Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Loy, Mar 20, 2017.

  1. Loy Well-Known Player

    Hi. So currently im a nature healer (yeah, I cant DPS that much) I need help in deciding which power to change into. So the choices are ice, atomic,fire or rage. I would appreciate it if you can rate it in terms of DPS, Tanking, Effectiveness and easiness to use/master. I appreciate all help because im really confused on what power to change into. Thanks all and have a nice day!:)

  2. Thomas Wayne jr Active Player

    Be a man and switch to gadgets. It's the honest way to go.
  3. Johnny0276 Dedicated Player

    It can be done with nature. One of the raids I was running, Olympus or God of Monsters, I forget which. But I came in like 2nd or 3rd on scoreboard. I was like yes! take that nature haters! And also that I'm starting to pay too much attention to the scoreboard.
  4. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Hmmm, challenge accepted?
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  5. Loy Well-Known Player

    Ill switch to tanks because of the shortage in that role ;)
    The population of the healers are too high compared to tanks haha
    Help me? :(
  6. Butterfly Boy Committed Player

    Hey there, just passing through and figured I'd drop this in :)

    Ice - Ice is a solid tanking power, it can be used in pretty much any circumstance and is very easy to learn. It consists primarily of shields and high defense. Ice also has a very strong DPS side at the moment which can come in handy if you ever need to play that role. With that being said, Ice Tanking (and DPS) tends to be boring because you're only using shield after shield. Your shields are also what will cause aggro to enemies around you so there isn't much else that you will be doing.

    Earth - Earth is a great tanking power as well, though it is used mostly for DPS these days. Earth, being a pet based power, relies on Crystal to do damage and Brick to tank. There are ways of tanking without the help of Brick, the aftershock method. With Earth you get more freedom of play than Ice and your main methods of survival are damage absorption and high defense. The two methods of tanking as Earth allow you to either use Brick to share aggro and inbound damage, or use the Aftershock method to increase your damage absorption, there are also loadouts that mix these two methods. As mentioned earlier, most players use Earth for DPS at the moment because of the current power balancing.

    Atomic - Atomic is a solid tanking power, it works with combos to provide self healing with a great defense up as well. Atomic is primarily a rotation based tank, this means that there is an order to the abilities you hit. Unlike Ice, Earth and Fire, Atomic tanking cannot just hit whatever power it wants, whenever it wants. With that being said, Atomic tanking is very easy to pick up and very fun to use. It has the best pulls in the game without a doubt and works pretty much anywhere. Atomic also has a great DPS side.

    Fire - Fire is by far my favourite tanking power, this is mostly because I've been playing it since launch. The mechanics revolve around high health and self heals. As a Fire tank you will be blocking pretty much all the time, what is referred to as 'turtling'. A Fire tank's health and restoration are increased when a power is active, and while blocking your effective health is phenomenal. Let go of that block though? You're about the weakest tank there is. And you will have to let go of that block to cast your powers. This makes Fire fun and challenging as you will have to time your powers just right, however as a Fire tank you can supplement incoming damage using your self heals. The DPS side of Fire is not the best, out of all the tank powers it is currently the lowest in damage output.

    Rage - Rage in my opinion is the most fun you can have tanking. Similar to Atomic it is rotation based, and it is not as forgiving as Atomic if you fail to follow that rotation. Rage works off of the Rage mechanic and high health. As a Rage tank you heal back 100% of incoming damage while your Rage mode is active, this ability lasts for 8 seconds at which point you crash and all that damage comes back and hits you all at once. You have to time your abilities to either Reduce or Cancel the crash, if you fail to hit those abilities then that damage will kill you. The second mechanic of Rage involves health buffs, your health increases based on the amount of enemies around you and the number of powers cast, making Rage the best tank for areas with a lot of foes. Rage can be really fun as there is little room for error and keeps you on your feet. One thing to note about Rage tanking however is that it is very power hungry, far more than any of other tanks. For a Rage tank, a good Controller is more important than a good Healer, if you run out of power and cannot Cancel your Rage Mode, you die. Rage DPS is also good, though currently lacking a little when compared to some of the others, however in the right hands it can be quite strong.

    I have ordered these powers from least to most fun to play. I would recommend Atomic. Atomic is a great balance between all of the tank powers, it has the high defense of Ice, the self heals of Fire, the combos of Earth's Aftershock, and uses an active state like Rage mode with its Quark Gluon aura. Atomic is easy to pick up and works in every situation, it's a great power to play.
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  7. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    My advice would be rather useless because it's the same for all these kinds of threads. Pick the power you like to use and stick with it. If you enjoy nature then stay nature. When the stat revamp hits, every power is going to look completely different, and whatever power you switch to may not be as enjoyable to you after the revamp.

    Make an alt of all the tank powers, get an idea of how they work and see if you enjoy one of them enough to switch. Form your own opinion.
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  8. SkullGang Devoted Player

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  9. AbBaNdOn_IGN Committed Player

    Ice/Fire are probably the funnest to play in DPS because they are mobile and nice damage up front letting you plow through ads.

    I couldnt really talk about tanks, they all work different so it seems like u just have to choose and learn.

    I was a fake fire tank for a long time and i had fun! As soon as i get more armories my Fire will get 1 so he can be Pure tank.
  10. Gimpy Loyal Player

    Do exactly as Fatal said.

    Relying on other's opinions of a power-set when you can actually try the power yourself in less than a day can ruin your own PoV about the power.

    You will (should) know weather you like a power or not before hitting level 30.
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  11. Controller Devoted Player

    Hard Light and Atomic are the FUNNEST and BESTEST.

    I love BOTH of these powers personally and have 2 toons at end game.

    Find the power you LOVE - not the BEST performing.
  12. light FX Steadfast Player

    Id say atomic. Good dps and fun to tank with.
  13. gemii Dedicated Player

    Atomic or ice

    .... if you want more of a challenge Fire or Rage.

    i'd personally go Atomic, its a fun tank and it can do alot of damage even in tank role.. and its cheesy in pvp if your into that stuff.
  14. Jeazy Baby Dedicated Player

    for the DPS side
    ICE, EARTH, ATOMIC, FIRE, RAGE (rage above fire if melee i.e. alerts/duos)

    for the Tank side
    All can tank everything without a problem, the reasons for these orders are as follows. Rage has the best of everything in my oppinion. You have very good mobility and can move around freely even in sitiuations where there are a ton of adds on you and don't have to worry about contantly blocking.

    Atomic would be higher on my list as it does have great damage output and the ability to damn near solo raids as well as a great group shield. The reason I put Rage and Ice ahead of them is because of mobility, because of the need to constantly combo you're really limited to on how quickly you can move around while tanking. Which in most cases isn't a big issue, I just don't like feeling like i'm stuck in 1 place. Don't get me wrong though it's a great power.

    Ice is simple and strong. great shields and great mobility. It can battle tank rather well too in easier content (i.e OLYr, GOMr).

    My only reason for putting Earth and Fire at the end is that they lack a group range pull. Seriously this should be a fundamental part of all tank powers...come on devs.