The Luthor Presents of Shway, a Trexy Tale

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Superskull85, Oct 28, 2016.

  1. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    This story is a bit of reinterpretation of when TrexLight was visited by Lex Luthors in the vault one day many months ago. The plot are facts of fiction and don't necessarily represent what actually happened. I wrote the story to have fun and thought some other DCUO community members might want to have a little bit of a laugh too. I have nothing against TrexLight at all (I actually like him as a personality, but I have yet to meet him in-game) and mean no disrespect, even if I do tease him a bit about what happened from time to tim. :D

    Hope you enjoy! :)

    Here's the PDF link:

    And here's the plain text:

    The Luthor Presents of Shway, A Trexy Tale
    From the Fictional Memories of Superskull85

    Trexadies and trexitles! Today you will hear a tale of presents, Meeps, Luthors, and #TrexCrash. You know him of by his charm, redness and goofiness. Today trexadies and trexitles, I present to you Trexy! The Marvelous Crasher!!

    (Applause echoed through the theatre as Trexy took the stage.)

    Thank you, thank you! What the?...

    (A massive life size green and blue present soars through the air narrowly missing Trexy.)

    Yes, Patry, yes.. Thank you for the pres- Oh dear god, what is that?!

    (Skully comes in dressed as a deformed skull-crested Future Luthor.)

    Righ-... Right, okay that just happened! Right, so it was a fine evening, talking on the HyperCast, running some content, listening to Patry drag on about… s-something. Okay, did we really need that too?

    (A life sized cutout of an absolutely handsome picture of Meeps came scurrying onto the stage next to Trexy.)

    Alright, this thing is already sooo messed up. Okay, so as I was saying, running content, when I realised that I needed to run the vault. I approached the first present - okay look I don’t actually have to be approaching the giant present!

    (Some medium sized woman dressed in all black came out smiling, and started to push Trex towards the massive present that had been thrown earlier. She handed him a red plastic sword with #TrexCrash stickered on its blade.)

    Oh, oh… oh no, WHAT IS THAT?!? Fine, fine as long as I have the - rather red sword - I’ll use it. I approached the first present, and I struck it. It went down just fine, you know it’s a present afterall, and so did the next, and the next, and the next,... and so forth.

    Now look, at this point - at this point - I was tired alright? I snuck up on the last present - for extra effect I thought I was Batman - I swung at the presents back. HUZZAH! I yelled as I struck the present - now I just have to say that the present was trolled, keep that in mind - as my sword just j-just passed through it… W-What? WHY?!

    (Without Trexy noticing, the present had been swapped for a holograph. This caused his red #TrexCrash sword to pass right through it. Literally. Trexy shook his head in disgust or disappointment, or maybe it was irony?)

    So you see, the present stayed there. I slashed and slashed, and the present… stayed there! The next thing I know I was swarmed by Lex- Look no, NO! They can’t be back! The horrors!
    (Just then, the skull-crested Future Luthor, and every other Luthor, swarmed the stage heading for Trexy. Trexy backed away slowly, but a pink glowing Space Luthor came up behind him shaking her wavy long hair. Trexy looked around as he bumped into her, noticing the glaring differences instantly.)

    That… That is not right…! S-So as I was saying, I noticed Meeps type, ‘Lex’s have spawned!’ in the stream chat, and all of a sudden I was swarmed by every Lex in the multiverse! I killed one, maybe two of them, but as I approached Space Luthor - look he was not that stunning okay!? - he terminated my Shway. Yes. Yes, I am telling you, that is exactly what happened! He took my Shway away from me, and I just crashed, I just crash- AH! AH!! WHY?!? WHY!!!!

    Crash Gods save me. Crash Gods save… Crash Gods…

    (Trexy saw his buddy Trigon towering in front of him, slowly walking forward. When he noticed the towering Trigon, Trexy ran like a frightened little girl off the stage.)

    Well… Trexadies and trexitles! That was your, rather frightened and screaming hero, Trexy! The Marvelous Crasher!!

    (Applause and laughter erupted as the theatre came to a close. Trexy was panicking in the back looking for those Crash Gods of his.)
  2. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    Trexadies and trexitles! Be sure to check out how Trexy deals with a giant Trigon!