AM power return only working on training dummies

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Daruma, Jan 13, 2017.

  1. Daruma New Player

    Hello, folks,

    After some experimenting I've realized that my AM power return on both my Quantum & Nature heroes only works on training dummies in the Watch Tower War Room... It never ever works on actual NPC enemies outside the Watch Tower.

    Hopefully someone has a fix or workaround for it.

    Logging out, even turning off my xbox one doesn't help :(

    Thanks for any help anyone might have.
  2. Here2Help Devoted Player

    You must not be using the power regeneration side of the AM correctly or you're mistaking the amount of power you're getting at the Sparring Targets as the same amount as power you should be getting back in other environments. This is not true. Sparring Targets give nearby players a constant feed of power to let us test loadouts and powers and so on and that's not actually the AM power regeneration kicking in.
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  3. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    I can't speak to nature, but I use quantum regularly and power return seems to be functioning normally.
  4. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    Nature AM performing as expected on PC.

    If it is a platform issue on XB1, you will need a video to show what is the issue.