What was wrong with THIS????????? [Old Mechanics]

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Antichh, Sep 24, 2016.

  1. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    They did.
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  2. Streven Dedicated Player

    I call BS. The never nerf mindset has done more to hurt this game than any other. Devs need the freedom to balance the game. Sometimes things are made too strong initially. You don't then bring balance by buffing everything else. That's the main reason we got I to the mess we did with AMs and power creep.
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  3. DarkAya Dedicated Player

    I either missed it or it didn't get answered but I'm curious about o few things:
    1. Is the 'famous' Brawling>Martial Arts WM combo going to remain as 'the righteous' combo for supports? -
    Are they removing reduced ability power cost bonus when performed after WM combos too? (support roles)
    2. What's the point of keeping powers like Battle Display, Resonance if AM bonuses are gone and these are not Attack buffs.
    3. I'm curious if they're going to touch 'channeled superpowers', most of them are completely useless.
    4. What about '35% hp - finisher' superpowers? Right now their damage is impressive in pve but determined by distance.
  4. Emoney Dedicated Player

    Overall my worry is still that of power balance.

    The devs still to this day could not balance powers. I see people claim AM is harder to do balance but compared to days of old I say how? All AMs involve less than ten specific powers, combined into a specific order, to produce X damage. In the old days people had 15 choices of powers, placed in multiple different sequences, usually PI driven, striving to increase X damage. The devs couldn't do it then, they can't do it up to this point.

    Now they tell us, all players, depending on SP, have access to 30 powers and all iconics, to make a loadout, and we dont even know how our PIs and SCs will be used? I'm sorry, but they are going from 15-20 variables, then 6-10 variables.....and now over 45???? Lol with our community always experimenting and finding unintended usage of powers/combinations....I feel the future will be filled with imbalance, and pretty much become the wild west. Exciting and scary all at the same time. I guess we will see soon enough.
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  5. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Not sure what you mean by that. You mean a hit combo for super powers?
  6. Streven Dedicated Player

    This is something I'm legitimately wondering about. I remember the reason we got WM. That was Tunso's attempt at standardizing damage so he could balance powers. And most of us hated it because it was immensely boring. But the fact remains, they had tremendous difficulties bringing "balance" between powers prior to WM and AM. I still say remove the scoreboard. Should have done it ages ago.

    Also, just because they don't specifically use the words "we are removing AMs from the game" doesn't mean that's not what they're doing. AMs were new mechanics that allowed you to do enhanced damage and regen power. When you remove power regen and enhanced damage you have effectively removed AMS from the game no matter what semantics you play with.
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  7. Streven Dedicated Player

    I think that's what he means. I can't wait to see what they give us.
  8. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    That's a valid concern. Here's the thing though. We didn't have balance before 36, we didn't have balance after 47 or 64 and we won't have after this one. There will never be total balance, that's just how this type of game works. The metagame shifts organically through player exploration and dev updates.
    Total balance doesn't work since either everything does the same damage (boring cause your loadout doesn't matter) or there is a number of fixed optimal builds that do the same damage (what AM tried, boring cause you can't deviate).

    So since we know that, what's better? A system where each powerset has a fixed optimal loadout, any deviation cripples your damage output, and some powersets are mechanically screwed and can't compete at all (Nature and Elec), or a wild west system where you can do any build but damage magnitude is much more narrow? If the difference between top and bottom damage is smaller then you can deviate from the inevitable FOTM build without giving up a lot or any potential, or you can even make your own build for niche situations and outperform the FOTM through knowledge and planning.

    Besides, if they flatten everything by taking away AM and WM extra damage, that means they have to balance abilities within a much smaller margin. That means instead of a full-blown power revamp each month that buffs or changes a whole AM to do like 50% more damage (see midrange), they can tweak individual abilities or combinations to fine-tune damage.
  9. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

  10. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    There never has been nor will there ever be balance in this game. There are too many variables to even make that dream a reality. The power types are too different from DoT, Burst, AoE damage types to the countless situations they all thrive in separately. Some of you may disagree but I've always seen the biggest cause for balance and imbalance is the community's perspective of what balance actually is. If you've been on these forums for a few years then you've likely have seen the many threads asking for "balancing", realistically nerfing, because "X power" is better than my current power that I will never change from. This usually spawns several:
    • A) Make my power as strong as "X power"
    • B)"X Power" needs to be nerfed(because, realistically, it's stronger than my power)
    These powers will never perform the same and they were never meant to. Asking Elec to be able to do Gadget burst damage or asking for Fire to be able to do Rage Melee damage is ridiculous. As farfetched as it sounds, that's what some of these players are asking for in so many words. I get it, no one wants to be a FoTM bandwagon player just to be competitive or feel like their power got left behind but when asking of balance, please keep in mind that your suggestions effect the entire population both PvE and PvP(Yes, they matter too). I see too often people make threads entitled "WE want..." or "Give US...." when I never asked for or wanted whatever "it" was. Everyone should know by now that most changes implemented in this game are taken into consideration, by the devs, from the vocal minority on these forums, the few that attend SOE Live panels, and the fellows over on Test.
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  11. Justice League USA Well-Known Player

    What are you talking about.."Never Nerf Mentality", it has never been practice in the game. And incase you didn't notice, they have neerfed every power in the game at some point time.

    Also did you miss the the part where I said I didn't want any of the buffs from wpm, cr diff, and advance mech.

    They can bring other things up rather taking powers down.