What's wrong with helping out?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Dr Improbable, Sep 17, 2016.

  1. Dr Improbable Dedicated Player

    I used to be the guy who would exit a duo if you were a healer or controller (but not a tank, tanks ROCK). Or if you had no mods or base mods or were under the recommended cr, but not anymore. It only takes a few extra minutes out of my not-so-busy day to run Harley's Heist with that cr160 healer. Why be so picky? I'm hardly the best. That healer or troll you help today could end up saving your butt in a raid down the line. Be kind, just don't let anyone take advantage of you.
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  2. it_was_Friday Dedicated Player

    Not a tank you say?
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  3. Leafy Committed Player

    the only time i would leave is if I'm to low of a cr myself , or im honestly just not in the mood for it , I would then proceed to disconnect and go into nap mode.
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  4. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    I don't mind their CR, but if they aren't in damage role, it's just silly.

    The object of a Duo is to defeat the enemies and be done. There's no need for a Controller, Healer or Tank.

    I don't leave Duos, but I do get annoyed running Harley's Heist with a Controller. It's like ugh, why ?
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  5. High Troller Loyal Player

    Dude leaves if there's a tank
  6. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Lol, most duos are able to be soloed, even at the min. CR if played smart. Ive had people leave all the time when leveling my alts. The worst at doing it, and some of you know your the guilty ones, are those who come in at around the min. CR and hope to be carried by a higher CR. If your the same, regardless of role, they leave. Lol. My atomic tank that I'm power leveling usually does the duos alone. People see tank and leave, or just sit at the beginning and see if you'll leave.

    What I would like is a barrier in the spawn area like in pvp. I think a timer should start when the duo starts. If you stay in there, you get kicked after say 1 or 2 min. That's long enough to grab a drink, pee, whatever. The higher CR buttheads thinking their funny or lower CR cowards who won't even try. They should not get anything just like you would in pvp.
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  7. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    You all need glasses btw. He said he would leave instance if there were a healer or troller, but not tanks, cause they rock. Lol, reading helps.
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  8. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    I've got no real issue with running a dup with a Healer, Troll or Tank as opposed to some one WAY under the recommended CR ... a CR 140 Tank can be a very helpful on a Flash Museum duo while a CR 113 DPS that dies 10 times and does almost no damage at all on the same duo is a totally useless and I will and do walk on them. I PLAY all 4 roles so I am much more willing to help a 131 Healer make it through Zamaron Corrupted than a CR 113 anything. That CR 131 Healer won't add much damage but will provide my character with shields and heals to keep my character alive till the mobs or boss falls. A Cr 113 HEALER wont be alive long enough to provide me with much of anything and the duo can take as long as thirty minutes to complete. With another good DPS I could complete that same duo in 5 or 6 minutes.

    I'm like you.. I am retired from the military so I have more time available to play than many others but I still have choirs to do around the house and other things I enjoy besides this game PLUS I have over 20 alts so the less time I waste trying to complete 1 duo with some one with no busy being there in the first place the more time I have t play other ALTS.

    Oh and High Troller.. Tell that to the idiot DPS my Atomic TANK teamed with on Demon Pit. I was used to running it with my buddy and would switch back and forth from DPS to Tank when Boss battles came up.. and LET'S be honest .. You defeat 1 minion at the start of that duo and your into your first boss battle so I always start out as a tank. WELL bright boy refused to move until I switched to DPS and then proceeded to get his butt kicked by the Flash. I wound up back in TANK role to keep him from dying and finish up the first boss battle. I immediately switched back to DPS and we headed into the corridors to work our way to the next battle against Green Arrow and... /rolls eyes he was dying just battling 3 man mobs. I switched back to tank and AMAZINGLY he stopped dying and we were able to get through those tunnels and defeat Arrow and Wild Cat. Oh and my buddy and I used to do that same duo and I'd be in TROLL mode with my Quantum. You know it was really hard for those poor ninjas to do any damage at all while they were stunned senseless and held dangling in mid air while the two of us beat them senseless. Sure it goes FASTER with two GOOD DPS but that utter BS that started a while back about SUPPORT has no business on a duo is just that BS.
  9. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Opps sorry Troller I READ your post wrong I think you meant he leave IF there is a TANK?
  10. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    as in he'd never walk out on the duo on the tank player but would trolls and healers ect.
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  11. Saami Loyal Player

    I dont care what role you enter in duo, but ffs do your part.
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  12. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    no if they are healer/troll he leaves, if they are tanks he wont
  13. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    but but but I wanna come in at 112.9cr :eek:
  14. Telos Usr Dedicated Player

    Standard duo rules for me; you Try or you Leave.

    Role and CR dont mean anything to me, if I see you launching yourself at adds you most likely dont stand a chance against, then you're genuinely interested in Trying and get full backup. You dont? Well, most will sit there and cry for an hour or so and then that rusty cog will turn and they'll leave, im done carrying players who have no interest in trying, no interest in learning and will NEVER be able to help out in the future. Thats a fools errand.
  15. Korlick Loyal Player

    I dont mind helping support roles in duos. But...if they are not doing their part, then...they are gonna die a lot or watch me run in circles for a very long time.
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  16. Pathosgrim Dedicated Player

    I have no problem helping a support role through a duo.
    I'll never play a duo as a support role tho
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  17. NoPhilosophy Committed Player

    Anyone with a decent grasp of the game can solo duos anyway. There's no point getting upset that some low cr wants gear....what a surprise....
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  18. seek76 Committed Player

    This is a game I play for fun. If you show up for content, I will clear the content with or without your help. If I have to carry you, so be it, if you want to actually participate, so be it. I don't care either way I'm getting my loot and I'm moving on. If you don't like it you are free to leave anytime you so choose. It takes me 5 minutes to clear most of the duos with help, without help, it takes me about 7 minutes, either way its getting done.
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  19. light FX Steadfast Player

    The problem i have is people being rude. I run a ton of duos. I see low cr people all the time. Most times i run with em. Some days i dont. Cause i get sick of carrying minimum cr people thru them. But sometimes i get people who are rude to me because they died even tho they are at the minimum and they make it seem like its my fault they died. Or the people who just run behind me the whole time like im their meatshield or not attacking anything but just looking for collections the entire time.

    I usually run 6 toons thru 4 duos a day. And when u see/deal with this kinda stuff on a daily basis it gets pretty old. And like i said majority of the time i stay and do the run and say nothing. But if a rude comment gets thrown my way its ignore then leave. Same with the people who just put "FEAT" in the chat. Idky its so hard for people to communicate like human beings. Im not a mind reader so idk what feat ya want when that gets said. I also think people should ask. Like "hey can we do this feat?" or "mind helping me get this feat?" and then say what feat it is. Ya wouldnt walk onto a car lot to buy a car, walk up to the salesman and say "CAR." Or walk into a restaurant and say "FOOD." Could be a language thing and obviously that is ok then. 1 time i told a guy ya know u can ask "can ya help me with this feat?" And his reply was "well dont do it then." So instead of just asking he responds like an ****** :rolleyes:
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  20. light FX Steadfast Player

    Agreed. I wont walk out on support role people 99% of the time. But the 1% i do is because of trolls. There is literally no reason for them to troll a duo. And most of the time when i get a troll they dont give power, debuff or stun. Now i dont need power pretty much at all and the debuffs are well not a big deal. The stuns yea 100% should be doing it. Point is play your role. Cause if ya wont do that then why troll? Just go dps and do way more dmg. All these people are doing is dpsing in troll role. Its silly.
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