Where are all the heroes?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ingyball, Jul 20, 2016.

  1. ingyball New Player

    Is it something on my end? When I played in May the server was full, but now I see at most 3 people in the watch tower. I saw a guy on twitch playing as a villain and the map was full of other villains. Did all the heroes quit?
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  2. Burdock New Player

    They all got base amenities and don't visit the watchtower often.
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  3. bmce84 Loyal Player

    it was because downtime was longer for Xbox, so it took players longer to get back in.
  4. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    What you describe is how it was on PC before the server merge.

    Sadly.... short of having XB merge with PS and PC....... not sure what can be done.

    Did most XB players already give up on this game??
  5. The peoples Badguy Committed Player

    The Bad One says they are hiding like the cowards that they are. Hero's make the People sick.
  6. Titon Well-Known Player

    I am usually just in my base, no need to go to Watch Tower with Base Amenities and League Hall. Only thing there is Gear.
  7. RIDDICULOUS New Player

    not sure why you see it empty, I play every night after work and it is always booming with players and chatter. Xbox doesn't need to merge, it is very much still alive. Calm down.
  8. SII Superman New Player

    There all outside the Bohemia Police station fighting low lvl players like little girls, instead of camping / posting up at the Shady club fighting the villains.
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  9. TheArmorsmith Dedicated Player

    Most likely the first few months was what did in on some cases with all the crashes. Also believe it or not lack of tutorials and speedy leveling up. I mean I can get a character to 170 fast. But you'll see newer players at 165 but with like 45 SP. So that first few months might have not left a good impression. Many thought the F2P system was unfair or stupid as well i'm sure that may have played a part.
  10. DarthJafo Committed Player

    Merge can't happen soon enough imo. Waiting several minutes to run a t7 duo, let alone alert is nuts.
  11. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    What did you or the dev or the people expect?

    a) There is tons of guides and tutorials to rush through the game -> if things can be done quick players are "done" with a game more quick. There was no "figure it out"-phase for the Xbox.

    b) Devs sorta rushed the port and despite warnings on the forums long before, transported the journal bug and other "game breakers" to the Xbox. Sure, logging out and back in fixes a lot of them, but if you're queue was 3000 spots long before, you don't just log out and back in....

    c) The graphics are outdated. Better graphics do not make a game better in any way of depth or challenge or gameplay, but the current generations of gamers come with a lot of people who don't have it with depth or challenge anyway - they want fast food gaming: good looks, done quick, next. DCUO is none of that and on top of the graphics being totally outdated, the game lacks in depth, challenge, presentation, payment models etc.

    It was too early for the Xbox launch - or way (as in 5 years :D) too late. The current product doesn't cut it, it is too undecided in its design and in totally not a "ready" product. The ones of us who stay stay due to time and money already invested mostly, not because the game is still fun. New players easiyl leave such a thing behind.
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  12. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Oh I have no doubt that all the crashes and the game being very unstable or people not being able to log in did contribute a LOT to people giving up on the game.

    Most people will not be willing to put up with games as unstable as DCUO was.

    Heck I have plenty of friends who tried out DCUO on PS3...... and quickly gave up on the game thanks to all the crashes and all the downtime the game had.

    Some people will try to say that "it's normal for a MMO".

    But I before I played DCUO.... I played DDO and LotRO.
    Heck in 6 months on LotRO you don't see as many crashes or downtime as you see in DCUO in ONE week.

    As for the lack of tutorial..... hard to argue against that one too.

    Heck..... I started making videos to help out new players because of the lack of tutorial.
  13. Famuel L Jackson New Player

    I played DCUO nearly every day until last month. Many people stopped playing, nearly my whole 100+ member League. People got sick of the game, including me.

    Membership divided the players immensely. Nobody wanted to pay 15$ a month for a game with outdated graphics, loot locks and horridly repetitive gameplay. 15$ a month isn't worth it.
    Then there is loot locks, for paying members, trying to get you to pay for replay coins when you have already payed. "Hey, you want to do an alert?" Usually follows with "I am loot locked" or "I don't have the episodes"
    It made it very difficult to play with friends, and we all know how Quing can be... No thanks.
    This is from the Villians side. IMO the game on Xbox is on its deathbed. I've tried to get back into the game, but can't. All my friends quit. Not even the Free access to episodes for 30 days helped, which comes with extended loot locks.
    Then there's the fact that most new episodes are old areas reskinned, like Rip in Time.
    5 years after this games initial release, we are accustomed to top quality gameplay, graphics, combat or lvl up mechanics, and DCUO is far too outdated in these areas to charge an insane amount of $ for memberships, especially with games like The Division, Destiny, Neverwinter, Elder Scrolls Online, Warframe, ect. To play instead.
    Do I think those games are better? No. But most people on Xbox do, and their not gonna pay to play DCUO as a member, nor play it severely limited for free or premium.
    Oh yeah, and the launch on xb1 was horrendous.
    RIP DCUO on XB1. We barely knew you.
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  14. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    They're taking tips from Tina.

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  15. Controller Devoted Player


    Busy taking pictures.
  16. OmniDevil Well-Known Player

    Lack of content releases did it for me and most of our league. We got our feats and those that we were tired of failing to get because PUGs don't read or listen, grew old fast. None of us rushed through content and I rarely used replay badges unless I needed more chances at another weapon box from BBS.

    The last couple of weeks before we took a break, trying to find groups in the watchtower or even getting league mates to log on was a chore.
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  17. DarthJafo Committed Player

    Where have all the good men gone and where are all the gods? Where's the streetwise Hercules to fight the rising odds?
  18. xPhantom Atom Well-Known Player

    Most people who stand in the Watchtower are there to either dual, talk rubbish in shout or nothing and just like standing around. If it's not as busy in the Watchtower it could mean that people are actively doing things like ranking up/Getting Alts ranked/gaining SP's. Your best bet is to join an active league which allows for you to always get things done and have people free.

    We decided to combine members from three leagues on the XB1US with the aim of having players wanting to do feats and end game. It will be a slow progress but we all want to be 200sp+ by the new content and also have other Alts at max. We are always active and have people on too.

    So to answer the OP's question, most do things within leagues.
  19. ingyball New Player

    Thanks for the Answers, I figured out I needed to go to PvE to find people, there was literally no one in the PVP server for some reason.
  20. BrassRazoo New Player

    For Oceanic / South East Asia, or whatever you want to label us, that's Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Thialand, Indonesia, Philippines etc. are used to playing on US servers. Not only is the ping better but the time zones are compatibly better.
    I'm a Hero on EU XB1 with CR175 and around 160SP and I can see the players fading.
    I just finished my initial 3 month membership and only renewed for 1 month as I don't see it lasting for me.
    I only have mostly T8 raid, PvP and Style feats left and finding enough quality players for T8 raids, items in the Broker or people queuing for PvP just is not happening, and if it's not happening now I don't see it happening for a long time, if ever.
    An EU merge with US for XB1 is essential or EU XB1 is doomed.