Lets compare Population across servers.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by streetsleeper, Jun 16, 2016.

  1. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Playing on US-XB1 from launch until a couple of weeks ago showed me something: the game is heavily flawed for new players right now. My daughter was very excited to play after having watched me play on PC for several years but hit 30 and never went back. I subbed for one month and got to 133cr/75sp even though I tried to slow down my progression and enjoy the game a bit. Granted, the last two weeks were spent farming collections for cash to buy solars but whatever. What was a fun game with a bunch to do before t7 became a stale, log in for an hour to do everything available at that cr then either farm or log off.

    If the population boom is fading over there, Daybreak has only themselves to blame. PC/PS has many players who still play simply because they have so much invested in their characters as well as the game being a sort of habit. XB1 does not have that and the game simply doesn't grab you like it used to. In fact, it practically makes you stop playing once you hit episode 15+ and become so limited on content.
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  2. xXHeadlinerXx Dedicated Player

    Yeah, I thought "Wow, that's a lot of skill points for 2 months" but when you pull up the actual players, it looks like 6 of the 7 are actually test accounts (they have all of the 750 LPVE+ feats)

    Congrats to whoever Pantless Bezz is, though...
  3. BrassRazoo New Player

    The EU xbox server is boring as hell. Oh and thanks to the genius who decided to lump Aussies with Euros, we really appreciate the extra lag and low pop. Generally unplayable and mostly dull.
  4. TheArmorsmith Dedicated Player

    Lol I think you are thinking too hard about this.
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  5. Puncheswitrock New Player

    Thanks. I'm trying to hit 200 by Friday new goal, but been lazy.
  6. DarthJafo Committed Player

    All I know is it takes significantly longer on x1 for ques to pop. On pc I could get just about any alert to pop in a couple minutes max. On x1 I've waiting over 20 mins just this weekend. And this is the t6 alerts.

    Raids pop pretty quick, at least on reset day. Little longer outside of that. And I know..use lfg. I rarely used lfg on pc. Point is. X1 doesn't have the population for long term sustainability.

    Eagerly awaiting cross play when we eventually get it. And I'm certain we will one day
  7. BumblingB I got better.

    It doesn't help that when they finally remove the cr differential, we are going to see a massive jarring change again.
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