Time capsule gear ruins progression and shortens dlc lifespan

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by lukelucky, Dec 3, 2016.

  1. lukelucky Devoted Player

    Lets be extremely direct here and say the low drop rates show buying alto of time capsules is what the Dev's desire from us. The issue is while chasing the items most of us will be cheated from due to "luck" we obtain gear. This gear skyrocket our car.

    For us duel role guys this is kind of a nice way to handle both roles BUT the issue is now this dlc is a bore. It was terribly easy day one but now at cr188 well its very mind numbingly easy. January's event is a nice addition but what happened to the dcuo content that players enjoyed?

    There is a reason so many players talk fondly of the early days. Team work skill and knowledge of your powers and roles was needed to beat content. Its my opinion regular content is to easy and "elite" is on par with where regular should be

    If this was the case elite could be made to be.......... Well elite. Then players could have content to hold them for sometime after maxing out car. I understand the replay badge guys nit being factored in. If you opt to replay out ahead well tuff luck on you. Time capsules however are intended to be bought and bought alot. Because gear is involved and because progression gets accelerated contents scaling needs adjusted
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  2. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    i can agree that the time capsules this time around are just not fun. the choice items are too desirable to lose out onto a very poor rng system. at some point the phoenix material feat is going to become the new "back from the hack" feat that burns so many players because they'll never have it.

    the shim tar gear was also a huge loop. the thing here is even without it a few weeks into the dlc and we'd all still be in the upper 180's as far as our cr's are concerned. The content is fairly easy to get through and people are replaying the content to death. Ive seen people with both op items ( 500 coins!) and almost full sets of vendor gear both regular and elite already. How players have the time to run content 50 plus times in such a short time frame I dont know. I play like crazy and I couldn't do it. What we missed out on was a couple of weeks of anticipation in holding onto purple drops til we could attune them to max benefit.

    its actually making me nauseous and one of the few times Ive experienced real disgust. If i cant get a phoenix mat for my healer it might just kill the game for me and I've been a die hard dcuo supporter since the game was first announced in the fall of '05.

    As far as "the good ole days" well let me tell you it wasnt as golden as people paint it out to be. The forums were filled with people complaining, whining, threatening, arguing and wishing an early death on the game. The game itself has always been unstable with tons of issues and ups and downs. The old loot system created a lot of enemies where there shouldn't have been. Players were constantly at each others throats in instances. FOS1 went live on "easy mode" which caused a huge frenzy of fresh level 30's to score the best gear in game. When the devs adjusted the raid to what it was supposed to be a few weeks later nobody knew what to do and had to glitch the first boss to proceed and it was something that followed through every new raid and operation.

    For me the light at the end of the tunnel is the Anti Monitor stuff. Even with the disguised clamping I'm very happy to see new content coming out. If this kicks off a new year thats filled with stuff like this and we get dlcs with lots of DCish things to do I'll be a happy camper.

    I'd hate to see things go the way I see in a couple of other mmo's. As a big fan of ADnD, especially the Forgotten Realms I thought Neverwinter would have been right up my ally and the amount of money you could spend in that game paying to win is scary. Full sets of top gear for like 60 bucks...
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  3. LT Schmitt Committed Player

    I love this new DLC and enjoy the way the difficulty is set, this DLC is a grind DLC and if people are bored less than a month in than that's on them. I do however agree that the Shim'Tar gear has allowed some to jump to max CR and that is a bad thing but those who do not understand how to use the purple drops are just hurting them selves and spending a lot of money.

    I'm more interested to see where the active population is going to be later this month since some people returned for the DLC spent a lot on replays and TC to get to max CR and may take a break til next DLC or stats mater.
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  4. light FX Steadfast Player

    Ive been running 5 toons thru AF3 since it went live and sometimes even 6 toons if ive had enough time. I added up my drops which can be done easily with how gear drops now. And im at 400+ drops and not a single purple gorgon chest. That is combined drops across all 6 toons. If that was 1 toon its roughly 3-4 months of drops with this new dlc. There should be no way that is possible. To go that many drops w/out seeing 1 piece. No bad luck limiter anymore and no styles add to the rare vendor :mad: Saying im unhappy about it is putting it kindly. No bad luck limiter means i could go 1000 drops and not see that chest.

    And i know some will say well buy the vendor chest. I have. On 4 toons. Problem is there is a 50 point style feat for the gorgon style. Plus i like the chest style a lot. We were told by the devs we hear your feedback on the RNG so we got bad luck limiter. How long did that last? 6 months or so? And its gone now when 3 sets of gear are still dropping.

    As far as difficulty i would of loved it if they required players to have say half the vendor gear to even have a chance to complete the elite raids. That makes grinding for the vendor gear worth it. Right now vendor gear is simply a style because of the TC gear, the minimal stat gain from purple to vendor gear, and we could beat the raids day 1 a 175cr. People beat elite day 2. And at 188 like u said, u crush the content because of cr differential. Grinding for the vendor gear has become tedious already if u are doing it on multiple toons. Playing 1 toon i think u wouldnt feel that way. But im running 5 toons because i have 5 main toons. The daily missions are killing me. Because its the same few mission over and over 15 times a day for me. That is my choice to play 5 toons tho. All my alert runs are 7-10 mins now too. Its just not very engaging content. Its looks amazing tho.
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  5. light FX Steadfast Player

    Well some didnt replay or open many TCs at all. They just bought the gear off the broker ;)
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  6. lukelucky Devoted Player

    To be honest you take replays away and time capsule gear with them and this contents still to easy. One dps locks on the bird in olye and calls out block for the swoop attack and one other person calls out elixer. If You can't run into a pool then block and roll across it to clense it well elite fonts he just not your level. The alerts a 9 min bore and a good rage tank negates gome.

    When you add in time capsules gear it's accelerated and already awful. (sadly cause devs did some great work).

    For an extra load of salt in the wound the best it's s once again elude plenty of LOYAL customers who spend their money due to RNG
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  7. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    i think we ran the duo a few nights ago.

    i agree about the difficulty level. not that i dont appreciate quick smooth runs but Olympus elite has nothing on on some of our previous elite content. I like the content enough that the grind hasn't gotten to me yet. The seasonal is a nice distraction and next month were going to have the crisis event so I think that will stave off the burn out factor for me.

    I have not run any old content since af3 went live. not because there isn't enough time but I ran the last few chapters so much that I just dont want to for a little while.

    the one consolation i can offer up where the gorgon style is concerned is af3 content isnt going anywhere. i dont know about the duo or solo mission but the chest does drop from the alert and. some point in the very near future it will be yours.

    Style sets have become much much easier to complete the past few years. Comparing it to the game first few where it took me and other players YEARS to complete certain sets we actually have it pretty easy (it took me two and a half years t complete the oolong set). I'd be far more worried if it was the shim tar chest or helm. The time capsules this go around have created an over inflated economy. Prices are at an all time high and the dollar is weak. The common pieces (the hands and waist) are "cheap" in the broker (around a million), the two uncommon pieces (legs, feet and shoulders) are a little more but the back, chest and helm seem to be very elusive for many. If you can't complete that set by the time these go away the only way to complete the set for the feat will be to buy it off another player for an even more excess amount of cash.

    All this makes me wish that I took advantage of the money glitches. Kind of sucks that those players that cheated and squirreled away hundreds of millions of dollars on mule toons are the ones who can afford to buy the rarest items now.

    Were in a strange place right now. The game really can go either way. With so many major DC projects on the horizon I really hope the devs take note of whats working and what isnt because if they play their hand right the game really might be able to experience its first golden age.
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  8. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Ruins? No. Damages? Yes.

    Progression is still solid, despite the Shim'Tar gear. There's a full set of gear out there which is better than any of the 8 pieces of Shim'Tar gear. Not to mention Omnipotence pieces, too. All available via non-random distribution. So if you're done after collecting a full set of Shim'Tar gear, then congratulations on second best gear and third best CR.
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  9. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    According to CR calculator, all blue gear at CR 163 will get you to CR 187. Shim'tar is a bonus and yes it gets you to max quicker but it also helps with alts or having enough gear for your secondary role. Since stats aren't as important right now, it's not a big issue but that doesn't mean I'll stop running content. I still need crafting feats.

    And I tend to find people who think the game is mind numbing are probably running high CR groups which means very little challenge. But I still see people who don't know how to form a straight line for GoM.
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  10. Controller Devoted Player

    CR-Wise the capsules expedite fast advancement but I'm still finding a LOT to do - just with the Generator Mods alone.

    Still PLENTY to do for me. Only one Olympus Vitalization base mod made so far, 3 more to go. After Vit, then I'll work on the Power and Precision ones.

    Will also farm OLY E and hopefully GOME for the Elite gear. Still PLENTLY of work to do....IMO not enough time to get this stuff done AND bring my Tank along but I'm having fun.

    Not to even mention farming my dailies for the Monstrous element collection feats.
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  11. InvisibleInk Active Player

    What is this time capsule gear and how do I get it?
  12. Voaxghost Well-Known Player

    I don't know what thus shorten life span you are referring to I still have 8 Gen Mods to make, 9 Oly Healer mods & then mabye make Oly dps ones. Plus getting full Elite.
  13. The peoples Badguy Committed Player

    The Bad One says time capsules are great and wishes for more to come.
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  14. jwdrinkwaterjr Active Player

    I agree with The Bad One. I'm the most casual of casual players. Like 1 day a week casual due to work/family/non nerd friends time constraints. While I have only gotten 2 pieces of gear from ATCs it was a big help. I probably won't even be into AF3 for months.

    I do understand the issue that daily players see. I don't think there is a simple solution to it. The most obvious suggestion would be play other games too and ration your available game time between several titles.

    The problem there is that to a DCUO fan, most if not all other games suck the big one. I've tried to play others (I quit here in 2013 due to the loot system, no sub, and getting ninja'd for drops) but came back because deep down DCUO has always been my favorite. I realized this when a fellow Tera Online player had finally had enough of me suggesting ways they could copy things done here over there. (If you like D.C. So much just ******* play ******* D.C. and ******* leave here!)

    So I just don't know. But like I said, no easy answers.
  15. JDMKingSTI Level 30

    its always the same thing in this game.
    1. Gear does not drop fast enough for me to have the cooliest and latest style so its broke.
    2. Replays or Time Capsule gear has ruined the reply of this game etc.

    is it really that or you just not wanting to shell out real $ for replays for a chance at the dropped purple gorgon gear?
    Or do you think you need to spend real $ to open time capsules?
    Think about it .. just save in game cash and buy those hard to come by shim tar items in the Auction House a few weeks after release .. you can buy feet for like 200k now ... its easy to gear up and why shouldn't it be?

    Does it really matter how high CR people are? I still get in DWARF with all 188+ and it still doesn't get past the first boss.
    Quit trying to keep up with the joneses ... play at your pace and if you want to rush it up then pay real $ and grind it out. Its a pay to play and win ..not a f2p and expect to win. Don't get it confused.
  16. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    See here's the thing.. I have not shelled out a single dollar for extra stabilizers to open Time Capsules. I do the daily duo and earn my 6 frags a day and open them one at a time.. And just to make sure we all knowhow bad my luck is.. not a single armor drop to date.

    Now here is what I've managed to date: My main started out when the DLC went live at CR 171 on both the Troll and DPS roles. I have played every single bit of content available one a daily or weekly basis (in short no replays and running raids 4-5 times a day).
    Also no replays on anything else so I do what the game lets me do. As of yesterday I am to the point where my Overall CR is 188 and my Troll is CR 187 and my DPS is 187. I'm to the point where every single bit of gear for both roles is at or above CR 162 (so in case you aren't sure that means the green gear that drops is now nothing but salvage material because 162 is as high as it gets).

    At this point I have exactly 6 pieces of gear purchased from the vendor. Four Cr 165 rings ( 2 for each role) and 2 CR 165 masks (1 for each role). All that other gear in all those slots is from running missions and I am 1-2 CR away from being as high as anyone can get. And the DLC has been out for three whole weeks as of Thursday.

    Honestly those people that ran out and spend maybe a hundred or two hundred dollars buying stabilizers so they could be CR 189 by day two should feel pretty dang dumb right about now because .. WOW it took me a whole 19 extra days to be just as high as you are and now we are all in the same situation. Not a heck of a lot left to do for the next 2 or more months that will get us any higher.

    I'm to the point now where I am going back to vendors and using the marks I keep getting to complete style sets for more Feat/Skill points... And as of CR 188 that means I have 1 duo (Wayne Manor), 1 Alert ( RIT) and one raid (KCT) that I can also run and still get marks.. I have turned everything else into irrelevant content.

    Now in my case I happen to be an alt-o-holic so I am working on another Troll/DPS that currently sits at CR 175 Troll and 173 DPS and my Atomic tank who is just starting out and is just at CR 171 on both roles. Remember when all those threads claimed this new system would kill ALTS.. well over the next couple months what the heck else do I have to do?