So looking back exactly what did everyone seem to hate about the anniversary event?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TechWarrior0329, Feb 9, 2017.

  1. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    The title says it all and since at least the rumors on the forums seem to imply we will be seeing a whole lot more of the "special events" in the future to fill the gaps between actual DLCs. I am curious what all players found so terrible about it since to be honest for the most part I thought it was fine.

    Small ground rule.. I am only looking for feed back on the 4 daily missions the weekly Shadow Archon mission and the raid. NOT the "gift" of free CR 100 + 60 SP.

    Okay breaking it down:

    The daily missions:

    Things I found to be perfectly fine:

    1. missions were set up so regardless of anyone teaming up or not 2, 3 or ?? players could attack the same mobs associated with almost all objectives and everyone got credit for the defeat and the objects (one big exception we will talk about under things I didn't like)

    2.. Missions were also set up so that regardless of factions involved everyone got credit as well.. None of that the villain got there first so don't even bother you wont get credit for the defeats or objectives (we see this on the current Valentine's Day event.. if a villain approaches the crystal first Sapphires spawn not Mr freeze thugs and heroes get nothing from that spot.. same is true if heroes active the freeze thugs.. villains can't do anything at that spot)

    3. missions were not overly involved. Unlike some normal daily missions there was no racing from point a where you had accomplished one objective to point B for another and then C for a thrd before you FINALLY got to attack and defeat a sub boss to complete the missions ( lets see good example .. would be Gotham Under Siege suggestion box mission where you have to defeat the small mob around two portals. Then travel to another portion of the zone and defeat 2 onyx statues. then travel back to the place you started and defeat 3 harpes and then FINALLY head to the roof to deak with the boss)

    4. Shadow Archon mission gave us two option.. Defeat the Shadow Demons before they merge into an Archon OR wait and defeat the Archon itself. Both ways had a feat attached to them and the good part was if you were on playing at a slow time when not a lot of players were around . Two players could easily complete the event taking out the demons before they became an Archon

    Things I didn't like and could be improved:

    1. Really only one as far as I was concerned.. The mission to destroy the exobyte emitters needs a FIX before next year because it can be annoying. I am betting quite a few of you dealt with this.. you attack the 2-3 man mob around the device. you defeat all the mob members and then click on the operator.. and THEN? Some other player, that may not have fired a shot at the mobs, swoops in and destroys the device before you can turn and fire off a shot. YOU got no credit for that device being destroyed. I'm SORRY but since when doesn't destroying/defeating the things defenses and lowering the protective shield NOT count toward destroying something? If I had not done all that "busy" work before hand could the other guy have even destroyed the device? Answer by the way is NO.. FIX THAT DEVS it sucked

    Okay on to the raid which seemed to be the one that everyone hated and from just about everything I read the biggest gripe was players joining the raid and doing nothing but watch while the others took out Anti Monitor. Now trust me I don't condone that sort of behavior either but honestly? I did that raid at least 2-3 times a day with alts from start to end and only had ONE team member pull that crap and some one did start a vote to kick him. Not 100% sure if the guy actually got kicked .. I was kind of preoccupied beating on anti monitor at the time and didn't see the results of the vote

    Aside from that the only thing that kind of ticked me off was the knock back. OMG that thing would toss you half way across the map. Now supposedly the shields were designed to counteract it but it always seemed like 90% of the teams you were on were trying to get the feat for destroying shards in 2 minutes or less and / or the feat for completing the hole thing in 5 minutes. No one was using shields just BOMBS. I personally had one alt go through 26 bombs on one raid.... and we STILL didn't get the speed feat. At least a part of that was because we were getting tossed around like rag dolls.

    A few other posts I saw here were concerned about us all being some how NERFED? I have to assume that has to do with bonuses from SP because as far as armor and basic stats were concerned we all git the buff to CR 230 and every single stat I had went up .. except for DOM for some reason that had a negative number beside it???? Some one will have to explain what the fuss was on that issue because didn't seem to stop me for doing fine.. Heck on one raid my CR 130 Rage DPS was THE lowest dps on the entire raid (without the buff to 230) and yet because I used a ton of bombs I came in 2nd in damage??? Can't recall all the actual CRS.. but pretty sure i out damaged at least a couple guys in the 180s.

    Things I liked: biggest was the armor drops. unatunned so I could use it on either role and set up so you always got a piece at least a couple CR higher than what you were wearing. In short there were no BAD drops. I had several alts increase their CR significantly using the drops from the raid and the gear bought from the vendor.

    Things they could fix: KNOCK BACK .. At some point could we get the Dev team to understand that some of us, probably most of us, would REALLY really like to actual attack stuff and not spend more time in a mission picking our selves up off the ground than hitting anything? Not saying to eliminate it completely but come on.. when I have raced across the map to target and attack a shadow and then suddenly .. WOOSH I am half way across the map and not near a dang thing I can shoot at... it tends to tick you off especially when Calculator is just waiting to humiliate you if Anti Monitor eats more than you defeat.

    Okay so that's my view. Overall I was happy and could be happier with those few fixes by next time. So what were your concerns and what is your idea to solve them? Keeping in mind that yes even i agree that players loafing in the cave watching you play is bad but not a lot the Devs can do about that.
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  2. Skull Collector Committed Player

    What did I hate? Let's see.

    Ridiculously high prices on gear.

    Fugly gear styles.

    Gear set not being able to be completed without using replays.

    The feats attached to completing the gear sets.

    Everything about CC. Given it's difficulty and high annyoyance factor, this should have been the weekly, not the daily. Purge the Merge should have been the daily instead. It took too long to finish (not alt friendly at all and people want events to be fun and relatively quick. This was neither). Getting bounced around way too much, even using the shields at times. Stupid feats that were simply too hard to accomplish for many players, even in organized groups. I'm still missing 3 of the 4 time sensitive ones, and dgaf anymore to even bother trying next year. In fact, after 5 or 6 attempts at the shard speed feat in an organized group with communication and split teams, I gave up trying. I ended up getting it completely by accident in a pug group 2 days later. Was totally shocked.

    The only thing I liked were the outside daily missions and the feats attached to them. Fun and fast. Worst event ever for many reasons, imo. Actually, now that I think of it, the lowered spawn rates and increased de spawn rates on the Archons was a dumb move as well.
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  3. xXHeadlinerXx Dedicated Player

    TL;DR but

    Crowd Control.
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  4. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    The fact that you had to reset to complete the vendor gear .
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  5. SuperNerdGeekOverkill Dedicated Player

    What I liked:
    • everything that you liked

    What I disliked:
    • Replays needed to finish feats, even though it was its first year.
    • 8 player seasonal was a bad idea. Had the event been a 4 player instance, I guarantee less people would've pretended to be DC, because if a 4 man OP is 1 man down, it's like an 8 man OP being down 2. Lot less likely to finish. Therefore less players would've even attempted to DC, because the chance of the group finishing without them was too slim. Kick timer needs to be gone before this event returns. If only for this specific event instance.
    • What you mentioned about that 1 solo mission where ppl could "steal" your activations.
    Are you also looking for feedback on the TC associated with the event? Because if you do, this post would be a lot longer.
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  6. Pults Loyal Player

    All of it
  7. Crows Well-Known Player

    I liked it the first couple of days and then it became kinda dull, plus fact you had to replay to finish vendor gear was some bs I didn't care for & also the ridiculously overpriced collection piece, which I guess is the unfortunate norm now. Anyway it was fine for a bit and then it got boring and more of a chore than anything else. If it was just the outside I wouldn't care as much, all seasonals end up becoming part of the routine eventually and it's often a in & out deal, but fact that the raid was a whole ordeal got real old real fast.

    I would probably have enjoyed the outside missions a bit more of it wasn't always the same mission. I'm aware it's just a seasonal, but these location-outside missions often have a little variation list like Typhon, GUS, Wastelands etc, doing different things every other day would've been nice, but hey like I said it was still a little routine I got used to through January, just a few more dailies. My real issue was just the ridiculous prices & how it felt much more of a scam than a gift anyways
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  8. lukelucky Devoted Player

    Replays needed to finish it

    The content was awful. Why put 8 people in and need no roles?
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  9. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Agree but when you come down to it aren't all events a repeating bore after a while? Look at Valentine's day? And we actually have or at least had people complaining finding the crystals was taking TOO lone? I decided to time it after that and took me all of 13 minutes. That included talking to Hal Jordon in the Easy End PD, travel to where I hunt, defending 5 crystals, quing up and completing the alert and shopping for a T-shirt. But its the exact same thing day after day after day. hey they all are but when you get right down to it.. LOOK at end game and its the exact same thing too. My CR 189 doesn't replay raids so I do those of Thursday after reset. Rest of the week I can do EVERYTHING available in about 1 hour. .. Hmmm better clarify that. I can do everything available that will pay me in coins. At this point all armor is either 164 or 165 so I have no need for things like RIT becaxse I have nothing to spend marks on now anyway.

    I could definitely see adding a few more choices for the dailies but again its an event not a DLC. They may have all been the same every day BUT we got 4 dailies. Name a regular HOLIDAY event where we got more than ONE mission altogether. I think the idea was give us more ways to earn crowns . And all that stuff you mention ;..Like Typhon, Wasteland .. those were regular content and part of a DLC.
    Think of it this way.. we could have had only 1 daily and the raid instead we got 4 dailies you could solo , one weekly you could duo/ team and the raid.

    It was a bummer that we couldn't get a full set of gear before it ended .. maybe they could set it up so the SAME gear we BUY at the vendor DROPS during the raid? At that point you do the raid enough and might only need to buy one or two RARE pieces from the vendor
  10. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Check my reply to Crows I had an idea about that for next year.. have the exact same gear drop during the raid that we can buy at the vendor. Maybe make a couple pieces rare drops (say the chest and legs) That was you could get most of the gear just by doing the raid and use your crowns to buy the rare stuff.

    Some how knowing their need for GREED I double we'll see that though.. Kicks the heck out o0f the need for replays
  11. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Funny most of the teams I joined had at the very least a healer and a troll. Now the thing was from start to end it always seemed like most teams were after the speed feats so they skimped on Support and went heavy on dps...... AND THAT DIFFERS FROM MOST END CONTENT RAIDS AND ALERT HOW? lol

    Granted since there was no lock out IF you died.. just rez and hop back inside .. the need for a healer was less needed along with the troll but IF you all stay alive and no one runs out of power.. isn't it a little easier to kill stuff faster?

    Now I only PUGGED the thing once and honestly cant even recall the make up of that team but all the LFG teams i was on always had a healer and a troll.. heck I WAS the troll a number of times.. Oh by the way.. the PUG was also the ONLY really LENGTHY raid I was on Took like 37 minutes Most of the LFG raids lasted between 6- 9 minutes
  12. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Can't say I really hated anything about it because I hardly played the content, but given how much I like the break that seasonal events can provide, that kind of says something about how I viewed the anniversary event.

    What was the most frustrating for me was the collection drops apparently being locked behind a piece of content. In the past you'd get the chance of getting event collection pieces from the open world collection spawns in Gotham or Metropolis. That changed with the anniversary event and has continued with the new collection in this year's Valentine's Day event.

    Maybe it's a database thing, or maybe even a loot table issue, I don't know. I'm not going to bother trying to figure out why the devs went in that directions. But I would have been more than willing to go the slow route (running all the anniversary content except for the 8 man content) to save up the currency I needed to get the vendor collection piece while searching the open world collection spawns for the rest of the anniversary collection.

    Oh well.
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  13. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Lets see definitely agree on the pricing but sadly LOOK at the price of T8 gear we are grinding for coins to buy. I think higher prices is going to be the new norm

    Honestly? Not even sure what the gear looks like. I HAVE my alts costume pretty much set and no desire to alter it ALL I was after was any gear that upped my CR. and like I mentioned i was fairly happy with the way they had that set up . Not a single gear drop that I didn't end up slotting .. even if it only lasted a day and got replaced by newer stuff 2 or 3 CR higher.

    Definitely agree on the feat for gear.. If your going to make it dang near impossible, without replays, to get a full set of the stuff then a feat for it is a joke.

    Definitely agree on the knock back as I already mentioned. THAT was insane. Not sure about the difficulty part .. now at times (do largely to being tossed around the map like a rag doll) it could be a challenge trying to FIND a shard and god I HATED having a shadwo all lines up and then WOOSH half way across the map. I do agree the shields were NOT very effective. On one raid where i was the troll I slotted bombs where my charm normally went and shields where I keep my supply drop.. hey I think the whole month I actually had to rez once so I figured the healer would keep me alive. So I was hitting both of those and really didn't see a lot of difference between using or NOT using the shield. MAYBE a little less knock back but NOT MUCH.

    I doubt they'd ever go for making Purge the Merge THE daily and turning the raid into a weekly unless they did a couple things first. 1) take out the part where you get credit for defeating the shadows before they merge.. Hey some players say they completed that part solo and I have done it personally with 2 or 3 so they'd do something to eliminate that or way too easy to get armor drops and 2) increase the number of fully mature Archon needed from 4 or say 8 or more.. AGAIN .. mainly because the Devs would not let us get armor drop on something that can be done that fast and easy with an 8 man group.
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  14. inferno Loyal Player

    Love the story, I thought the instance was great. Finally fighting with the Anti-Monitor the way that he was in Crisis; not in the Darkseid War (Boy, they nerfed him really good there).

    I love the styles!! Finally, I have the components to make a nice looking Superman Prime. Maybe next year we can have the Anti-Monitor style before he put on the armor?

    The Central City area, I think it would have added to the drama if the buildings were a little more destroyed and swarms of Shadows would be going in and out.

    There is only ONE simple mistake they made. The reward in relation to the prices at the vendor. Whether it needed more "crown" rewards or lesser prices; everything on the vendor should be purchaseable by week 3; giving us another week to save up or just relax. That's the way it has been on any other events and that's the way it should always be. In the end, a lot of people gave up and got mad because, there was no way to finish everything even IF they did it everyday. And the mindset of forcing players to play it everyday to get everything is bad enough, but having to do it everyday and not finish everything is worse.

    I would say, "well done" to the Devs. If you really think about it, the whole event could easily be a DLC of its own. Having 3 open world mission, a bounty and a "raid" with purchaseable gear. If it weren't for the price, reward, and longevity, I think people would have welcomed it more. I actually hoped it would be up for 2 or 3 months because it's such an entertaining activity to do.

    BTW - I think the number of qwa bombs and shields should have been increased to make it easier to go into the raid, everyone was saving theirs up for their league runs or feat runs.
  15. tukuan Devoted Player

    Mostly what was a hassle was the need to grind out the raid every single day plus replays. Somewhere closer to 4-5 times a week would have been better. Of course this would mean decreasing all costs or for example letting us do the shadow mission more than once a week.

    Beyond that I think collections where we have to buy a piece at quite a high currency cost should have a more liberal drop rate for the other pieces. I got the scar piece but ended up selling it as I didn't see myself dropping the 10m needed for the next two rarest pieces.

    That the outside stuff was better than most seasonal missions and I really liked the furniture drops.
  16. BabyBoyzim Dedicated Player

    It was a cash grab designed as a 'gift.'

    The raid was awful and the feats were a tad too hard. The crowd control was terrible as well. The content just was not fun. Beatable, but way too hard for something of event caliber. Should have been a breeze, a fun distraction. If that was a regular tiered raid it would have been fine difficulty wise. For a once a year thing it was pure crap.
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  17. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Buy it up maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan

    The jerking around and launched in the air, even some times with the qward shields up, was just so fn rage inducing.
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  18. BabyBoyzim Dedicated Player

    Do you know what happens to people that put horrible drop rates on time capsules? Do ya???????
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  19. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Oh yeah I forgot about that It was pretty crumby that basically the only way to complete a collection was to use coins (the same ones we needed to buy the gear we couldn't possible get all of without using replays) to buy collections pieces.
  20. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    While I tend to agree.. Think about it. These days what the heck about the game isn't a cash grab?

    Heck look at our "Anniversary gift". a FREE upgrade to Cr 100 with 60 SP. So any premium or free to play that used that thing either better already HAVE the necessary DLCs to advance or plan on buying them or you just upgraded to a point where almost nothing gives you marks any more. Not quite as bad for a legendary but how many of the subscribers turned around and started buying additional Feat points.. Because stats matter is coming and just how effective is a CR 100 with only 60 SP?

    Even the "Open Season" that was running at the same time.. If a F2P got an alt to CR 130 and now the open season is over TWO choices (well 3) 1) spend some cash and either 1a) sub up or 1b) buy dlcs and become a premium OR 2) let that alt sit doing absolutely nothing until another open season appears (IF EVER)

    and of course Time capsules Daybreak's answer to the question "Hey you guys like to gamble away tons of cash and get nothing in return right?"
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