DCUO all these henchmen themes and STILL no Funhouse theme? WHAT?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Funnybones and Foodstamps, Jan 14, 2017.

  1. Funnybones and Foodstamps New Player

    DCUO, The Devs have came up with a lot of great themes of henchmen including the new Anniversary event Qwardian Henchmen, which I am currently running on my main dps toon I enjoy using. However my toons are clown style characters mentored by The Joker but there are no base theme style that a Joker mentored villian or any character can use or add to their toon to make your character a more in depth clown like The Joker, Punchline, Clownsanity, The Metal Mimes, Laugh Riot and many other great clown style characters in the game! How are we supposed to make a great Legendary clown character if we do not have a Funhouse theme base or Funhouse theme henchmen so I am asking as veteran player of over 5 years please give us the Funhouse Theme Base and Henchmen! I hope The Devs will listen to what the community wants and finally releases these LONG overdue Joker Goon Henchmen/Funhouse Henchmen to the game! Thanks for reading add your input please.
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  2. Kuno Loyal Player

    I want amazon henchwoman lol
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  3. spack2k Steadfast Player

    i want 3 Angels for Me as henchmans:p

    PS: u know what i mean by saying angels
  4. Emoney Dedicated Player

    Victoria Secret?
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  5. Klownnuke Active Player

    I approve this message.
  6. oasenhoheit Loyal Player

    I want Henchmen, which look like my alts. :D
    Or smaller clones of myself. :)
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  7. LIEUTENANT MARVEL Well-Known Player

    At last, I finally saw a henchmen improvement post. I support this. If they don't improve the sidekick appearance options then I am fine with improvements on the henchmen. :D
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  8. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    We need amazon back up and HL construct back up.
  9. spack2k Steadfast Player

    imagine u could customise the appearance of ur Orbital /Supply /Henchmen & Sidekick, now that would be a feature !