PC to Xbox?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Scorpion, Apr 2, 2017.

  1. Scorpion Well-Known Player

    I have played dcuo for years ever since it came as a matter fact I still got my bane trinket from pre-order on steam. I haven't played the last few months dew to friends taking a break or not having time for the game anymore. I got an Xbox one then decided to try dcuo out on there, I admit a little frustrating leveling a new character again especially since I can't skip missions like I used to too level faster. Point is I did pvp ques are fast, friendly yet competitive community, and I have already made a few new friends to play with. What I wanted to know if there was any way to migrate my pc account to my xbox one so my years of devotion to this game wont go to waste.
  2. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Unfortunately the answer to your question is probably no. People asked in the past if they could transfer their PS account to PC, and Vice Versa.

    That didn't happen.

    Considering Xbox one is on an entirely different Server then the US Cross-Server(The Server that's merged PC and PS), I would wager that it's very unlikely that DBG will let that happen.
  3. Here2Help Devoted Player

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  4. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Not at this time. If PC and Xbox were to become cross-platform sometime in the future, then maybe. Right now that's not a possibility.

    Cross-platform play is unlikely because of the way that Microsoft opened up crossplay between XB1 and PC. They made it so it could only be done with Windows 10, that players had to have an XBL account, that it went through their vetting (probably specifically to make sure XB can't play with PS), and the game had to be built (in our case, rebuilt) on a specific, proprietary, framework:
  5. Scorpion Well-Known Player

    Thanks I figured there wasn't much of a yes on this but I was hopeful. Oh well I guess I'll just wait till the server merge or cross platform play happens until the my account will just sit there