How many Alts can you really play at a high level?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by SparkmanX, Feb 6, 2017.

  1. light FX Steadfast Player

    I play 6 at end game. Names in my sig below.
  2. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    At several points in this game I have had at least 16 characters in "deep end-game". The max number I ever had was 22 during monthly content... I've retired most of them since the current dlc came out.
  3. xD25x Dedicated Player

    Down to 2 and honestly it's hard to maintain my alt atm. Been running the same stuff over and over and I get tired after the dailies on my main.
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  4. SuperNerdGeekOverkill Dedicated Player

    I recently saw a guy on the forums who, according to his signature, had maybe 10 toons at cr188 and higher.
    So that much is possible, although I don't know under what circumstances (hard for me to imagine that person's got a full time job)
  5. Deus Ex Machina Committed Player

    I salute you. I went from five to three. 189+ both roles.
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  6. AbBaNdOn_IGN Committed Player

    Im not end game but what i do is try to run all raids available to me to grind marks. I sprinkle in the 2/4's I like. The goal is to burn thru raids tho and then switch toons.

    Sometimes I play really off peak hours and other times there is some damn event going so it can take awhile to get through raids. On average I only work on two guys per week. 3 is good but usually runs into reset day. Getting to a 4th toon is very rare lol.

    The event only take 2-2.5 to run my 9 peeps through. But with downtimes and me playing at night im about half done on second character and reset day is fast approaching...
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  7. spack2k Steadfast Player

    well since i have a job and 2 other hobbies which consume a lot of free time as well, i can still maintain 2 chars at end game so i guess more hardcore ppl could still squish one or two more chars for the end game but more would be to stressful.
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  8. Arwen Skywalker Loyal Player

    Premium here, max 6 toons.
    So from a perspective of "casual, no replaying" view. The first phase of DLCs, I had my main up, both roles, modded with end-game mods. Villain main used to catch up like a CR below, same story both roles geared up plus end-game mods.

    I think when DCUO followed the episodes format, I was still managing both roles on my main and end-game mods but my villain main kinda had to sacrifice the support roles. By this time I started to make alts, 3 tanks, 1 in hero, 2 in villain. Basically I was gearing up with scraps and modding them with either the VI synths or betas.

    By the time we were in the latter part of episodes format up until now, I was completely just focused now on my main on gears and mods. The support role gears are just scraps from the raid (164s) and I can't keep up with the modding so either Synths for pure color or Betas just for the crits. And pretty much with the dying tank population in the league, well my hero tank is doing well i guess with all the scrap gears people plow in raids. My villain main got neglected because I ended up using my tank alt more is having the same fate as my hero tank, scrap gears and crap mods.

    The base amount of the vendor and mod requirements is kind of steep, and being it's the only relevant content for such, I was burnt out 2-3 weeks in when AF3 dropped. And being burnt out, my alts are half-@ssed now.

    Like the other guy said, the state of the game + having other games to finish, just isn't helping with alts.
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  9. Arwen Skywalker Loyal Player

    Still premium here and probably forever premium, my main can keep up with the end-game mods, and, well having legendary friends I can easily ask for Equipment Interfaces. The rest of my alts tho, I settle with synths or beta mods just for the crits.

    Yeah, I stack up on EI1s for repairs, some of my leaguemates sends me the occasional stacks of EI2s for repairs, cuz they're aware and sweet like that.
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  10. Gimpy Loyal Player

    No one does, I will leave it sitting right where it is until it rots.

    No joking.
  11. AberrantAngel Committed Player

    I run 7 toons that are all 188 or higher on both roles sp range from 260 ish - 294. 2 others that can run top content as trolls though I would not take them into the elite or gomr unless it was a group of friends 170 Ish cr I believe both with under 100 sp. Just not sure I like the powers enough yet. Don't run them very much.
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  12. Elusian Crowd Control

    Atm. only 2. Could be more but game doesnt wants me to log in and redo stuff more than for those 2 + I enjoy other games atm more which I both consider my mains as they are on different servers.
  13. Crows Well-Known Player

    My alts are all mostly mules and seasonal runners. Once upon a time I had one of each support at end game back in UM days, but now I don't really have the time (money) or the patience (money) to get them all fully up as my main. I'm working on only one alt now, it's going slowly, he just got a T8 yesterday there's only so much I can do without spending replays and with shoddy drop rates.
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  14. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    You can have a lot. Players can get to 188 just running duos and solos
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  15. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    I keep two at as high as you can but it all depends on how much you play and how geared you need to be to perform your role as you only have to keep alts in a safe zone of gear not fully maxed like your main.

    and it also depends on if you're pugging or running with friends because if your skilled your friends wont care what CR you are
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  16. Gamma Lantern Committed Player

    Although I just came back a couple weeks ago from a 3 month break....i've been playing my 4 main toons at current dlc for years. When i first started I was in highschool, now I'm in college and work Monday - Thursday and have to make time for my girl and a lift everyday and I still manage to keep them all up even taking a couple breaks on average every year.

    The way I've always done it is just pure dailies on weekdays after class/work..... then dailies and weekly stuff (raids, bounties) on the weekends when I have a lot more free time.
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  17. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    Thanks. I just finished the Fallen God style set on my main, with the new discount feature I'll likely have each of my alts dps roles to 189 within the next week or so. Hopefully that feature continues throughout future DLC's that way people can plan out better and make it even easier to gear up alts/off roles.
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  18. colonelbondo Well-Known Player

    cr relevancy blows for alts. i level up my alts through duos mainly. i have a ton of alts because i get bored with one power and for me the character and the power are a package so i dont buy power respec tokens. so i dont get too far into end-game because i only play the duos. get vendor gear with alts? hilarious. i dont even raid near end game because i dont have many skill points and end-game players are really demanding and i dont need that kind of grief
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  19. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Eh I just get bored with end-game content, so that's why I like having my alts to take a break from it.
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  20. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    I have my main then 2 main alts, they are around 187 188. but I only really play them for the support role as I want all the roles. My main plays both roles. If I get a duplicate piece ill throw it on my alts damage role but I don't concern myself with it. My main reason for alts was to have them in situations when we need a healer or tank as my mains a troll. I have a few after those main 2 alts that are all lower than those scattered throughout the game but I don't really concern myself with really trying to level them. they level when they level. If I give my main 2 alts anything its my mains sp and some synth mods, even with the amount of exo's we have now available I still can't be bothered to actually fully mod my alts. you just don't need it.
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