Starter PVP Gear

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by SuperLD, Nov 21, 2016.

  1. SuperLD Well-Known Player

    I want to get back into PVP, but since I last PVP'd I have changed from healer to Troller. All my old PVP gear is healer. I went to the PVP vendors to get gear I can use. Only problem is all the gear available to purchase is for the next level and requires Influence as well as cash. What options do I have? Thanks in advance.
  2. PsianideUK Well-Known Player

    When you enter arenas, your stats are automatically boosted to the level of 96 gear.
    Also, there is now only one set of gear at each level, and it has all stats for each role, in other words there is no healer/troller/tank/dps gear now, one side fits all.
  3. Tilz Loyal Player

    The PvP vendors are at the Hall of Doom / Watchtower.
    The "starter" pvp gear you can get is the cr 97 PvP gear that needs some ingame cash + Marks of valor (from arenas).
    You need a full set (so weapon, armor, rings, trinket) to get to the next cr (98) pvp gear.

    Without PvP gear you'll be boosted to the minimum pvp lvl of cr 96 (you could also buy cr 96 pvp gear, but there is no reason to do so).
  4. Moxley Mayhem Dedicated Player

    Did you just say influence??? Damn, you've been away from PVP for a long a$$ time, lol.
  5. AccelT Well-Known Player

    Or under a rock... I think Influence hasn't been used to buy PVP gear since around the time Origin Crisis went live.
  6. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Lol, I still have a little influence left. Spent a lot on those zesty colas. :) Since we are talking old school.
  7. Moxley Mayhem Dedicated Player

    Same, I've got a grip of other old school marks, too. I still have conquests, distinctions, kryptons, and even the og v-day event marks, haha. I'm actually proud to still have those; they're always cool to look at.
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  8. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Over the summer and fall I was bring up some old alts, was very bored. Some still had the marks from the hack attack, lol.