12 Star Feats

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheArmorsmith, Oct 5, 2016.

  1. TheArmorsmith Dedicated Player

    Now for most of you, you know that one star feats gives you 10 points towards your skill, while 2 give you 25, and 3 gives you 50. I'm purposing new feats so hard that they are worth 12 stars. Those who aren't too keen on math thats 2 Skill points or 200 points towards your akill points. I don't know what the feats xan detail, but they should be hard and if they decide to go higher then of course it should be harder. Thoughts DC Nation?

    Also been gone for a while working on a game what did I miss lol? If what I missed have any effect on this post please inform me.
  2. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    I think 12 is a little excessive lol, but I'm all for more challenging feats with greater rewards.
  3. Waterfall Well-Known Player

    So.... i think my math and your math do not work the same.
    1 star = 10 feat points
    2 stars = 25
    3 stars = 50

    The pattern there is with each additional star the value roughly doubles. So lets do the math.
    4 star = 100
    5 star = 200
    6 star = 400
    7 star = 800
    8 star = 1600
    9 star = 3200
    10 star = 6400
    11 star = 12800
    12 star = 25600

    So thats 256 skill points for 1 feat.... i will only agree to this if the feat made into a 12 star feat is back from the hack ;)
  4. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    I think this is what OP was going for :confused:
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  5. iClip Committed Player

    So do XBOX players want to just avoid grinding SP and just want it the easy way?
  6. bmce84 Loyal Player

    The feat system we currently have is good, people need to stop trying to find ways to make getting SP easier, devs just need to add more. In the last year we've had less SP added to the game than what we had in T5, and that didn't have as much content as we have in T7. Way too many 10 and 25 pts feats in T7, even boss fights had 25 pts (goes to show the quality of content T7 has). Hopefully Ep 27 is filled with feats, much like it's predecessors where, and I'm so glad we'll get that story in one single episode (because lord know they dropped the ball with War Of Light, and Krypton didn't go so well either).

    Oh and no, I'm not a 250+ player, barely 210, but the only missing feats for me are in T7 raids, which as we all know no one do anymore, hopefully people start doing them again soon.
  7. TheArmorsmith Dedicated Player

    No my math is correct, I didn't double the points like you did. I kept it at 50 because of the same reason you showed. It would get too ridiculous. Now if they wanted to use that format then your 5 star verion would be ok. JasonIsley is correct in how I did my math.
  8. TheArmorsmith Dedicated Player

    No did you not read what I was try to imply....? At any case I might have nit explain it well but I'm implying that on new feats that are harder than normal 3 star ones that they give you 2 SP because not all 3 arars are equal. And I mean hard probably damn near impossble to do alone. Hell I'll even say you can't repay badge them (fat chance). This was meant for gameplay section not just XBox since I play pn all 3 platforms. So its for all not just xbox.
  9. iClip Committed Player

    I just read the OP as I want all feats to be worth more so I can get more SP faster....cause thats all I see on the forums nowadays, everyone wants everything handed to them.
  10. TheArmorsmith Dedicated Player

    So you read what you wanted. The OP meaning me didn't say "hey you know what would be cool a faster way to get feats". No I meant what I said that those 12 star feats would be harder and I mean harder, not easy it gives people to work on, if you like I could even add after you reach 200 SP you can unlock those feats. If that will make it easier for you.
  11. bagofboom Committed Player

    I just want to be able to get capable (or not, I don't really care) groups together to get the feats from late t4 to early t6 that no one, NO ONE, ever runs anymore.
    Even when we get a majority of league-mates together to run stuff you still have to LFG for the remaining spots to even queue for stuff. This kinda goes back to the "Walk ins for ALL content" debate which would make getting those last few annoying feats a simpler task.
    But, alas, no chance of that happening so I'll probably always have those few blank spaces on my Feats list.
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  12. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    Sometimes you just have to step back and say if it's not broke, why fix it? Can we talk about something that actually needs improving?
  13. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    or you fight a CR500-1000 darksied, granny goodness, braniac, ares/hades, nekron all at once at our current CR' which is 175.
  14. TheArmorsmith Dedicated Player

    Lol thats could literally be said about anything in the game.
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  15. Saami Loyal Player

  16. TheArmorsmith Dedicated Player

    No...you've gotta do better than no...because as I see it 3 star feats should have harder ones to earn. But why say no...any reasoning to that?
  17. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    b/c until majority has earned every feat in game then any bigger type feats are pointless to implement atm. It shows majority cant even handle the 3 star feats atm.
  18. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    so my question is to you how many SP' do you have? How long have you been playing?