CR 122 to 131 ratings for instances and gear drop levels

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by fae star, Jun 30, 2016.

  1. fae star New Player

    I do not know if this is just because we xbox players are going through cr ratings so fast compared to what the others had to wait for on new episodes, but one thing I have noticed that once you hit CR 122 there is a hug CR level issue in tier 7.

    First issue is we get so easy going to the next instance that pops up on mim cr level. Now part of this is because the whole game is centered around gearing. I do not think many of us are trying to be bad players when we queue up hoping for a high level player to run us through. I know for me I just hit 125 after farming marks and finally getting carried in a instance. I am Hard Light so I had a ice dps'er together I could still stun the instance and the other player directed the damage so thankfully I wasn't kicked.

    Because we have to farm marks and get gear from vendors another habit I am noticing with me is the 8 man seem to be the best way to get those marks faster, but when they get locked out and have no replay badges ones that I would normally not queue up for I will queue up for just to try to squeeze in those last marks. For me I have a game plan with my main hard light character I am doing gear farming for marks to move up to 131 the next vendor cr and I am working on skill points. I want to get my skill points up to at least 75 so when farming for marks gets bad I will go to skill points.

    I'm used to mmorpg's plus I am disabled so I play at odd hours of the night. I know looking for group isn't always going to be perfect it is hit or miss like last night I finally got in on the higher level flash one with a 169 gear level person. I was so excited because I thought I might finally get another upgrade without having to buy marks. Right when get to the boss fight dc universe decides to freeze up on my xbox. I was so mad, but I know it was just my luck another reason I seem to hate the gear gap levels.

    Last thing I will say is I know in a way I should not be complaining because we are doing in less the months sometimes weeks what other players had to wait years on it just seems annoying and unless you have the mind set to deal with the gear gaps those areas require such game plans to get to the next vendor. I'm still playing casual as well so I'm not really rushing it. I think I got to the 100 gear gap level in less then a week. I really wasn't trying just researched vendor level as well as instance levels replaced my lowest gear items.
  2. bmce84 Loyal Player

    I read all that and don't really understand your problem, but as far as getting to CR 131 from 122 you have to do Halls Of Power 2 content, that get's you to 126, then do Episode 15 (Zamaron duo and Bombshells raid) which finishes getting you to 131. The alternative is trying to get into Desecrated Cathedral and the Green Lantern solo at 122 but doing the solo that low is very hard, specially for Light, and you will need to be carried in the alert.

    The issue is that when we started monthly content devs decided to make the entry level to T7 low so players could enter it without having to buy all the initial content, so you only need 1 Episode to enter T7, it can be any episode from 15 to 17, but by episode 17 content is just too hard for any player bellow CR 130, even more for 122, so you will need to be carried. In the end you see that after Episode 17 it stabilizes and the gap isn't so big, for example after Cr 131 the minimum CR is adjusted by each episode so everything wont have one number like it does for Episode 15 to 17.
  3. fae star New Player

    more people want to disband or kick the lower levels then they do carry with match making system. I do not know how many times I hear it said we just can not do this with people as low as you in here. Then others says the match making system sets it up to fail. The CR's for tier 7 do seem off.
  4. The SuperSaiyan New Player

    I feel you on that cr jump. When I first got to the flash duo I was pumped, then I stepped inside and got slaughtered. That's the only bad jump I feel. I generally have no problem carrying, the only time it is tough is in certain raids. I still don't mind though if we're a slightly over geared group. I do notice people are kick happy generally though. You can add me if you ever need help. I'm a 165 DPS and 169 tank. Keep working at it you'll get there.
  5. DarthJafo Committed Player

    There's a huge jump in difficulty with the t7 stuff. First two duos aren't to bad, ZamAron can be very tough at level and then it jumps to flash which is still damn near impossible even at suggested

    The main issue of course is the ridicously absurdly stupid minimum cr requirement. Flash cannot be done at min..won't even get past the first group..same for ZamAron. League hall can be...but that's a 117 and the bad guys iirc are 121. The next one I think is 126 level bad guys.

    Min cr has got to go
  6. fae star New Player

    I finally made it to cr level 143 in the game on my hard light. The Duo's are really annoying me I will queue up for them only to find someone below my CR level there waiting and I get so mad because I know I can not beat it have to leave to get that 60 second wait deal which is annoying. Most people are going into the instances with the cr's that low causing others not to be able to do the duo. I guess what they could do is maybe work on the match making system. If they are going to have the cr at a certain rate if CR does not meet a certain deal make them wait for a high level player instead of someone lower or near their level cause all it is doing is screwing up the queues for looking for group.

    I'm casual player so I know I can get past it. Most of my game play right now is just collecting marks anyway for the next vendor. It helps that I am disable as well cause I can wait it out. I feel sorry for the people who can not wait it out. I'm not looking forward to looking for group dwf hoping we get a few more dlc's out before I get there and maybe some more gear vendors.
  7. BumblingB I got better.

    The Flash Museum duo is painful. Probably the most painful one, because of the minimum requirement of entry.

    Might I recommend if you end up with a lowbie in there, just have him run as a role. Healers and tanks make a difference in there. Makes it slower, but will help considerably. That or just gear up with the Zamaron duo with the 112 gear from it.

    The CR Differential is the biggest problem here. Yes, they originally intended to make them progress per episode, but that just meant you couldn't skip content and changed their premium model. But the main issue is that you get nerfed when you are under geared. They actually make you do less damage and take more damage. If CR Differential didn't exist, you would end up having a better time in content at level, because you can do more damage and take a hit.