About quantum

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Jacar, Aug 17, 2016.

  1. Jacar New Player

    Is it worth it to stay as quantum ? i like the power and don't really care for the scoreboard so what should i do ?
  2. stärnbock Devoted Player

    if u like trolling, its ok. dammagewise it is not only slow, but the dammage cap is an unfair addition...
  3. stärnbock Devoted Player

    also: try to dps on lashina or doomsday with the timebomb... u will die at most of reflections that are there...
  4. Pathosgrim Dedicated Player

    Switch to gadgets or mental if you care about damage.
    Switch to munitions if you want an low rank add killing supercharge.

    If you want to DPS with a handicapped DPS power but I have a cool teleport power then stay quantum.
  5. L T Devoted Player

    If you like the power, play it. It's bright and flashy and blue-white. Plus you can teleport.

    Why not start a new character with the power you're thinking of switching to and play that power for a bit?
    • Like x 2
  6. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    It's up to you really.

    Quantum is not that bad of a DPS, it's just in quick time situations and it lacks in situations where you get interrupted.

    If you're planning to switch, I'd buy a power respec token while they're on sale this weekend. That way you save out.
  7. iClip Committed Player

    If you like trolling, it is by far the best. The DPS side lacks, but its not completely terrible. It will moderately keep up if you know what your doing.
  8. Simply Tensai Well-Known Player

    like above stick to it if you like it, if going up against reflect bosses, switch to power--->weapon combo method so time bomb doesnt blow up in your face, and never respec a timelord, we are far and few, those of us who arent bad at using it live to tell a grand story*looks for profile editor*"wheres my backstory page?"*/cry*
  9. AbBaNdOn_IGN Committed Player

    My quantum was actually built around a character concept rather than being cookie cutter. I was ok with it, then it sucked, I recently reworked it and im pretty freaking in love with it again.

    I rely on weapon mastery combo's primarily.

    I open with distortion wave, clip into weapon buff, and then I usually lunge the enemy and start into my weapon mastery. At the end of my WM I use Tachyon Blast, AC Wave?, or more Dis Waves. Hitting dis waves at the end of every WM in a crowd of enemies is pretty awesome lol. I usually last about 2-3 rotations before I have to scale back and start trying to build up power again.

    Very fun. I am trying to skill down all the weapons that boost crit chance. My crit chance is pretty low.

    Tachyon Blast and the AC Wave? are very weak powers in my opinion. I would expect the power you use after a WM and timed perfecly to inflict more damage than the WM combo but they never even come close. AC Wave is super cool but it uses a ton of power and it is a really messed up power. It doesnt have the range of Tachyon and it seems to have problems hitting targets in general.

    I didnt want use the tree with dis wave, tachyon and time bomb, the cookie cutter side. But Distortion Wave is the power that stuns everything really well and that was the concept my guy was built around. I tried to use gravity well back before i had weapon mastery and that was just a big ol pile of fail.

    My friend has a quantum around the same level as mine and she does the cookie cutter thing and it for sure out performs mine by millions in tough battles but in anything less we are pretty even.

    Wish Dis Wave wasnt at the bottom of the first tree. Then again it doesnt really matter thats your stun AND your 50% move so its all you really need.... gravity well should be an area pull and stun and then it would be AWESOME.

    Something interesting I have noticed about Quantum......the stupid power only has one DIRECT power heal. Most of the other troll powers I have have one power in each tree for direct power heals. But with my set up I cant even be a fake troll. The only thing I can do is cast PoT lol. Sometimes between action I like to use it.

    Dis Wave, Weapon Buff, and Weapon Masteries is my suggestion if you want to enjoy qauntum as a non cookie cutter.
  10. Pathosgrim Dedicated Player

    Lol at the people still defending quantum DPS. You guys probably see a lot of loading screens when you get into an instance. The Devs could ruin the power even further and you people would stick to it lol

    Its like players love to underperform
  11. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    *Waves with Rage character*

    I've under-performed for ages now.. I really don't care as long as we get the mission done.

    I can see quantum could use a small boost but Electric and Nature need priority right now.
  12. Simply Tensai Well-Known Player

    lower damage: maybe.(just use a 50% power and use weapons<_<)

    remove d waves massive aoe cc: a war will start like no other because its one of the few wide aoes in game that have fx to go with its effect....(and its really ****in epic for what dcuo's engine can handle... but still not on par with CO's set of "big guns") okay maybe ice's frost storm SC or whatever it is is cool but its still no "float everything" kind of power<_<

    buff that arm cylinder SC: specifics plox, much specifics plox
  13. Scrub Well-Known Player

    You sound like someone who spends a lot on respec tokens everytime there's an update.....
    • Like x 1
  14. stärnbock Devoted Player

    Instead of quantum tunneling, i use swoop attack and jump cancel it. Much faster than teleport for longer range. Just sayin...
  15. Gimpy Loyal Player

    Swoop is a movement specific attack and not usable by everyone.

    I play as Q, didn't buy a respect token after They started the ninja nerfs instead I have just stopped playing the game at all.

    I logged in in July a couple of times but didn't do any content and have no plans to login until March 2017 which is when I expect the 1st of the "NEW" changes to go live. Depending on what those changes are and weather all the "bugs" that have existed for years have been fixed.

    Honestly, the content won't be the deciding factor but rather the bugs being fixed will make or break the choice to resume playing.

    If a single bug remains,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  16. iClip Committed Player

    And using tricks like that is the only way it will moderately keep up. Which is sad because considering it got a mid range and still suck. This still goes to show me that the devs NEVER want things to be balanced. If they wanted balance, we would've had balance years ago.
  17. stärnbock Devoted Player

    Having shortcuts that would let the time bomb explode right away by using a buff, shield or tunneling would be awesum. Imagine: warp barrage > time bomb > warped reality > boom! Time bomb explodes for its dammage cap! Now, that would be awesum... For exchanche you would loose your PI and your buff untill u can activate them again. Sounds great? Make a suggestion to the devs, if u like the idea...
  18. Gimpy Loyal Player

    You just gave the reason it won't work in Your statement.

    "time bomb explodes for it's damage cap"

    If Quantum has truly been "balanced" there is no need for a "damage cap".


    "damage cap"

    I just fixed Electricity,

    raise Electricity's "damage cap" to that of Quantum,
    • Like x 1
  19. stärnbock Devoted Player

    I AGREE! yes, if there are no short cuts, then the dammage cap is unfair and must go. quantum should stay unique with time bomb explodes after all adds are gone, but if it does explode, than it should explode with all force it deserves for the time it has to hit!
  20. Pathosgrim Dedicated Player


    First I was gadgets when I made my toon.
    Then when Quantum came out, I switched to that.
    Then I switched back to Gadgets around the summer of 2014.
    Then Feb of 2015 I switched to Quantum.
    Finally switched to mental around 2-3 months ago because the devs are bad fixing underperforming powers.

    I'm not going to list the healer and tank powers I switched to because I switched to those for styles and feats