SALE: New Stabilizer 40-Pack + 25% Off!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Dexella, Dec 15, 2016.

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  1. VictoryMC98 Dedicated Player

    gotcha, that power does look very cool overall.
  2. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Why would 20 cost 17, but 40 cost 40$?
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  3. Dexella Communications Manager

    Only the new 40-pack is discounted. All others are at regular price.
  4. bmce84 Loyal Player

    On PC it costs $30 (27 if you are all access).
  5. bmce84 Loyal Player

    I haven't checked and since the Booster Bundle isn't shown as excluded, does it also have a 25% off?

    I know stupid question I just want to know for certain.
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  6. Dexella Communications Manager

    No, the Booster Bundle is not included. Thanks for the note! We'll get the exclusion list updated for clarity.
  7. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    We just had a sale of almost everything, including all the respec tokens, at 50% off, what, two weeks ago? How often do you think it's reasonable to expect them to repeat that? Twice a month?
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  8. WildcatHunter Committed Player

    Ho ho ho damn santa
  9. beardrive Committed Player

    That's a good price. A colleague from a fellow league bought 800 of them and got nothing.
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  10. MaverickRaven657 Well-Known Player

    This is the EXACT thing that gets me with this community. There's such a crazy sense of entitlement.
  11. Rhekinos New Player

    It is Christmas though so I guess a big sale is to be expected but what do I know. I don't even celebrate Christmas.
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  12. SYNDICOR2525 Dedicated Player thanks. Tired of the new money grab scheme called TCs. Won't spend a single dime buying stabilizers and playing along with RNGeezus.
  13. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    A whole month, for all they want us to pay after paying our sub, it`s just normal, i missed it yes and i can be disappointed. I just came back of a dcuo break for a year. They don`t really care i know. I shouldn`t even have to pay to change power, a sub should be enough for them but they are greedy too much. Even now it is pay more pay more! Not merry xmas, thank you for subbing.
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  14. DCUO Addict Committed Player

    I'm not one to jump on the "Daybreak is always awesome" bandwagon, but you guys have to be kidding. They just put RBs, respec tokens, etc., on sale on Cyber Monday. That was less than three weeks ago!

    It sucks if you missed the last sale - I hate it when that happens, but there's likely to be another sale later in December. Last year's holiday sale was at the end of December.
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  15. MaverickRaven657 Well-Known Player

    It wasn't a whole month. It was 3 weeks. It's a business. This isn't a charity. They don't owe you anything. If you're upset, leave, stop your patronage and stop the complaining. When you hem and haw like this, you're not providing any type of life changing behavior, DB isn't changing their business model.

    Sorry you didn't take advantage of the sale 3 weeks ago. Sometimes in life, you miss out. Welcome to everyday Earth.
    • Like x 1
  16. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    Um, this is DB's business model only. And a horrible one. But continue people. Dcuo is the only game in the whole world. lol

    Charity? Charity?
    Like I said, maybe you didn`t play other games. People are brainwashed or what? Some things they make you pay, should already be included in your sub but you defend that? Even though we see the complains all over, the people hating each other in game? It`s alright?
    It`s a good business model you will say?

    But oh well, i`ll just make a new character, but i`m still disgusted.
    And i do stil like the game, it got potential. I don`t approve the people running it tho and how they take care of the game.
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  17. Drathmor Unwavering Player

  18. Roocck Committed Player

    When I heard about the weekend sale including new bundles I just couldn't wait and dropped $100 so i can go ahead pay for the subscription and buy a couple of bundles, hoping that replays would be on sale so I could buy some to continue gearing from raids and token from vendor. While I was on last night after buying 5 bundles it hit me that I was getting 150 replay badges, 2 total recovery kit, 1 radar enhancer, 1 r&d scanner, 1 proto repair bot and 1 Bonus: 1 aura reward box. Total for 5 I spent was 750 replay badges, 10 total recovery kits, 5 radar enhancer, 5 r&d scanner, 5 proto repair bot and 5 Bonus: 5 aura reward box (3/5 where Green Radiant). So lets do the math if I would've bought $50 worth of MC I could've gotten with the 10% membership discount 1400 replay badges,10 total recovery kit, 1 proto repair bot, 3 r&d scanner and 1 radar enhancer with 50 MC leftover. The difference is the Bonus: 1 aura reward box. I have decided to that I will not spend anymore on replays, budles etc.... We should be getting more than what we are getting for the amount of money spent. I feel like I am paying $10 for a galon of gasoline for my vehicle. Most likely (not 100% atm) when my subscription ends I will be renewing and rather play the free demo... I look back 3 yrs when I started and only think of the thousands spent for a game.
  19. Abel Well-Known Player

    Just an observation, I looked in the Loyalty Vendor and I did not see the New Stabliizer 40 Pack available.
    Can you please add this new 40 stabilizer pack to the Loyalty Vendor?

  20. Trick Dacy Active Player

    i have probably opened 300+ Amazon time capsules since they dropped. i have not gotten 1 single Flaming phoenix feather, Not 1. i understand the whole Luck thing. but it seems that some of the people who do not support the game as much as myself seem to be the lucky ones while the people who spend ALLOT more time are the unlucky ones. maybe it might be a good thing to implement a system to where the more you open the chances increase on your Toon to get rare items? its already pay to win so lets not say we can't do that cause people will cry pay to win. i think its time to give back to the people who SUPPORT DCUO!
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