
Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by light FX, Jun 23, 2016.

  1. light FX Steadfast Player

    Whole raid group in BBS lagged out then everyone dcd. Anyone else?
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  2. Hraesvelg Always Right

    My friends list is dropping like flies, my cooldowns aren't going off...yeah. Massive server dump.
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  3. D3vi1 Dedicated Player

    everyone got lagged in our league. some kicked some didn't. I logged off but when I came back, I can't get back in
  4. WildcatHunter Committed Player

  5. Jaydogg271 New Player

    Extreme lag on Xbox one.
  6. YoCuro Active Player

    Yeah everyone logging out, Moon walking in the WT, fun times.
  7. TrueArchon Dedicated Player

    Yep now unable to connect to server.
  8. Fearlantern77 Well-Known Player

    Yes got dced while in demon's pit
  9. Ironback New Player

    Yup. Same here.
  10. TrueArchon Dedicated Player

    The night security guard at DB studios making his rounds spilled his latte on the server again
  11. xD25x Dedicated Player

    Hey when you log back in buy that new soder tho!
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  12. Multiverse 15000 Post Club


    HUGE LAG spike..... game froze..... and now unable to connect on USPS4. :(
  13. Fearlantern77 Well-Known Player

    It's up again
  14. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Why prioritize countless of times like this, serverlag and massive disconnects, when you can prioritize the flawless, super-ultron mega Soder Cola Ultimate! Defenders assemble!
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  15. Marlee New Player

    Here we go again...
  16. light FX Steadfast Player

    I got back on and 2 other league mates did too but some had an error and couldnt. There was also the queue again for legendary players.
  17. prometeo82 New Player

    here lag T_T
  18. Johnny0276 Dedicated Player

    I queued up a bunch of missions. Selected Fatal Exams. I was thinking to myself. Don't be Fatal Exams, don't be Fatal Exams. PING! It's Fatal Exams! I was like do'h!

    Anyways, the original group was at the end boss battle. Either some got disconnected or just bailed. Not sure which . But we were playing musical group members for a few minutes.

    And then the lag hit. Players started walking through walls. Freezing. I tried to keep fighting. Big Barda and Mister Miracle tag teaming me. Tried to pop a soder. But it didn't take at all. I was stuck in ko'd mode in arena before moving on to rally point. In which I stayed in ko'd mode there. Finally I just quit game.

    Side note. What's going on with population numbers? First login loaded with F2P. Now it's Members bar quite high. Was a bit of a wait to get back in again.
  19. The Kid Blurr Well-Known Player

    Times like these, Linkdeath looks so useful for those who got tossed out a mission................
  20. L T Devoted Player