SALE: 12-Month Memberships for $71.99 USD

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Dexella, Aug 25, 2016.

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  1. Joybird Committed Player

    I'm currently locked into a $9.99 per month rate from a promotion a few years ago. If I buy this $71.99 year, do I go back to my old rate at the end of the year?
  2. DawnOfKhaos Well-Known Player

    To bad, lost me as a sub, cya next year.

    Yeah, agree with you. I just want to play the game and this is just a lazy way to fix balance issues. I switched to earth after being HL for years because I was sick of not being able to do any DPS. HL has been broken for years now. Instead of doing it right they take the easy way out all the time just like with the so called new content, nothing more than rehashed old content. Just unsubed like I had planned, cya some time next year.

    Yeah, agree with you. I just want to play the game and this is just a lazy way to fix balance issues. I switched to earth after being HL for years because I was sick of not being able to do any DPS. HL has been broken for years now. Instead of doing it right they take the easy way out all the time just like with the so called new content, nothing more than rehashed old content. Just unsubed like I had planned, cya some time next year.

    Yeah, agree with you. I just want to play the game and this is just a lazy way to fix balance issues. I switched to earth after being HL for years because I was sick of not being able to do any DPS. HL has been broken for years now. Instead of doing it right they take the easy way out all the time just like with the so called new content, nothing more than rehashed old content. Just unsubed like I had planned, cya some time next year.
  3. Jimmy Dull New Player

    Nice sale! I'm glad I saved some nice amount of money on my Steam Wallet. That money would go straight to Daybreak's pockets, IF they didn't have that requirement for a credit card even in said payment mode (for "recurring biling", they say). I mean, the godamm money is there, why can't you just take it, DB?? lol Well, if you won't take it, some other game company will. :rolleyes:
    There's another comment about such requirement at the start of the thread. I assume the other guy isn't buying a membership either, so Daybreak is just losing around $144 with us alone. Not to mention all other ppl in same situation (and I do know a lot of ppl in this situation).
    Now I don't want this to be just another empty complaint from an unimportant custumer, so I'll leave a suggestion: give customers a real alternative to credit card; let that "recurring billing" as an OPT-IN, and not as a forced requirement; start profiting from ppl who actually wants to buy memberships, rather than profiting on ppl who had simply forgot to cancel their recurring payment.
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  4. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Is she your left hand or your right hand?
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  5. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Are you an EU player? I believe the PSN in the EU doesn't offer a 12 month sub, and never has as far as I'm aware.
  6. Shandirra1006 Active Player

    This. ^

    The prime reason I refuse to ever subscribe again unless they change payment methods. I despise the idea of being locked into a payment simply due to inertia. Especially after the SOE credit card hacker fiasco.

    As with all the most profitable game models, flexibility is the key to receiving loyalty from the player base. Everyone wants options on a reasonable basis. Attempting to lock people into a credit card subscription is unwise. Which I believe is the driving cause behind this promotion. DB is maneuvering themselves into extinction.
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  7. Gree Nero New Player

    So it ends 2 days before i can get it, wonderful. Please please please extend it by a few days? You can have my money if you do. 72 whole dollars of it. I paid plenty before and had an 18 month prepaid membership. I have spent major money besides that as well. I have been a very good customer, throw a bone? Look at my account guys, the money I have spent on this game is actually kinda embarrassing. Not asking for somethin for nothing here, willing to pay, as my record will surely show.
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  8. jetkundow08 New Player

    hello, can i buy the 12 month membership with the $75 PlayStation Store Gift Card sold in amazon?
  9. jetkundow08 New Player

    hello, can i buy the 12 month membership with the $75 PlayStation Store Gift Card sold in amazon?
  10. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    Yes, as long as it is for your region/nation. Whatever adds funds to your PlayStation Wallet will allow you to buy it.
  11. RJB New Player

    Hi there. I'd like an answer ASAP before it's too late. I'm playing on PC and I'd like to know if both EU and US have this great 12 months sale. Thanks!
  12. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

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  13. RJB New Player

    And one more important thing. I've read something about credit cards ... What if I don't have one yet? I could just use my steam wallet codes in order to get the money for the All-Access sub, but will it require this credit card thing?
  14. DawnOfKhaos Well-Known Player

    Best way they could have done this was run it from the last week of the month through the first week of the next month and that way us that have jobs could get this deal, you cover all the paydays that way. But then again we are talking commonsense here, not much of that at DB at the moment.
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  15. Comet New Player

    I currently have a 3 month recurring membership which is not up for renewal until Oct 24th. I wanted the deal so I purchased it and upgraded my membership to the yearly plan. It says that I won't be charged until Oct 24th though. Will it charge me the sale price even though it is well past the deadline?
  16. AgentOfLight New Player

    okay this has nothing to do with the membership deal but the time capsules.....who came up with the stupid idea.....i have over 30 capsules that i can not open because of the ridiculous thing were you have to collect 15 fragments just to get 1 stabiliser or spend more money on this game then i already do to buy a stabiliser...honestly you have to do the event 3 times to get 15 fragments Its ridiculous.
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  17. Pults Loyal Player

    88USD if you're playing from EU on US server. When do you plan to add non recurring payment options + paypal for All Access?
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  18. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    You are on PC or PS?
  19. Pults Loyal Player

  20. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    I´m on PC too and i just paid 57 euros via Steam. No taxes at all
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