Does DCUO actually take action against gold sellers?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Shark Dental, Dec 14, 2016.

  1. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    I've never had a problem, though I've only used them a handful of times. I use MMOOK.
  2. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    You may be right, it may actually be another $$$ arm of Daybreak. Who knows?
    The DCUO economy is broken and Daybreak should clear out everyone's $$$$ once again.
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  3. the solowing Unwavering Player

    No, it needs to remain a free market, prices are way high because alot of legendaries have absurd amount of money and since the majority of the playerbase (non members) cant flatten out the prices. You have the rich trying to get rich on the rich
  4. the solowing Unwavering Player

    oh Wow people complaining about gold sellers NOW?!?! When people were trading 20 dollar psn card for cash LONNNNNNNNGGG before this was a concern to anyone but now its a problem?
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  5. Swiftduck Loyal Player

    i love how people are coming here defending gold sellers as if they are a feature of the game...

    you guys are too much.
  6. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    fortunately i keep my in game trading with other players to a minimum. where gold sellers are concerned it'll never be a problem for me.

    i was able to raise 120 million in about a week to buy a second flaming phoenix feather and molted gorgon skin (92 million and 12 million actually). it can be done.

    something is up. where we were during the last round of time capsules, even the cosmic skin booster bundles prices were never this high. the money glitch and subsequent money wipe happened five years ago. how is so much cash still floating around the game?
  7. SYNDICOR2525 Dedicated Player

    Trump will fix this
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  8. appocolyps Committed Player

    350 replays costs £7.99, that allows 3 raid replay, for £7.99 i can buy 10m in game cash, most in game replay sales are 1.5mill or 2mill that is 5 or 6 replays, i know what im spending my money on!!
  9. Winter Sabel Dedicated Player

    Actually when I ran a test to see if you can keep these guys out of the game I did fairly well. All it tales is active game moderators Which the game does not have or an active players base that is willing to put in the effort to get rid of these guys.
  10. Gimpy Loyal Player

    I admit I will never be able to convey that a new account can be made within 2 minutes of an account being removed.
    That there are most likely dozens, if not hundreds, of accounts are waiting to take the place already.

    Getting a Name banned is not getting rid of those guys.

    Don't believe a word I say, do what everyone says, "google it" , then spend some time looking at the 3rd party programs that are being used.
    It's no secret they exist and the devs know it, you just don't see what the dev's do about those using them.
    If you doubt those 3rd party programs work then download and test 1 for yourself using your name.
    If you did your homework and have a clean program it will log you in.

    Tell us what us happens when you come back.

    I do have to place this disclaimer though, as there will be some tempted to do this that have no knowledge of what, how, reasoning or why I say "did your homework and have a clean program",
    3rd party programs of this nature are widely known for containing "malware" and for stealing your account/s, there are still people with the knowledge to make and use these programs that are considered clean and they are not "free". If you use a 3rd party program you may face some legal issues of your own.

    Do not attempt to use something you have no knowledge about, it will turn out badly for you.

    The majority of the community does not have a full understanding of what DBG is doing "behind the scenes" about these types of user issues.

    Be thankful they can only post within x timeframe and that the option to ignore the few that are getting by actually stops them from view. Otherwise finding 1 in a safe-house and forcing them to duel over and over repeatedly could result in leaving the game suddenly and I do not mean disconnected from the server.

    They are doing more than most people think.
  11. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Why? That will solve nothing. There are ways around hiding money ingame. Well there used to be. There has not been a money hack in years. No reason to take people's money. That did not go over very well even back then.
  12. Winter Sabel Dedicated Player

    :p I have had them deleted so many times in the past that these guys started trying to hide the characters within the safe houses or just right outside of the safe houses. It can actually be kind of fun trying to find them when they are trying to hide. They will have them fade in and out of invisibility, put them as high as they can get them in the safe houses or on top of a room. At one time before the name reclaim I think I had these guys to where they were having issues finding a name......LOL
  13. Gimpy Loyal Player

    They used to have a better disguised name also and those are getting a bit harder to make so now the randoms are in use.

    I will admit you made a point earlier I missed adding in earlier and it is the 1 way the community can help, actively reporting, follow up with that report by submitting a ticket. If you can reply to posts by phone you can report by phone, you're on a PC you can report by PC, those on PS without phones will have to use a the PS or a PC.

    It takes less time to follow up with a ticket than to post a complaint once you know where to submit the ticket.

    If people did take the time to report, DBG would have an easier time going after the actual user than just having to fill a ban list. The more they know the better the results.

    Even knowing they can help by doing so,
    Most will not do that.

    Lately I am guilty of grinding the duel feats with them when I find them. Will be a bit busy this weekend though.:oops:

    Hey, there's an idea for the Devs, give us a daily for finding and dueling them, that has to be considered "New Open World Content" since those bots can be anywhere right?
  14. Morsy808 Committed Player

    Did I say that? No. I'm talking about the billionaires. I mean, is there any reason to have that much anyway? No, so its a moot point really.

    But, you seem the type who likes to bend peoples words to suit their own agenda, so take it as you will.
  15. Noble One Committed Player

    or you know adding a ingame report feature, add a block for spamming chat, red flag spammers, etc, etc. you know what most other companies do to block this stuff. like i sad ignoring doesnt remove the problem.... its still there.
  16. MaverickRaven657 Well-Known Player

    What a lovely ideology. You're gonna take something from someone and justify it by saying "what's the need for all that cash anyway?" Just to be clear, are we able to deprive people of property based on anyone thinking said person doesn't deserve the property or is it solely you that decides?

    Again, I only wanna be sure
  17. Pathosgrim Dedicated Player

    Lol... Seriously? Some of you folks are jealous and concerned over another player's ingame wealth?
    I've never bought gold, I can make ingame cash if I really focus into it. Too bad I'm not going to tell strangers how to cuz that would just make it harder for me.
    I personally think it's stupid to even help ppl make money in this game considering how damaged the economy is now due to the time capsules.

    Its also stupid to admit to buying gold, forums are riddled with taddle-tells lol. Please don't get my hard earned virtual cash taken away because I'm smart enough to make ingame money so that I don't have to get trolled by RNG lol :rolleyes:
  18. BabyBoyzim Dedicated Player

    Most money I ever had in game was like 20 million. I can't afford anything of note but I don't care. With 250 sp and not needing more to beat content isn't worth me spending 100's on stabilizers for a couple extra skill points on horrible RNG lottery capsules. I see a lot of bans coming from this thread, so it's probably best to let the topic die. Has to be risky giving gold farmers credit card info. I would be horrified.
  19. Sapphire Melody Well-Known Player

    Fair enough. I guess with that in mind, I would even consider reporting them if reporting wouldn't be such a pain.
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  20. Sapphire Melody Well-Known Player

    I absolutely agree with you there. But see, there is only a limited number of things we as customers can do about the bots. Report them, which takes way too long in the current state or put them on ignore, which is faster. Both are only temporarily solutions which have to be improved with things that you suggested. But those have to come from the dev side.