The Mail will soon be Nerfed

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Riot, Feb 28, 2013.

  1. Sidetracked New Player

    Care to list some? I wonder how many people actually use those.

    I appreciate the honest response. On the other hand I feel that putting these kind of subtle incentives to buy more (escrow and now inventory) feels restraining. Feeling restrained leads to an unfomfortable experience that puts players (or at least me) off of wanting to play the game.
    This one I can partially understand, however the one with the Mainframe lvl III and IV abilities (when they were to cost $2k+) hinted at a pretty disheartening future. It's not actually this particular mail issue that is bothering but the general practice of putting limitations on people so that they would spend money instead of making Marketplace content that people would really want to buy.
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  2. RogerBlack Committed Player

    Once the majority of mailbox data has been cleaned out.. I suspect we will ALL see a significant increase in general performance on our end. Good call.
  3. WorldsDown New Player

    Can't wait to see the prices on some of the more rare Arkham collections drop...
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  4. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Yep, that's the goal.
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  5. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    I edited it to aren't, simply a typo..... In any instance you thinking that removing the junk drops would somehow help the mail and chat server is completely off.

    I'm referring to the fact that the old Arkham collections are worth NOTHING now and just get deleted when I find them, it has nothing to do with mail or inventory.
  6. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Am I the only one who understands that the mail system was never designed to be additional bank space? It's mail, not U-Store-It. I swear, never heard so much crying every time an exploit is diminished. Cheaters took advantage of the money glitch and whined when they fixed it. Every other glitch in game, the cheaters whined when they were fixed(rifle, shazaam, etc) . Stop whining and play the game the way it was meant to be played.
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  7. Death Throe New Player

    The mail system has been used as storage by a lot of players. Although it is unfortunate this will no longer be the case can we really hold it against the staff for ending an exploit? I am always amazed at these players that say they love the game but apparently dislike the game making a profit. No profit, no game. SOE is not a charity. If I am inconvenienced a little so the game can make some extra cash and perhaps save a bit of wasted memory then so be it.
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  8. Deviant New Player

    And if you don't have any inventory space to spare? I assume the game will have you make a decision right then and there what items are more precious to you.
  9. Circe New Player

    I know, I misread.
  10. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Edited because Spytle answered...
  11. Circe New Player

    Nothing to do with items.

    What if a really important friend mails you a very important message while you're away for 30 days?
  12. Spytle Executive Creative Director

    I appreciate your observations here, but this is not what we are doing. This is a change for stability. The mail system was designed to do certain things, using it in other ways can cause problems - or aggravate existing ones enough that we need to make a change. We have to flush the mail after a certain time or it obviously takes the mail server down. While this may conflict with how people are managing a free or premium character's items, that isn't our motivation for changing it, it is simply a side affect. The system has constraints, this change makes the system more stable within those constraints.
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  13. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    If he's that important a friend I would expect a text, phone call, tweet, or FB message.... I have half my league talking in group text messages daily... LOL
  14. Zizzi New Player

    The only thing I don't like about this is that it forces me to archive all my quest-related mail. I liked those emails just because they were an interesting read and had some witty things in them.
  15. Zizzi New Player

    Remember everyone, a mailbox is not a bank or storage area... Never was, and never should've been... Although I know we will all miss how convenient that was ;)
  16. Spytle Executive Creative Director

    Thanks for the feedback on that. It seems to me that we should look into this aspect of the change. Since those are not personal emails, and "everyone" shares them, we could make it so you can refer back to them cheaply. I'll put that on the backlog, thanks!
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  17. Radium Devoted Player

    Bring it the F on I say.
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  18. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    There ya go, problem solved. kind of how we can go back and watch the videos.....

    Although I've never heard in league chat "Hey _________ , are you ready to run Prime ???" "Hold on, I'm reading these witty emails I got saved from two years ago..." HAHAHA
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  19. Sidetracked New Player

    It felt like the purpose was cash grab as the mail update was introduced with additional inventory space purchaseables.
    I guess I had steam back from the mainframe escrow issue and overreacted. My apologies for that.
    I will put my concerns away for another time and another thread.
  20. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    It will go into your overflow.