A Little Something to Cheer You Up While Leveling

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by McGhee, Jun 6, 2016.

  1. McGhee Well-Known Player

    Sometimes while you are working towards end game CR, you can be treated badly. I have toons from 166 to 135. The higher leveled toons can get in anything. Sometimes the lower level toons are dismissed as soon as I accept the invite to group. Some people need super OP groups for everything. Trust me, a 150 CR 189 SP toon can contribute in BN.

    Anyway, I used to get upset over this treatment, then I found a solution. I go to wavedox and look up the players in the group that kicked me. Invariably, the person calling for group has a very low number of SP. In the aforementioned BN. One player, a 165 CR 70 SP Sorcery toon, said "we don't want no trash players." Another, a 164 CR 79 SP Electric toon chimed in "yeah" and I was dismissed. While both have higher CR than me, I have greater SP than them combined. SP is a measure on your in game accomplishments and frankly they have few. CR is a measure of your gear.

    I have found taking a few seconds to look up these high CR players that still need to be carried makes me feel a little better. Your mileage may vary.
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  2. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Reminds me of a person that was forming a DWF group the other day...*shouts for high cr and sp, is 167 with 80 sp*
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  3. McGhee Well-Known Player

    LFG: "All roles for BD. 160+ CR"

    You get in there and them fools don't even know to dodge the book.
  4. Johnny0276 Dedicated Player

    I just put them on ignore, be done with them. For any of the following:

    • Bailer block ( although hard to tell who bails and who gets dc)
    • Those initiate your kick block ( usually remain nameless, then your out on the curb)
    • Trash talk block ( easy enough, landfill of trash talk in chat, raids)
    • Saboteur / Sand baggers in duo block ( making duo more difficult, holding back)
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  5. Here2Help Devoted Player

    I just love how certain players expect to have a full group of awesome players when they're trash themselves. Always see people shouting for a certain amount of SP (such as 200+) when they actually don't have that amount themselves... :confused:
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  6. The Anxient Loyal Player

    That's one of my biggest peeves. They should at least meet the stats they're requiring.
  7. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Tried this.... does not seem to make me feel better.

    I looked up a High CR character on Wavedox that kicked a low CR one......... but somehow looking at my High CR character on Wavedox does not make me feel better.

    Are you sure this works. ;) ;) ;)
  8. McGhee Well-Known Player

  9. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Was just trying to be funny.
    Apparently failed miserably. ;)

    MY character was the High CR in the joke. :oops:
  10. light FX Steadfast Player

    Almost all the people shouting for cr or sp requirements in LFG dont even meet the requirements they shout for. They set these requirements because they want to be carried cause they cant compete the content unless they have really strong players in the group. My advice is ignore them. That is what i do. I havent put any requirement in LFG while shouting for a group on over 2yrs. Ive seen people shouting 160+cr for paradox :confused: But then some people want stat clamping in older content :rolleyes: If people cant pass older content when they are 20cr higher then it how on earth do they pass it clamped to a certain cr? Its all just silly. Try and find some decent cool fun like minded players to run with or a league like that. Makes life a lot easier imo ;)
  11. McGhee Well-Known Player

    I know. I was teasing you. I guess my joke didn't land.
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  12. McGhee Well-Known Player

    Leagues do make life easier. But in the middle of the week, league runs are harder to put together. Plus, I love pug life for the most part. It's great for playing with new players.