We should be able to buy feats

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by GhostsAndMagic, Sep 28, 2016.

  1. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    I was looking forward to coming back and paying to play when the new stuff droped...but, I'm not sure I will ever come back with all the talk about the pay to win crap. it is a game killer!!! simple as that!!! and they are well on there way to doing this with the buy marks they have started...just a sad thing happening to a once fun game...
  2. iClip Committed Player

    I wonder if the OP was dropped on his head...... Just curious.
  3. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Right now you might. Since none of us really know how powers will work after the uodate, your 150sp at might be weak. But maybe not.
  4. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Why would they give them away? They already dummy them down. If it's to long and people cry enough, fix. If it's to hard and people cry enough, nerf it. I can't see them making feats you've never achieved for sale. The uproar would be huge.

    I honestly don't care either way. It might make me happier not to join a random pug group and once qued in someone says, oh yeah we are going for a really hard feat. I just run things for marks. So on one hand I wouldn't like it, on the other don't care. Lol.
  5. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Lol, don't leave. Jk. I try to leave, but nothing else ever grabs my interest very long. I wouldn't say 2011 was enjoyable. Hack attack, ice dps OP, rifle glitch, money glitch, raids glitched. It was a different game yes, but I don't think things started coming together until 2012 and 2013. 2011 was a long rough year. And let's not forget about all the freezing, omg. Lol.
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  6. Veritech Loyal Player

    Taking a break can be good for your perspective.
    If you come back in a few months, you won't get frustrated as much and will just play for fun.
    Peace out.
  7. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Just like why would they ever sell marks on the marketplace. But that's happening isn't it? I don't put nothing past them anymore, I wouldn't even be surprised if they did start selling feats lol.
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  8. NoPhilosophy Committed Player

    Not a good idea. Not a good idea at all.
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  9. Caroline Dedicated Player

  10. Ankh_Legacy Devoted Player

    Actually, there was a great deal of arguments over the idea of buying feats before it was implemented.

    I was apart of the against feat buying people.

    As to the OP, NO.
  11. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    This new era of gamers is quite astounding. No one wants to work for anything anymore, they rage quit losing matches in FPS/Fighting games, and cause most MMO's to become diluted due to many requests. "This takes too long", "Why do we have to do this daily", "We should be able to buy this". Fascinating

    Tl;dr - No.
  12. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Your comment isn't long enough for a TL;DR
  13. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    You'd be surprised.
  14. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    I don't think it's that far away
  15. The Loveless Well-Known Player

    This will probably never happen....

    but you never know....

    I wouldn't care either way, feat hunting is a bit tedious to me.


    If someone bought all the feats and got all the gear, you say there would be nothing left for him or her to do...

    I reply,

    This game is hugely alt-unfriendly... or at least, it was...

    before you could buy feats.

    Player could help other people get marks and feats... because he enjoys playing his character and likes helping people.

    Like i said elsewhere,
    if there's a part of the game that you reallllly don't like....

    it would be nice to see people playing the game for the pure, unadulterated fun of it, instead of trying to earn things all the time.


    Player would probably suck for awhile.
  16. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    well I was only talking about how its fast pace combat back then compared to now. I've not enjoy this game since then.
  17. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    no...no...no...no...no...no...no...good god...NO...
  18. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    Honestly, I don't see the real problem with this given I've met people with maxed SP who absolutely suck and people with little SP who dominate.

    Yeah there are some big changes coming to SP allocation but most skill has always been in the player and not the game.
  19. Roocck Committed Player

    HELL YES!!!! I am all for that, I mean the so called og players and others have cried over and over and even quit and some have threaten to quit if cr differential wasnt going to be removed and how statmatters should come back, why not but feats on the market place.... I mean sp is sooooo important why not make it to where everyone could get them so we can all be 270+sp. Oh wait threats will be all over the forums on how they will quit again. LMAO
  20. Miserable Dedicated Player

    Why don't they just change the game to where you throw money at your TV and then the words "YOU WIN" appear in big gold letters on your screen?