To much raid instance not enough side things to do

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by fae star, Jun 10, 2016.

  1. fae star New Player

    I love the stories and the dc universe, but the focus is so much on end game plus raiding that it seems like there isn't enough side stuff to do. The single play instances are nice even the challenge ones, but most of them are just replay of what we did when leveling.

    One reason why I like the single play instance is it allows going at ones own pace. I'm ok with the gear grind, but I do not feel like the game as a whole allows for those who do not want to rush it. It doesn't bother me that on the duo or other instance the higher level players running through them because most of the time I've already done the instance and want to get it over with just to get the mark which seems to be the point.

    DCUniverse online could be a very interesting game. I always wanted to try it since I love dc comic books. Batman is still one of my favorites, but after watching what they did with the Justice League vs Teen Titan movie I kind of think Raven could be a interesting story line to get into. There is something about the dark hero that isn't as boring as the heroes who pretty much are single sided they have a storyline that could go all over the place.

    I do not plan to sub for this game I may buy the dlc packs like planned just to play every now and then but already two days and I have not logged onto DC universe after getting to level 30. It just needs something else. I understand the concept of MMORPG played wow for a long time and I think that is why I got burnt out on the whole MMORPG part. I am more of a RPG'er love the stories and love how many ways can play them just wish this game had more unique to it in ways to play it over. It's fun leveling to 30 but the replay value is not truly there for me when it comes to a console game.
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  2. Phill Committed Player

    There are a lot of things to do solo. Go to Watch tower central hub, Ace chemicals or Strykers island.
  3. ication03 Well-Known Player

    Because it is a group content focused a lot of the stories go through the raids and other group content. If you go through your quest log you will see how everything kinda plays it is broken up some but if you look at the war of the light for example. You see how everything you seen from the l ling quests go into that story. Just need to experience the content
  4. iDontOpenDoors Level 30

    I agree that the current game state is in a "rush through instances as fast as you can" so you can enter and complete T8 raids, but I disagree with you on the replay value. My main is CR 112 right now and I just created a few alts and I really enjoy playing them and going through the story again because honestly I was rushing the first time through. Luckily, I enjoy end game raids, but I can see where you are coming from. Have you tried the PVP? PVP isn't really my thing but it would definitely be something you could look into.
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  5. bmce84 Loyal Player

    WT central for what?, mindless PVP with people who only know how to spam powers. And you know Ace and Strikers are meaningless at T6 and above, fact is solo play is almost gone by T7, it's ether raids or useless duos. We need more solo and alerts content, focusing only raids it's only good for replay badges.
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  6. bmce84 Loyal Player

    lol you are 112, meaning the sweet spot, wait until you reach CR 117 and start seeing content lose value by more than just a few things.
  7. bmce84 Loyal Player

    Sadly they don't seem to care for solo content anymore, or even alerts, it's all either duos that are useless and raids that are just a replay farm. This is why many left and devs didn't care at all. We told them we wanted more solo content, but everything has almost been scrapped, only a solo every know and then, and still only gives 1 mark even though it has 2 bosses.
  8. fae star New Player

    The game engine itself has potential I think that is what happens to a lot of mmorpg games they lose focus of what the engine itself can do or update the engine. With this game being on pc and console you could get people involved. I'm ok with paying for dlc and episodes I just want to see more story to develop. There are so many cool DC characters that seem to be lost in this game. I'd love to see more NCP stories with characters as well as unique arches that maybe the raid starts out as a solo then spreads into the tier so it feels like you are doing more unique.

    Another interesting thing is if the focus is replay badges why not make it a way to do solo content that gives replay badges. I'm fine with things being a challenge that isn't a issue just this game engine is capable of doing more. Plus we are about to enter the land of VR how is this game going to hold up with the VR engines? Many consoles and PC's are going to be capable of running VR systems.
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  9. RatedChaotic New Player

    Agree with the OP. The more I play the more I think why did I pay for this crap. Wont be renewing this game. I'm going back to ESO. Where I can progress my toon more than one day a week and not sit in a instance que for 2hrs +. IMO this game is not worth 15 bucks a month.
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  10. RGoliath Well-Known Player

    Then you are playing wrong, plain and simple.

    You need to find a group of friends or a league to efficiently run stuff. In my league, we ran all t6 raids and a couple t7s last week in a couple hours, fearing a couple of our lower members. Not saying I'm looking to recruit you, but if you want to find the fun in the game feel free to talk with me maybe we can set something up.
  11. Harlequin Devoted Player

    He has a very valid point. This game lacks in quite a few basic (IMO) MMO standards including solo stuff that can keep you busy when not raiding. Crafting sucks. Farming bits sucks. Farming feats is fun when you are at tier for them but is just a faceroll bore when you are overgeared. The content is THIN and being in a league does not change that. Even your example where you ran all t6 and some t7 raids could be completed in one night.

    At end game, all there is to do for progression is not enough to pay for. It's the same issue SWTOR has for me but not quite as bad since there is some replay value to DCUO's paltry amount of monthly content compared to the single story chapter you get over there. There is not enough fun to be had to entice me to pay for DCUO anymore. I'm eagerly awaiting some action to be taken by the new chief to change my mind.
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  12. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    I would like to see more "seasonal" events. Some new mini event missions to fill in the gaps between true seasonals. Throw in a couple feats and collectibles, cap off our CR when we run the missions, make it challenging.
  13. Phill Committed Player

    You apparently did not read the OP. The OP stated he just got to T1. He did not say T7. Also if you don't know about the missions that you can pick up by the central hub then you should not even be commenting on here.
  14. RatedChaotic New Player

    Proved my point in your first 2 sentences. Really just a few raids a week? Aswell as I have to be in a league to progess my toon.
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  15. Puncheswitrock New Player

    Pretty sure episode b4 t8 was an alert and solo. We get content every month now. I don't see an issue personally.
  16. Phill Committed Player

    I will say crafting (R&D) is not bad until you figure out that 95% of it is worthless.:mad:
    Then we have the turd called gear R&D that was implemented not long ago.
  17. RatedChaotic New Player

    Really? Been subbed for 2 months I havent noticed anything new since my friend and I started playing.
  18. fae star New Player

    Oh and I'm nearly t3 now gear wise. I'm like one or two points of gear off from it. I think my draw back is I wanted more time to progress slower then quicker. I wanted to do more with the game as a whole. Because I have played MMORPG's before my understanding of gear is easy. I understand how to update as well as how to play the game with a league.

    What makes me nervous about leagues is I have been in guilds before in other games. I stayed in a wow guild for 2 to 3 years. We had a good run then people started to move to other games. I found myself being a lone in a guild because everyone got tired of playing the game. Again I was excited to try this game on xbox I just have a higher standard for MMORPG's. The other reason I was hoping to get into the game to kill time is I am disabled. I used to work retail where I had a back injury. I'm still fighting for disabilities. Right now I'm living with my Aunt because I have no money. My parents help me out on things that they can. It isn't just my back that is the issue I just recently had surgery for ITP. It's a Immunity disorder where my platelets drop down to nearly zero. I have to be tested every week on my blood levels so I'm stuck in bed a lot.

    This also means I have a lot of free time not cause I choice to have it. My parents got me the xbox live for my birthday and I mostly play a lot of the free games. I have some RPG games for the xbox, but without being able to go to the movies I can not get out to do much so that is where some of the episodes I bought it with. Trust me it sucks being disabled it be easier to end my life, but I keep trying to find reasons to move on with my life. I was hoping DC Universe would be a fun game to help. The Raiding itself isn't a challenge it is more getting the players to do what they are suppose.

    Concept of raiding doesn't change much from MMORPG you find the skill, role, and gear set to help you progress. Repair bills are always going to be a problem which limits those who want to pay for the episodes. I was ok with that I figured I just create a second character and ship gear through the bank to pay for the repair bill. I'm not complaining about that part. I was just hoping I would have more options to play the game cause the concept of the game seemed like fun when I downloaded it to my xbox. Like I said with them putting it on both consoles I see potential for the game I'll keep checking it but unless they add stuff it is really one that I am finding myself logging in less.
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  19. RGoliath Well-Known Player

    Yeah... All t6 and most of t7. While not doing that, hunt for feats, there's a ton of stuff that offers hours of gameplay. If you are sitting at watchtower or hall of doom going "this sucks nothing to do" then I only assume you've gotten most feats.
  20. Jim Berry Well-Known Player

    If spamming Powers is key to their victory, you can't really be upset about that. I mean, just like those who complain about people who use Colas; I see no point in complaining about HOW someone wins. If I'm a healer, yes, I will spam my Shields, Circle, etc... A win's a win.