Alts and dual speccing. . . . . .

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by pitbullb3, Nov 4, 2016.

  1. Perseus Chase Committed Player

    I am a casual that got 6 toons and play both roles on all toons (175 on both roles) since it easier to pug when you play duel roles XD

    Now this DLC just kill half of my alts and take away my support roles.....I don't mine the grind but I don't want to make a game my chores in which I have to log in and play everything everyday so that I can get 84 marks to spend on those ludicrous amounts.

    The game is all and fun but when you have to make it a chores........that took away the meaning of fun for me, but I'm sure that we have those "hardcore" players that like it this way since they got more time to play everyday.
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  2. Ully Committed Player

    Well said, Elu. Your post summarizes a lot of our concerns. Let's hope the Devs take corrective actions.
  3. Derio 15000 Post Club

    If all your alts are up to date with the latest DLC and you have max CR on both roles, you are not a casual. Not by a long shot. You are a hard core player.
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  4. lukelucky Devoted Player

    I am not saying you are dumb but this statements dumb. Don't be offended it's not ment to be rude at all. No way we asked for this.

    The game for two years allowed is to fully gear in both roles and spend a decent amount of time in said gear. This is what we want.

    The decision maker's however got tempted by replay sales and now try to lure us into buying replays, TRKs and such. They do all this work and spend so much time designing these gimmicks in hopes to gain more profits and end up doing nothing but losing players.

    Us the players and the dcuo devs all pay the price when decisions like this are made. There is no reason this game is not a cash cow
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  5. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Trust me, I don't offend easily, you could straight up call me dumb and I would laugh lol.

    That said though, the statement was more of a sarcastic remark to the likely response we would get from a dev.
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  6. lukelucky Devoted Player

    Ah. Glad u did not get offended and u ment it that way. U have a good one
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  7. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    What bothers me, is that daybreak is pushing the Replay sales to our throats with this. Is not just the prizes, but the renown need it to actually get the Elite gear.
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  8. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    What bothers me is you went from bashing altaholics to agreeing with them? Turn over a new leaf? Lol.
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  9. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    Honestly i don´t care if my opinions bother you or don´t. I´m speaking as a person who plays 1 toon on US, and starting to play another on EU. My concern is not the price of the gear itself, but the renown granted after defeat the Bosses on the Elite Raids, because that is the gear i´m aiming for.

    My stance regarding the people who play a gazzillion of alts hasn´t changed it at all...
  10. Pults Loyal Player

    Unless you plan to game 8 hours every single day and extra on weekly reset days, you won't be able to maintain a main and 2 alts (some even have up to 5 or even 15).
    The only thing which would help with alts would be gear unlocking but since it hasn't been even hinted at now and how every little thing gets monetized I doubt it would be a viable option for anyone interested in playing multiple characters.
  11. Ariyana2015 Committed Player

    My rng sucks really bad too and I only complete sets by using the rare vendor in many cases. However, the suggested main complaint people had about the monthly content was they wanted a "break" between releases of content to enjoy what they earned. However, with this system there is no break.

    The only winners really are the developers because they are no longer accountable to release content as fast. Sure you can complete a style, but you have to run the content the entire time to get it. Which again for someone with my luck is a bonus, but it would be nice if it took at most 2/3 of the amount of time between episodes.

    It would also be nice if we had something to work on (solo) that increases our characters strength like there is in other games. So group content for gear and solo to small group for other ways to strengthen our characters.

    Regardless, decisions should be made based on how many times it is fun to run content versus just trying to keep us occupied. With the limited amount of content available people get bored. It seems every decision is based on the capitalization of replays versus the players enjoyment. Obviously they need to make money but seems like they are going to eventually alienate too many players.
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  12. xXHeadlinerXx Dedicated Player

    Not that anyone asked me, but to me it should take about six weeks running all content that drops coins to get a full set of gear. That gives dual role people enough time to get everything. DPS only people will get it faster, but a lot of those type of people gear up slower too.

    I think a three month progression will drive away too many people. In my opinion there are too many changes happening at once. Going back to 3 month content is a big change. Best gear in vendor is a big change. Three month progression for one set is a big change. The scrapping for mods system is a big change. Stats matter will be a big change. I support many of these changes, but here's the deal: not everyone will like everything and some people will quit. That is the nature of change. I think they are changing too much at once. To me, gear progression timeline could wait until we see how some of the more important changes go first. I'd also either hold off on the grindy mods or at least tier vii synthetics to use during the gear up process until you can buy the vendor piece that you would put the good mod in.

    Some of you guys love agreeing with everything that rolls out but you have to admit that game population isn't high right now, these are a lot of changes, and it takes time to get new players. Too much change can be bad even if you truly believe in each change individually (which I don't agree with all of these but even if I did, my point is that I don't think rolling everything out at once is the right idea).
  13. MAXILIANO Loyal Player

    I think we're complaining about something wrong.
    Claim the game to have enough content?
    There's no point in this!
    Complaining before the way the content was distributed monthly is one thing, but it is one thing for the developers to make a dlc with a lot of content?
    Oh really?o_O
  14. light FX Steadfast Player

    I find that hard to believe. Ive been completing all the styles on 5 toons since monthly content started. The drop styles. And i wasnt unlocking the style feat or resetting the content either. Not completing 1 style here n there or missing 1 piece yea i can see that. But not able to complete 1 style with drops in over a year? Sorry i just dont believe it.
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  15. Derio 15000 Post Club

    It's not all styles. Just the last 2. And it's on 1 toon. And I don't replay hence my 2k replays that i have
  16. rawlings42 Well-Known Player

    Was excited about this release but the boards are bumming me out. I have 18 alts and play them all. If you don't think my alts are a big reason I play than the decks don't know anything about the game we play. Not threatening to leave or anything but not looking forward to it as much now. Really hope decks listen and make adjustments before release.
  17. mexmex Dedicated Player

    And Still, people that use replay badges will be max cr in a week, so for me those people are The real problem, Is not The grind itself, but, the unfairness of field, as in the real life the ones willing to spend the most will be the ones leading the hordes.

    That is a Game design that allienates the players and divide the community creating frustration in a lot of players.
  18. Pults Loyal Player

    Are you daft? I'm not complaining about the amount of content. The point I made is that the progession takes too much time on a single toon let alone maintaining alts. With the progession we have on test server gearing up a single toon will take too much time (concidering you have to play everything daily). Now repeat that on all alts and tell me it sounds sane to you.
    The point is if a player wants to maintain at least 4 characters he has to play up to 8 hours if not more every single day.
  19. MAXILIANO Loyal Player

    I'm not dizzy!
    The point is that when we have a great content this is inevitable!
    There is no middle ground!
    And no ... No need to play 8 hours!
    I myself work I have several problems to solve, and I can not play 8 hours. And I have 25 toons on the pc outside of the playstation.
  20. Wallachia Devoted Player

    Rage > Celestial.