Amp up gameplay!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Azifer, Jan 22, 2017.

  1. Azifer Level 30

    This game is great, don't get me wrong, but it can also be stale at times. I mean, I get tired of seeing zones I completed way back at level 5, irritated with the silly combat system, and bored with the open world. These each can easily be remedied, and thus improve the game.

    1. Open World Clutter: There should be a way to remove completed open world mission areas. Not from the game entirely, but for individual players. This can improve performance, but also allow us higher tiered players room for new challenges.

    2. The Combat System: The counter system in this game is... bad, but the combat does still have potential. Block breaks should work through actual counter methods. This means, blocking first, then pressing the corresponding button to the opponents attack. It'd serve as a way to keep us going, instead of stopping dead in our tracks, when blocking. A fluid combat system is also just more enjoyable. Also, being knocked down, and dealt damage from someone throwing something at me, while I'm blocking. I mean, the sole intent is to block attacks, yet a single rock thrown a the character takes them down.

    For example: If the enemy is about to hit you with a heavymelee attack, you guard and tap the melee button to counter attack, dealing damage.

    3. Dull Open World: In my years playing the game, I couldn't help but notice how stagnant the open world feels. Yeah, the devs will throw small enemies in from new events, but what's the point? The cultists have a quest, but it's such a quick one, and doesn't feel worth even including them. What would have been cooler would have been to receive a notification that people were disappearing, starting out taking them down in the open world, then have the missions transition to the Wastelands. As for the Qwardians, they seem to have it worse. The intended quest to defeat them to gather energy can be completed within the event space. I respect their intent for detail, but both instances ended up feeling redundant.

    My proposition to fix this would be to instead include a couple random boss fights in the actual open world maps of Gotham, and Metropolis.

    For example: Every Friday, a random character could appear to attack heroes and/or villains. It could be Bane and Killer Croc throwing down, and heroes are called in to stop them from causing further collateral damage. Joker could need help getting away from Red Hood and Huntress, so he calls in some villains to help.

    It would be cool to include the headquarters of both factions, too. Zod breaks into the Watchtower to try to make the heroes kneel to him, or some super powered government agents manage to find the Hall of Doom.

    It would be even better to do both the open world maps, and the headquarters for better variety, and to bring more life to the game.

    Those were some suggestions for the future for what I think would definitely help improve the game, in terms of having more fun. What do you guys think would be fun to see in-game?
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  2. the solowing Unwavering Player

    the game has ALOT of potential but most of the dev time is really finding out what sells rather then enhancing the experience through the game itself
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  3. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    1. Okay, so besides the fact that removing existing open world conflict areas for individual players could and probably would be a monumental task (resulting in either ridicule-based laughter or exclamations of "They want us to do WHAT?!" on the part of some of the dev team), you are basically asking for existing open world clutter to be removed so it can be replaced with...more clutter. At the very least, it sounds counter-productive and could just lead to a never-ending cycle of removal and replacement. After all, unless a player chooses to stay at a certain CR, they will outgrow the content and it will become more clutter.

    2. Even though there have been performance improvements over the years to the existing counter system, it still has moments where it doesn't work quite right. I still get occasions where I know I properly countered a target and they still hit me. So even though we still have occasional latency issues with the system registering our commands in this current setup, you want to add more layers to how it works? Sorry, but that just sounds like a recipe for frustration.

    3. Large numbers of players all swarming to one sport to attack and get credit for a target has in the past and will cause server performance issues, in this game and others I've played. Doesn't matter if it's in the open world or in the HQ's.

    You can see performance issues to a lesser extent outside the safehouses or the gathering spots and mission hubs in the game. Add in multiple attacks from various power sets, players summoning bodyguards/trinket pets/sidekicks, and who-knows-how-many players letting loose with Orbital Strikes on the target and that's almost begging for a server crash.
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  4. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    1. I don't think this is at all possible. Basically you are asking them to go in and tailor the game to every single players Combat Rating. Okay so you have past the need to be in the Wastelands for anything but there may be thousands that are still at that level of play. It would be the same as saying .. I have hit level thirty and am now doing Tier 1 content .. Why can't they eliminate all those mobs and stuff I had to get through to get to level 30? LOL because all the new players still need them and YOU are not in that zone alone.

    2. Yeah the Combat System needs work I think my biggest gripe would be how screwed up it can get. I hate things like the Joker's WAGs which absolutely resists any sort of hold, stun, or knockdown you try to use on them BUT them dang things are still able to attack and knock down an ALT way above their rating. I have had times I was traveling through Gotham exobit hunting and had a level 20 something WAG knock down my CR 180+ DPS. Of course it was dead seconds later but come on? REALLY? I am at least 160 CR better than that little guy what the heck is he even dong thinking about attacking me much less having the ability to knock me on my butt?

    3. A lot of people have a negative attitude about open world daily mission and I have never been sure why. Yes they are the same missions over and over again but then look at tier 8 right now... I have a CR 188 DPS/TROLL that has exactly 1 duo, one alert and 2 raids to do and i don't use replays on raids so after Thursday's reset I am doing the exact same TWO missions again and again and again every day to grab ancient coins and armor drops. if it were not for the Monster Invasion zone there wouldn't be much to DO at all.

    Open world daily content is good for a number of reasons.

    There are players , like myself, that enjoy the feeling of playing solo once in a while and just about every MMO adds content to allow that. I'm a super hero I SHOULD be able to take out a few mobs and a small boss on my own without having to call the Watch Tower and have a team dispatched because some guy just snatched an old lady's purse right?

    Obviously all open world content has added feats attached to it so that's HOW many more SP we can get doing stuff that's easy enough to do WITHOUT a team?

    The biggie for me is time management. Look at the daily content we have. If I have a mission to defeat 18 Cyclops and free 6 citizens that have captured and plan to eat. I can be out working on that WHILE the QUE is looking for a raid or alert for e to do. NOW if I get an invite to go do say the Underground Trial and suddenly go POOF from the Monster zone.. When the alert is over and I reappear back in the Invasion zone.. I did not lose any of the cyclops i defeated or the citizen''s I saved. I got armor drops, marks and ancient coins doing the alert and now have only a few more things to defeat and rescue and I earn more coins and marks. Much more productive use of wait time than sitting around in my lair waiting for something to happen.

    Now some of your idea are pretty good but would take some coordination. Sure it would be great to have BANE show up in the East End looking to take out Batman and we rush in to defeat him BUT can we have a CR 186 BOSS running around in an area where a level 8 is trying to defeat mobs? There is a way.. I used to play City of heroes and they had a series of GIANT MONSTERS that spawned and roamed in certain zones .. now in most cases you needed at least a certain level to even be in that zone but anyone above THAT level could join in and battle one. Now obviously a CR 189 is going to do more damage than a CR 70 but here's how COH handled that issue. The GM was coded so it took X amount of damage and delieverd X amount of damage out based on WHO was attacking it. SO that CR 70 attacks BANE in Gotham. Bane senses the attacker is CR 70 and takes damage from him like he is CR 70. Now right next to out CR 70 hero is a CR 190 attacking as well. OKAY Bane's sensor kicks in and for THAT player he takes damage and gives it back like he is a CR 190 himself. That way you could actually have a team of players battling that includes everything from a level 5 to a CR 190 and everyone gets credit and everyone feels like they accomplished something .. Now of course I realize the SCOREBOARD chasers would hate this because it would actually be possible for a lowly Cr 50 to OUT DAMAGE a CR 185 .. OMG the horror! LOL
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  5. NoPhilosophy Committed Player

    Your combat suggestions are terrible. This isn't God of war.
    Use your reflexes like a normal person.
  6. NoPhilosophy Committed Player

    Ok sorry to sound so rude I apologize, but your reasons why don't seem sincere:

    Just because someone throws a rock at you and breaks through your block isn't the point. It's a rock paper scissor system.

    There are already hardware and lag issues, so adding another sequence of button presses just to counter someone will create a large mess and may end up being exploitable.
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  7. Azifer Level 30

    1. I get where you're coming from, but it definitely should be possible to remove the older instances to make room for something fresh, or just remove them entirely.

    2. I was actually talking about replacing the counter system entirely for something less frustrating, which the current counter system very much is.

    3. We already have people who sit outside of the clubs and police stations, and in the headquarters as is, so your point doesn't seem to make much sense here. Don't get me wrong, I get where you're coming from, but it just doesn't add up. Besides, there wouldn't be anything wrong with the area they appear in becoming locked off after a minute, or two. My third point, I may have forgotten to mention, was supposed to tie in with the first to address the risk you mentioned with your response. That way, just in case, there was already something at play to prevent that risk.
  8. Azifer Level 30

    My reasons are sincere, the "rock, paper, scissors" system is too easily exploitable as is, which is why I suggested the alternative that I did. That way, there would be an actual point to blocking, and a valid means for your character being knocked down/taking damage, while helping them remain active with counters.
  9. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    People struggle learning the current combat system and you want to complicate it even further? As much as I like your "move while blocking" idea, you need to think about the learning curve the new players are already struggling with, and partly why combat is being revamped in the stat update.
  10. Azifer Level 30

    Actually, my suggestion is a good one, your response isn't. There is literally no point to reflexes with a system that will register you as still blocking after you've thrown a punch. Not to mention the fact that people play games to have fun, and the current counter system isn't that. It's frustrating, and too easily exploitable. Not trying to make the game god of war. I'm trying to make the combat system good.
  11. Azifer Level 30

    It wouldn't be complicated, it'd be simpler, actually. People struggle with this current one, because of how easily exploited it is by seasoned players, and how broken it is in terms of registering a change in attack/ranged/blocking.

    It's literally this simple:
    Hold block, and press the corresponding button to you enemies attack, or press the action button to block break.
  12. Azifer Level 30

    Let me start by saying that I love your comment. You don't just shoot down my suggestion, you embrace what is viable, and add to the discussion, or suggest a different means of executing the idea presented. Well done, good sir.

    1. I'll admit, I figured it might be a long shot, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to suggest it. The original intent was to treat characters over a certain level/combat rating that way, so as to keep the game fresh and interesting for us. I was even thinking it would be cool to expand upon the minor open world tie ins, like the qwardians, and expand upon them in a couple zones, while leaving some clear to avoid undermining the removal of clutter, instead of redundant.

    2. Yeah, alongside changing the counter system, keeping the higher tiered players above newcomers would make sure our stats matter. This is why I think there should be a ranked pvp system that emphasizes player ranks on sp, cr, and level. That way, people aren't completely outclassed, keeping them willing to play pvp. As for open world and duels, it's fair game.

    3. I'm actually on board with your suggestion. It makes a lot of sense, and would be perfectly viable in this game. As for the scoreboard part, I think it'd be cool for them to separate the scoreboard into separate areas based on Cr, so the score chasers can see which cr did the best in their category. :)
  13. Azifer Level 30

    Unfortunately, I think I might agree with you there. I understand they're trying to keep the lights on, but as the old saying goes, you have to spend money to make money. If they invest more in enhancing the game, servers, customer service, and promotion, they could really sell well, and make everyone happy.
  14. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    ugh. nothing about this game is hard to learn...
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  15. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    1. But if you're using that removed instance to make another, it's not cleaning up anything. If anything it's making more stuff to have to clean up later.

    2. You'd still be dealing with latency thanks to the game being an MMO, and with all things considered keeping the system as simple as possible is probably for the best. Having to do multiple commands to counter like you suggested could and probably would end up being far more frustrating than what we have.

    3. Okay, take the largest crowd you've seen either outside a safehouse or in one of the headquarters and multiply it by five (at the very least). Now, instead of all those characters just standing around chatting or what not, imagine ALL of them letting loose with every single attack they can possibly dish out and summoning every pet they can on a target, all so they can claim some kind of credit for getting an attack in on the target. And on top of that, imagine more players flooding into that spot to do the exact same thing as all the other players that are already there.

    I've seen it happen many times in other games (the destruction of Restuss in SWG comes to mind off the top of my head) and you can see similar things happen in videos from this game when Mepps or one of the devs have spawned a super-mega-monster NPC in one of the headquarters. It wouldn't matter if the area had been cleared of formerly relevant content. You're going to put a huge load on the server by getting that many players all gathering together in one spot, and it's going to get worse once they start going to town on a target.
  16. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    I mentioned an idea like that a few years ago.

    Each player would randomly have an area assigned to them when they log in.

    Again, randomly, an antagonist (hero or villain) would be in that area which can only be attacked by that character. This could happen during any time the player is online. And would only spawn when that player gets within a few blocks. They'd know because Oracle/Calculator would tell them.

    After spawning If other players got too close they'd be pushed back a block. (Sort of like the front guards of the safe houses but not as far.) Maybe a block or two.

    When the assigned player arrives they would then fight.
    The antagonist's stats would, of course, be varied by whom they may be fighting.

    The server can assign more than one person to each antagonist. It's whoever gets to that area first that gets to do the fight.

    If you didn't get to do the fight then the server assigns you a new area and antagonist.
    You'd, of course, would never know how many times you were reassigned during the day.

    By doing this, people would be all over the open world seeing what's going on.
    And maybe they'd farm a little while traveling around.

    For winning you'd get a Loot Boxes containing...

    1 - Base Item (Heroes get a framed newspaper showing their victory. Villains get a tombstone with the name of whoever they defeated.)
    1 - League Base Item (Larger version of the above)
    1 - Compound Omega
    16 - Red, Blue, and Yellow Exobits
    16 - Simple material
    16 - Complex material

    1 - Belt with a glowing roman numeral (color changeable) to signify how many kills you've had up to 10.)

    Feats for 1, 5, 10 wins (It's so random 10 wins may be harder to get than the Base Fight feat.)
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  17. Azifer Level 30

    Tweak some of the loot options, and you've got a good idea there.
  18. Azifer Level 30

    1. I've already addressed this, so I'm skipping it.

    2. You're speaking as if I'm calling for street fighter combos. I'm simply talking about counters starting from a similar origin point (blocking), and corresponding with the appropriate button of the opponent's attack. It's not only a more fair system than the one at play, but it provides a viable use for blocking. As a cherry on top, it makes block breaks believable. The current system is skewed to the advantage of players with the faster combat styles, providing no incentive to play the slower combat styles. Not only that, you're inevitably punished for playing them as well, which is never how it should be.

    3. Not that many players are on at the same time, and considering duels commonly occur in front of safehouses, your point still collapses in on itself. Also, as other commenters have suggested, the mere potential of that issue can be resolved through a first come first serve system.