How do I gain more feats I only have 61 and my character is at cr 150.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by masterplan464, Jun 6, 2016.

  1. Del Maestro Well-Known Player

    There really isnt any easy way. You gotta grind them. I HATE the grind. ive been here since the month after the launch of the game and im only at 168. Granted i took some long breaks. I see these people with 250+ and i know i cant do that
  2. Control Creed Well-Known Player

    Hmnn... so what happened to the lasers to shoot down Soviet missles? Look, Ronald Reagan is not an expert on learning, he doesn't have a degree in it, no awards, no credibility whatsoever, if that's where you got that... bruh, look up "logical fallacy" in google, specifically, "appeal to authority". That is utter nonsense to even bring that up, not even a actual authority on the subject.
  3. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    I've readvthat about video games, and believe it, but i know farming 25000 exobits or 500 alerts don't do that, maybe running the pvp feats. It's mostly action, fps, and fighting games, not grindy rpg games though
  4. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    Well, you Sir, obviously aren't an actual authority on humor. That post was for pitbullb3 to expand his good laugh. Does there really need to be a smiley each time to indicate that for some people???
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  5. bagofboom Committed Player

    Um, all I found back there were prostitutes.
    Also for marks.
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  6. Control Creed Well-Known Player

    Nope, just logical fallacies... lol. Had me going.
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  7. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    you can easily get over a 100 sp with out to much grinding like salvage or the bounty feat to get good amount of sp
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  8. Twilight Avenged Dedicated Player

  9. JohnDC New Player

    Styles, pvp, wash repeat. :D

    Collections, briefs, investigations, raids, wash repeat.

    Seasonals, alerts, renown, wash repeat.

    Hopefully this is helpful.

    don't pass up briefs, that why most people get behind. styles too.
  10. Kryptonian Being Committed Player

    Lmao I said the same thing about the central city paradox feat. I'm at 165 cr Dps and I have to kill 1k more just to get 25 points. Yeah no I'm not going to grind for that. Some feats are absurd. I don't like doing the seasonal feats because the seasonals are boring to me. I remember it would take me an hour to do the 1k healing barrel. Imagine killing 2k or so paradox reapers or any other absurd feat. I think those feats are just for elitist.
  11. megamanzero Loyal Player

    is over 100 your definition of a good amount of sp?
  12. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    He can gain additional 100sp easily. Don't mock me
  13. SkullGang Devoted Player

    Style feats were a lot easier to complete before we moved to the one currency system.
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  14. Backseid Devoted Player

    There's actually very few feats like that. Most are quite simple.

    At your CR, with that many points, you didn't do a lot of content while leveling up. You should, naturally, have at least 80 - 90 at this point. And by that I mean with out trying.

    A big issue is that you can only play most instances once before it is out of relevancy now.

    Just spend some time playing, what is now older, instances and the Feats will come naturally.

    Don't worry about the repetitive ones. You can never do them, and still have a ton of SP's.
    • Like x 1
  15. metalfenix Committed Player

    On that I agree, I spent two weeks on the same CR bracket (T5-T6) grinding MoV to get the styles feats for both my hero and villain on vendor 00. Well, at least the tiers were fun (unlike T7)
  16. inferno Loyal Player

    There are so many feats that doesn't really require a "grind" just a little bit of patience. Exploration, booster tour, races, speed feats in lower content, etc.... Just read through the feat list, getting to 120 is barely an effort, after that you get into grabbing all the gear styles and the exobit hunting, collection, and briefings and salvaging and merits,etc... those are the ones where the grinding begins.
  17. Ichiro Loyal Player

    I think you have a stalker.
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  18. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    I seriously don't understand why this guy is coming after me lol
  19. megamanzero Loyal Player

    I was not mocking you. Why would you think that? I was asking you a valid question.

    I suggested that the concept of "enough" SP or "low"/"high" SP is subjective and then you threw out that 100 number. I just wanted to know if it was an arbitrary number or if you are saying 100 is a good amount or just speaking to how easy it is to increase the x amount. If that's not what you consider a good amount, I'd like to know what you DO consider a good amount. I'm sure it would help the OP too so he can get a good idea of the general opinion.
  20. megamanzero Loyal Player

    I posted in this topic can I be the stalker?

    I'm not coming after you. It was an honest remark and an honest question about the subject. That's what threads are for right? To converse about topics. ._.