I'm not saying Nerf it but...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Light Bender92, Jan 5, 2017.

  1. Light Bender92 Well-Known Player

    Man is the new event hard....... Okay okay I'll stop lol of course the raid itself isn't hard but bruh the speed feat is just ridiculous... Is it a typo or something? I mean I have literally tried every group combination I can think of and the closest I've gotten is 8 minutes... I've heard of some people getting it in 6 which is amazing to me. Is there a trick to it? Am I missing something?

    Lets star off with the problems... First of all, the CCs are hella op lol. I mean stun after stun after knockback after stun like oh my god I swear I've raged like 30 times. Secondly, Oracle n Calculator talk WAY too long, by the time they finish and you can enter, a minute has already passed. Just let us walk in instantly. 3rd, the monitor itself takes way too long to burn. This is what I meant by am I missing something because it seems like no matter what this takes forever.

    Is anyone else having difficulty with the feat? Has anyone cracked it yet? If you are having difficulty feel free to post your situation as well so the devs can see and hopefully make some sort of change. If you've cracked then man you are a DC god in my eyes and congrats, now tell me your secret! lol but yea maybe there's some sort of hidden mechanic to it that I'm just missing.

    p.s wth are the exobyte shields supposed to do? They seem pretty useless as of now.
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  2. Light Bender92 Well-Known Player

    p.p.s So far the other feats are okay. I didn't mention the crystal feat because I feel that we haven't been able to get that due to the long intro, and I already got the shadow feat (which was sooooooo satisfying to get btw lol). These feats seem harder and more satisfying than some of the recent raid feats we've had, I'm impressed. Maybe we can see more like these in future content? And having a boss fight that isn't solely just burn is pretty cool too. Having mechanics with it is always a plus. Cheers.
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  3. Jumpnit Dedicated Player

    The bombs you get from the daily missions is the key. They do TONS of damage to both adds and the shards in the first phase, aswell as the shadow adds in the second. My league will be saving ours up for the next couple days to give it a good shot this weekend, this will probably never be done by a pug group, you will need everyone in the group to use them, be somewhat coordinated to not over use them on a single target and have the DPS to burn anti-montior down but it is doable.
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  4. Light Bender92 Well-Known Player

    Yea we've been using the bombs, it's the only way to get even CLOSE to it lol. But due to the 5 percent thing it has a diminishing return. Meaning that after you use em once on a group of adds, it's pretty useless lol.
  5. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    Its kind of disgusting to know you only have about 30 days once a year to do this feat.

    And it's clamped. There is no try again when you get stronger.
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  6. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    Normally I wouldn't agree but you're right. These feats are very hard to get (especially the crystal feat since too many players act stupid and/or give up in my group). The anti-monitor stuns are extremely annoying, especially for a combo power player (R.I.P atomic and celestial players). After 11 runs I have yet to beat BOTH speed feats. I can only imagine how hard it would be for inexperienced players.
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  7. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    I think I read somewhere that it won't only appear in January but a few times throughout the year but I'm not sure. Hopefully they add stuff like this (I wouldn't mind this event being repeated) during months that don't have any events going on (January, April, May, September).
  8. SYNDICOR2525 Dedicated Player

    The raid itself is easy. A couple of the feats associated with it seem pretty difficult to get. I played the raid twice last night without reset (working on defeating the boss 15 times for the feat). The first run took us about 20 minutes to complete, since most of the group (myself included) had not ran the content. The second run took us 14 minutes but obviously we were still far from required time limit. As mentioned above by another player, the bombs definitely have an impact on clearing out the adds and cutting down the completion time. I used them throughout the second run and noticed a couple of other group members doing so, as well. Seems like the shields also play a part. Like most content related feats, these will require a strategy and communication from the group members. The event just launched yesterday. I have a feeling that within the next couple of days, players will figure it out and quite a few will have most of these completed. Overall, I like the event and I like that there are a couple of difficult feats to obtain from it.
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  9. Anothername Well-Known Player

    I did it once yesterday. Even with my char getting knocked out half a fistful of times it was not really that hard. Its just... good lord I nearly sleept in of boredom after the 5ths or so column that needs to be destroyed. Soooo many HP sponges it ain't fun.
  10. Korvyne Committed Player

    No it doesn't need nerfed. So you can't get the feats after 1 day/a handful of attempts and already there's crys of "this is too hard". Its posts like this that have ruined this games content.
    Anyway. It seems you need to use the bombs and Shields to get the 5 min feat, so shields to not get knocked about and bombs to get everything down quick, shards, adds, shadows.
    My league and I are saving up our bombs and Shields to have a good attempt at it.
    Shard feat and shadow feat wasn't too hard, just used the bombs and of course dps hard in between, i got these on my first attempt with leaguemates and friends who knew what to do.
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  11. Menelaos Dedicated Player

    Please don't nerf it.

    Why is it that there are always "nerf" posts the same day or the next day after content comes out?
    Figure it out guys, earn the feat...stop asking for nerfs.

    These are likely the same people who would have complained if it had been to easy.

    If nobody has gotten the feat 1/2 way through, then I could see someone asking for this.

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  12. light FX Steadfast Player

    I dont think it needs a nerf. But the 5min speed feat should not be a part of this kind of content. Im guessing 90% of players will not get this feat. And it wont be for a lack of trying either. If this is a so called gift event and level 5 players can enter then why have a feat that only the most skilled end game players will get? And i know i will get this feat because we were close today on 1st few tries. But majority wont. Even some very good players wont get it. What purpose does this feat serve exactly?
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  13. The peoples Badguy Committed Player

    The Bad One says no new nerfs. He is a proud anti-nerfite.
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  14. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    It hasn't even been out for 48 hours, give it some freaking time and try to learn the mechanics.

    I ran it 3 times yesterday (twice as a sorc healer-different characters- and once as an ice tank) and we didn't have any wipes and while it may have taken a bit, we got it done. Each group was faster than the last because more and more people knew about the bombs (SPREAD THE WORD!) and shields. I pugged each one and had to explain to some how to actually read the instructions on the screen. I'm expecting today to be even better than yesterday*.
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  15. MaverickRaven657 Well-Known Player

    I ran it quite a bit. I got really close to it with one group, but it took a few trial runs breaking that group in. The trick is getting to know one another within ur team and being able to communicate well. When you know what your team mate is gonna do, you're in that sweetspot. And it SHOULD go without saying that everyone should be using those bombs unselfishly. If you have even one guy hoarding them because he doesn't want to "waste marks" or whatever, it curses the cause.
  16. Light Bender92 Well-Known Player

    The title of the the thread is literally "Im NOT saying nerf but..." and its really just to grab people's attention. Get the hell off your high horse. I never said I wanted it to be nerfed I asked has anyone been able to get it yet and if so what did they do? Now unless you've gotten it and care to share your method besides the obvious things that were ALREADY mentioned such as the bombs etc, then please if its "threads like these" that hurt the game then leave. No one asked for YOUR reply lol. I even had a follow-up post saying "Im impressed and I hope to see more like these in the future." Stop trying to make it seem as if I'm just trying to dumb down the content.
  17. Light Bender92 Well-Known Player

    Again, I never asked for a nerf. The real question should be, why do people jump to the conclusion that someone is asking for a nerf. I'm merely concerned is all. If you run the event 20 times with the same results even after trying NUMEROUS methods you'd be concerned too. God damn you all are a fear mongering lot.
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  18. Light Bender92 Well-Known Player

    Maybe they threw in the feats as a way to give end game players or people that know what they're doing something extra? I mean those level 5 players are just happy to run the content and get the rewards, So i guess they made the feats for us at end game that may not necessarily need the gear but would want to get something out of it. Eh, just a thought.
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  19. xXHeadlinerXx Dedicated Player

    Too late they are nerfing it lol.
  20. Here2Help Devoted Player

    They're already nerfing it. I do feel that the speed feat is near impossible. I've tried plenty of times with a top league group and closest we got was 6 minutes. 5 just feels too little. The instance nerf will make the speed feat much easier (dare I say actually doable?), but hopefully it's still a challenge. I really don't want to see people popping the speed feat without even going for it, that I do hate.
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