Blackest Night I can't see corruption pools

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Nextasy, Jan 27, 2016.

  1. Nextasy New Player

    The corruption pools at last boss doesnt appear for me most of the times. Some players having this issue like me. I even had to argue for this glitch when some others told me that I died in black hole its not something that players can miss if it appears beneath me then i checked my combat log they were right i died because of corruption pool which that doesnt appear in my screen. And im surprised no one mentioned this bug yet.

    edit: eupc
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  2. Red Jenni Loyal Player

    They've nere fixed the blood in UM not showing up. Heck, they never fixed the black holes in Bombshell either. This will never get fixed. smh
  3. gr0m Active Player

    They made it 'more interesting' aka black holes spawn anywhere possible, half are invisible
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  4. aortenruptur Well-Known Player

    And these bugs are still around o_O
  5. Guy Streakerson Level 30

    You do know you have the option to turn up the gamma setting!!