Fix Pvp Dev's!

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by AceOfTheSpades, Jul 23, 2016.

  1. AceOfTheSpades New Player

    So,many players including me are facing these things :3
    1. 35% power will kill you instantly If you fall in that range :(
    2. Some tanks never die incl Atomic and Fire :(
    3. Sorcery heals are insane too in healer role,
    4. Healers beat quick and Hl too but they can be tackled
    The list can go on,Like other people face many issues,but the up 3 points are what I have faced so many times!!!,and I hate 2 and 3 as earth!,Give a debuff to us at least to make their self heals low -_- Thank you!
  2. Hidden Talentz New Player

    You forgot celestial
  3. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    Finishers went unused for years (minus the home turf period), simply because if a finisher doesn't deal enough damage to kill when procced it's effectively useless.

    The long animation means the DPS it does is inferior to many other powersets non-finisher options (shotgun, clips with FS/det, upheavel, hc-gh), they leave you wide open and are very difficult to land against a team that has a good healer (because they keep pushing the health above 35%). They're also dodgeable, so if the damage misses completely your DPS has dropped significantly and provided the healer with a lot of breathing room.

    The only area where finishers may be more of a problem is 1v1s. However to fix this, they should simply remove all CC effects from finishers so that they're far easier to counter or at least dodge. If you happen to get countered and finished off with a finisher however, then that's kind of deserved.

    Sorc isn't even the top healer right now :p
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  4. AceOfTheSpades New Player

    P.S. Look 35 percenter are cool,cos it is balanced in a sense (You wrote alot for it lol)
    Hehe,Just go up against a good sorcery healer,and you will see what I am talking about,Top healer or not killing them is tough If they use their supercharge and soder + watcher at good times
  5. AceOfTheSpades New Player

    I have faced few celestial,but your right most powers are broken in pvp incl celestial
  6. gemii Dedicated Player

    yeah.. lets balance the DPS side of some powers before we talk about nerfing roles. Nobody wants to see everyone running around with the same op dps power off the strength of roles getting nerfed.
  7. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

  8. gemii Dedicated Player

    Munitions, Celestial, Hardlight need their damage reduced

    martial arts weapon lunge needs its damage reduced

    Healing in DPS role needs to be reduced especially on atomic

    i personally feel ALL support roles should be left alone, they are what they are support roles and their purpose are to be assets to the team whether it be healing, trolling or staying alive as a tank. Let them do their job without having to be broken down to irrelevancy. Remember when shields got nerfed? ice tanks are still instinct to this day i'd actually like to see the return of role gear maybe when the season comes back around shields will be relevant again.

    if support roles do get nerfed, at least buff up the damage on the support role side. if your going to weaken my roles ability i might as well get a damage buff to compensate for it.
  9. Command Overlord Well-Known Player

    Healing overall is still high ever since overall damage got nerfed, that is why healers and self healing dps/tanks are more op than they need to be. Healing does need to be reduced but I think toughness should be a bit more so dps don't completely dominate players.

    As for finishers they are not created equal and only a hand full do the job with ease. I do think that the damage they do needs to be reduced so it don't actually take off 35% of a person's health.

    Support roles need to be a thing again, gear and role buffs. PvP was more interesting with more choices instead of spamming a few powers or weapon combos.

    There also needs adjustments to certain weapon combos that can be used with little to no risk of being countered and how there is a big difference in size of counter windows depending on some weapons (1h small counter windows and staff large counter windows).

    Has everyone forgot what Dominance is? Cause since PvP has all the clamps and restrictions, Dominance really don't do anything anymore as far as CC resistance and chance of CC. Controller powers dps or controller roles are still dominant in CC but tanks are not even the bit resistant to these effects. CC is dominant with only a hand full of powers that can easily change the outcome of a fight if used as spam with little to no risk of counters.

    I understand PvP has its clamps and restrictions that are all for balancing, specially for new and casual players. But it can be annoying for the ones who work for the gear, the SP, and the skill to PvP only to be beat by someone who just started or wasn't trying and got lucky. PvP gear and stats should matter a bit more and the little difference in stats of gear really don't make that much of a difference. Skill still has its part but it can only go so far depending on powers.

    Feel free to comment I want PvP to be fun, competitive, with less restrictions, and more choices.