiple times. Simply to learn the ins and outs of them and see how they play at the top content.

    Havent done that in awhile though as it gets costly to re-mod and respec powers ect

    As far as UM goes I've only ever seen 2 healers/tanks used in that raid. 2 heals for brother blood fight for when 1 heal loses powers, 2 tanks for 1st boss when it originally dropped on live.
  8. recoil Committed Player

    oh no i mean keep the secodary roles abilties ie healing tanking trolling but add the damage buff and armor buff to them in their support state. dps would cease to exist as a seperate thing entirely. no one would have to change loadouts to dps and heal at the same time. trollers would no longer be "just batteries". and healers wouldn't be nearly as squishy. and it'd solve everybody wanting to dps rather than do their actual roles, making hard raids and alerts far less hassle to try and run through.
  9. ghosts Well-Known Player

    As much as the idea in the original post may have flaws, at least it's a suggestion for a very widespread problem in the game for people that don't run content with friends they know or don't want to be in a league
    There is a massive pool of scumbag people in this game that only get enjoyment out of it by being annoying and inconveniencing others that actually want to play the game and have fun, and there's so many of them only because they know the devs aren't doing anything at all to discourage or punish them
    l think they need to implement some sort of mechanic like this but only after they improve the tutorial section of the game so new players know what they have to be doing in order to be useful in an insance
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  10. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    That would be extremely unfair to an electric character for starters. its not their fault the devs crapped all over them. on the other hand youll have sorcery and earth coasters who can basically tape their triangle down & read a book while their pet does everything thats how ridiculous of a power it is. and i have 2 of each so im not biased.
  11. Please Stop Me Well-Known Player

    Very stupid idea as stated a dozen times already. I will never understand the desire to be listed at the top of a scorecard that most people see for a split second.
  12. recoil Committed Player

    agreed. there are some powers that the developers have just plain neglected, for example electric and nature. and i also agree we need tutorials as we have people who went through the game carried or soloing to the point that they can't function in a group or use their powers effectively. we've got: no healers, no trollers, and most of the time a tank won't do their job. well i can't really blame the tank since a healer can't do much with their own limited power back mechanics.
  13. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    OMG is this still being discussed? Guys as Fatal pointed out this is a three month old thread and from the general tone of most that responded I'd say it's pretty clear that the vast majority of us agree.. BAD... BAD IDEA! and for just a whole host of different reasons.

    Now I am the first to admit that there are, in fact, players that do just about everything but actually play this game while on duos, alerts and raids and force the rest of us to pick up the slack but this entire idea revolve around the speed demon mentality we also see in the game these days.

    There is already a perfectly good way to get rid of any player that is coasting along letting others earn them marks and armor. .. Start a kick vote. Now if you are so obsessed with getting done ten seconds faster that you can't take the time to do that then deal with the team mate you have. There is no good way to set a standard to determine if any player is helping a team so some stupid auto kick feature can be placed in game.


    Here lies yet another dumb idea that thankfully shall never see a moment of time in the actual game.
    In lieu of flowers the family of the idea suggests that players simply throw rocks at bad players, call them silly names and kick them off teams they are sponging off of for marks and armor.
    May the idea rest is a state of utter torment

    My work here is done, LOL
  14. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    much like others your just being you b/c the OP isnt here to defend from the snarky *** comments.
  15. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    NO .. Now here's a really good idea you can try before you jump to conclusions again and again and again. Go look on page number 2 of this thread and you'll discover I responded to this same thread way back in January when it first came out and long before Skull got banned. I felt it was a bad idea then, still do and see absolutely no reason to keep stirring the pot since the general feeling from other players here seems to mirror my feelings.

    I have no clue what got Skull banned and since on numerous occasions in the past he and I were on the same side in debates that raged on the forums I'm sorry to see him gone. Does not change the fact the idea has no simple, safe and effective way to ever be implemented in game.

    Here's an idea.. before you jump in and just start tossing around accusations I suggest you check your facts... Should I provide you with a link to page number TWO or do you think you can find that all by yourself?

    link Just in case here you go please note the date THANK YOU.... BYE
  16. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    "no safe/simple/effective way to ever implement in the game"

    What? o_O I gave a legit suggestion above. But guess your to stubborn in your old ways to see it eh :rolleyes:
  17. RNGesus New Player

    Love is idea now people are definitely not gonna pick up a downed group member or avoid mechanics for fear of "being kicked out for not enough damage". What's so hard about just ending the raid real quick and getting another person and going back in?
  18. The Batzombie Well-Known Player

    The only auto-kick I would like, is if a person is DC'd for more than five minutes. If five minutes passes and they're not back. They're not intending on coming back.
  19. recoil Committed Player

    why do we still have dps seperate? everybody knows you can't perform your natural role in dps mode. healers don't throw group heals in dps, trollers don't throw power, and tanks convert all durability into damage. why not just fuse the two functions? dps would cease to exist at all and alot of players would be better in missions since they'd still do the damage they did in dps but would be free to thow power/heals or tank at the same time. it's a win/win siuation except for the scoreboard chasers.
  20. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    b/c some people like playing DPS role, and some dont. They shouldnt be forced into DPS or into support roles. It should be optional as it is a video game where its suppose to be a distraction and fun.

    Tanks/trolls/heals arent meant to deal DPS dmg, the damage they do now is good enough and contributes enough for what they already bring to the table which is support benefits.

    Thats like asking remove support and just have everyone DPS and give DPS role higher def, powers to self heal, and self power. Its not fair to those who enjoy support to be forced into DPSing only.