Community Question: SP

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by No Crying, Aug 8, 2016.

  1. No Crying Committed Player

    If I were a 175cr with 100sp would it matter to your league as a person that would be able to carry their weight? I am not going to ask from a DPS role I am saying from a Support role. I see more people with 175cr and running Tank and just not doing very well at it. I am sure their are other Support roles that are lower, but this is what I saw.

    So why I ask this is because I think SP do have a priority when it comes to running content. So when people say CR is all that matters it's simply not true from a support role perspective. I'm not sure DPS wise but I know as a support role SP has to be up to par.

    I feel honestly I am very low to were I would like to be I am aiming for 250sp by January. I think that will get me in the sweet spot I am looking for. I troll with ease no problem but I feel so accomplished when I hit certain marks I am looking for
  2. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    100 is fine.
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  3. No Crying Committed Player

    Really as a support role? How?
  4. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    Because I think you need like 80 to get all your Crits ? I forget the number, somewhere around there. The rest is just icing on the cake. CR matters most.

    EDIT: I wasn't suggesting to stop getting them. Obviously keep getting more SP. But 100 is fineyou don't have to feel inadequate or scared to enter groups or whatever.
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  5. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    But is the extra vit not as inmporant as cr?
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  6. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    nothing a trinket, omega, and stat cola you craft cant make up lol
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  7. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    Correct. Your vita doesn't matter if you are KO'd lol
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  8. Kroye Loyal Player

    I think that some folks see SP as an indicator of time invested playing and learning the game and it's mechanics.Some leagues pride themselves on their SPs, and only allow new members that are above a minimum SP. There's nothing wrong with that, and keeps them from constantly running an "Academy" where they are training new players every week for months on end.

    That said, SP isn't an indicator of someone's attitude or player skill. I'll take the more skilled player over the higher Vit controller any day. Things like double tick, shield timing, supercharge timing, personal power management, pickups, clutch stuns or interrupts, etc - all of that is more important than a raw Vit stat.
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  9. xKnightfyrex New Player

    Often on my first or second time through on an alert or raid, if I enter near minimum Cr, I run support, trol, hang back, and can usually make it through ok. I also like to keep me sp near my Cr (149sp and 158cr) currently. But I do believe the sp helps
  10. bagofboom Committed Player

    I like German Chocolate Cake best.
    Cherry Cheesecake too.
    Hmmm, maybe not in that order now that I think about it.
    I'm sorry, what was this thread about......?
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  11. Hraesvelg Always Right

    That's why we have a minimum, but it isn't too stringent. We like to pick up people that have a little experience under their belt, but haven't formed too many bad habits.
  12. Proxystar #Perception

    The only thing I expect is that people don't be rude and you actually do your role. If you're gonna be rude to me then you better be prepared for the claws because I will slash and do so mercilessly when in the right mood.

    If you're respectful and want to bother to listen and better yourself then I have no problem with any number of skill points, but if you're the type of player that just goes into raids and ***** it up with your over inflated ego, no clue as to why things are failing only to start blaming everyone but what's really going on then, well, you can go eat a turd burger :D

    *dislcaimer none of this is directed at you, it's at players with that attitude in general :)
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  13. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    You sure? I've been kicked from a group for the sole reason of only having 160 SP.
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  14. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    Had you bathed that day ?
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  15. Korlick Loyal Player

    Well...ive been kicked with 240+ for different reasons. Bad performance (when youre in a bad day...theres no enough SP or CR to workaround that), arguing with people, ****** people, or whatever...

    Dont know youre case, but...just saying...theres a lot of reasons for being kicked other than XX amount of SP.
  16. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    I been kicked for arguing back with stupid people lol
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  17. Proxystar #Perception

    I'm just going to come right out and say this, but there is a large chunk of this community that are just downright rude, ignorant, inconsiderate and just plain stupid.

    I got kicked from a DWFe today because they decided it was more convenient to blame the third dps than it was to blame the support roles that weren't doing their jobs and the other dps not being responsible with their lives.

    I was playing the range game because I was being responsible and therefore my damage was less because I was using mass lev instead of mass terror.

    Instead of actually observing what was happening they just look up the scoreboard and knee jerk. The other DPS were up in front of the boss doing melee damage and mass terror and robot clipping; putting strain on the group and dying. All other members of the group were running around popping orange puddles on everyone and causing wipes.

    The tanks were arguing about which power was best for adds, atomic or ice and refusing to co-operate. It then became my fault because apparently the bosses should have been dead sooner... It had nothing to do with the fact they were all playing like muppets.

    The tank then tried to act like my advice was useless and then proceeded to ridicule the number of skill points or knowledge I had, when merely offering suggestions that the atomic tank take the adds and the ice tank take the boss and that people just back up a little.

    Funnily enough they only had 190 skill points and proceeded to tell me I only had more skill points because I had been playing longer... Like somehow I had not achieved the same feats by doing the same things and more...

    It then turned into an argument about PSN v PC with one telling me how his television was worth more than my computer and that I was a government smooch.

    I somehow think being kicked from the raid in the long run did me a favor and I now have a bunch of people of know are more worthy of ignoring and avoiding than ever wasting my time with again.

    Something I will say about PSN players, because it just doesn't happen on PC is the number of them that seemingly sit right up next to their televisions with the game sounds echoing back through their headsets while having what should be private conversations with their significant others or using derogatory and racist terms over and over...

    Maybe I'm just unlucky and have been experiencing an increasingly larger number of these this weekend, I don't know :D
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  18. it_was_Friday Dedicated Player

    Yes it is. That's why CR differential is only about damage, and SP do still matter.
  19. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    i just finished stating my opinion on the matter in another thread...however i'll add having low sp or a low cr doesn't mean i won't give someone a chance. i love to help out when i can but i also don't want to be burdened either. if you're a good player its going to show no matter what.

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  20. Gam3r4Lif3 Dedicated Player

    You hold your own, you hold a spot in my group.
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