The Days of Signatures

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Leet, Nov 15, 2016.

  1. Leet Active Player

    I miss an old game i use to play and even more the amount of ppl posting artwork/signatures. Here are a few i created a long time ago...

  2. Delta796th Loyal Player

    Every good sig I ever had got deleted for being too big :(
  3. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    It may be simplistic, but I was looking for something that went with my username, and offset the two pieces of information I was trying to display.

    My signature, I took a piece of border clipart, made it horizontal, blew it up, pulled it from the background, repeated it twice asymmetrically with a monochromatic tri-tone color palette, so it looked like and artifact, and the artifact had a shadow of its own, got the exact color of the forums to put it on top of, spent forever trying to get the ratio right so it wasn't too small or too large once I cropped it to the valid signature width. Again, it may look simplistic, but it took a lot to make it that way. While I like the character list and links, along with the unicode symbols that I know would be cross-browser compatible, that part still looks unpolished to me, and I may change it at some point.

    Feel free to resurrect this thread:
    Someone offered to make signatures, and a few people took it as a throwdown who could make the best signature.
  4. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    My signature is the best one there is. ;)

    I kid.
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  5. Tannen Committed Player

    I used to "make" a lot of signatures. Both for myself, and for others. And by make, I mean I'd use other people's images, crop them and throw text on them. As I got better, I learned how to use editor effects, and blending more than one image if they worked well together.

    I was never artistic enough to create my own images from scratch, and I was never very good at making in game screenshots work well as a sig.
  6. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    My signature is unsettling.
  7. Leet Active Player

    lol @ Quantum Edge.