High cr, low sp?

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Jr3x (EU PS3), Jun 4, 2016.

  1. Jr3x (EU PS3) Active Player

    Hi everybody! If i call you today, its just for say you an idea i was think, and some people approuvate it, its why i want to call the developper.

    For see an issue with the problem of the sp in game, can you see for a new gu with a system bloc for cr/ sp. If you want, if you have a cr40, you need sp41 for up to cr41. The new gamer will come in t6 cr100 with 100 sp, in t7 cr150 with 150 sp mini etc..

    It's not for worried a lot of gamer, its just for people take the time to do them sp, and see its not difficult :)

    Good game to all, thanks for read ^^
  2. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    No, people get to chose the way they want to play.
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  3. AceTheDazed Well-Known Player

    Is there a way to downvote on here? Stop trying to force stuff on players, if they dont wanna grind SP dont make them.
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  4. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Leave the system alone. If a player want to have 167cr with 90sp so what? He got to 167 doing it his way, which means whatever content y'all failing at, he has already beaten, so maybe it's not him, it's you
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  5. SasquaT Dedicated Player

    Yea free to play yours way i would agree with all you said if powers were balanced .
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  6. Jr3x (EU PS3) Active Player

    Ok, but why low sp say they have high sp fir go in t8, they die all time, you kick them and they call bad you in private because kick theim.. It's normal too? Scuse me if i work my sp,and i want ppl with sp in high raid..
  7. Tacca Well-Known Player

    If you want high sp players in your group, form the group yourself and ask for sp when they send you a tell with their sp. If you think they are lying then wavedox them. Play with the grinders and dont force people to grind, for what is right now minimal reward in terms of sp making a difference to your tanking, healing, controlling or damage dealt.
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  8. Rival Ops Level 30

    I agree with you Jr3x. There should be a Skill Point requirement to reach higher tiers to prevent inexperienced players from getting into higher end game content.

    There are two sides of the issue. One is player base and the other is a design flaw the Devs choose to ignore.

    The fact is that the majority of newer players are lazy. If people can trake a shortcut to end game they will. They will skip as much as they can to get strong quickly to drool over higher #s and a false sence of accomplishment. Once they get to end game they are a burden. They suck at dps and their support roles struggle. Healers start blaming trolls when they have to spam heals because their resto is trash. Tanks start to blame healers cuz they cant survive with 56 SP and get 2 shotted. And its a downward spiral that causes a disband. They league hop because they want a league to hold their hand and help them get SP because they know they are the problem. All that being said, there is nothing wrong with playing how you want but when you lie in LFG about your SP to get in a group looking to get carried, when you cant contribute and waste people's time and when you get carried through content and go around telling people "YOU BEAT IT BEFORE" you are bringing down the DCUO community as a whole.

    The second part of the problem is that Devs eneable this culture because they dont require new players to grind SP to get through tiers. This prevents new players from developing a sense of team work and produces selfish players that only look out for themselves at end game. Also, because new players can blow through content.., the lower tiers is a ghost town. You cant find help to get those SP or even just to get the loot drops. If players were required to have those SP new players would work together because there would be a common goal. They would make friends and have strong low level leagues, build comeraderie that would last longer than a quick raid run. Instead you see players quit the game after shouting in LFG for help with no reply. End gamers have no real incentive to respond if they dont need T2 & T3 raids. Its the Devs fault because more replay badges get used at end game so they could care less how you get there as long as you get there quick.

    At the end of the day nothing will change. The game will die because people get tired of the ******** and quit.
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  9. Jr3x (EU PS3) Active Player

    You have saied all trust rival ops! Thx gg
  10. Exodusblack Well-Known Player

    Very few feats require skill. Random style drops for example. I have been trying to get mine up lately (CR 166 sp 169) but not everyone cares about sp. Unless you pay for their sub, I wouldn't worry about how they want to play.
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  11. Absolix Loyal Player

    So.... What does this have to do with the test server? That is sort of the purpose of this section of the forums.
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  12. Aerith Rose Committed Player

    No. Besides SP does not matter nearly as much as you think it does. You only need about 140 SP.
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  13. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    The green names have stated they will not block people from playing content based on how much SP they have grinded. Your gearscore gets you in, and you get your gearscore by completing content.
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  14. mikeluthor2nd Well-Known Player

    you are putting way too much trust in SP, the majority of our stats cone from gear and mods, sp has always been minor, if anything the crit chances are worth having some SP, but not the 160 you think they should have for T8. Also SP is supposed to be a bonus, not a requirement, ive seen too many high SP players fail next to low SP ones.
  15. Phill Committed Player

    SP does not block, lunge, roll, jump, pick up players when down, click things in the right order and most of all.
    SP does not fix dumb.
    Never has never will.
    I could list more but I am sure you get the picture.
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  16. SixSigma Well-Known Player

    This argument doesn't exactly work because the content that the lower SP person "might have" gotten through means he was probably carried through it by friends or a league or even poor saps that got suckered into it. I understand both sides of the coin but when the Devs finally get rid of the CR Differential thing, it'll either make bad players get better or quit. And either way, that's going to be good for the game state.
  17. SixSigma Well-Known Player

    Now you're right but I think that the problem is that people see high Skill Points as the same as high Skill. The part where it gets a little blurry is, how much skill does it take to get more SP and how much SP show actual skill. I personally think that as long as a player can fill out their initial innates down each tree.. they "should" be fine, though having enough to fill out some of the stat boost are better.

    Recently I've had to wavedox more people just because I was wondering why their "insert reason here" was so low... and it almost always turns out that, due to their low SP, their stats aren't high enough in "X" which affects "Y".
  18. Control Creed Well-Known Player

    You must not have been here before CR Differential was put in... lots of bad players, lots of people carried to end game without understanding the "grind" that is necessary to contribute to a successful run.

    However, the misconception that somehow grinding for skill points is superior to grinding for marks to obtain the highest vendor gear you can before attempting raids is a wives tale at best. Icing on the cake, sure, criticals for DPS, Weapon Mastery for roles, a little extra sure, I don't waste time wavdoxing someone that is 8 to 10 CR below the recommended though, and I see far too many that engage in that pointless activity.

    If I see a raid full of people with the highest CR you can get from Vendor Gear I pretty much know it's in the bag. Two people below recommended CR you are taking your chances, three or more at end game, not gonna happen unless you have some VERY SKILLED players.

    Skill Points is NO INDICATOR of skill whatsoever AND people get carried to SP as well... if "carrying" is the issue (it isn't) then how would you know if a league helped someone get most / all of their skill points or not? Someone can go to an area and add people to their group, go eat a sandwich and BOOP, feat point, it's utter nonsense. No work involved, most can be done that way... less than 5 percent of feats can't be had by simply adding people to your group that are doing the feat or going into an instance where others do it for you, the argument that somehow skill points is an indicator of work is simply not true.

    Now, someone MAY have done it all on their own (not really, how do you do an 8 man feat by yourself?) but how do you know? The number of SP thrown out by the OP can certainly be had in this fashion and therefore that part of the argument is nonsense as well.

    The issue is more often mechanics which is usually denoted by the text in the lower right hand corner, since the OP did not read where to put this post or even think about it, I'm pretty sure I know why they are having a hard time completing content and it ain't other peoples skill points.
  19. SixSigma Well-Known Player

    Relax there big shot. I've been playing for quite sometime and yes there are always going to be bad players but when stats make more of a difference than they currently do it'll change the tune of many a player. Whether those players move on to different game or try harder to be better is totally up in the air. That's the gamble that the Devs are taking and I'm totally fine with it. It won't be perfect but most people can only hope that it'll slowly improve the player base. Remember, there was a small time period where LFG didn't exist and people were queing up more than using Shout to form groups and content was beaten just fine.

    By no means have I ever stated that having high SP means they're automatically a more skilled player, also just because a raid has a group full of people with highest CR they could get from the vendor DOES NOT mean it's in the bag. Have you ever run with a CR 166 HEAL or TANK with no mods for their affinity or white mods either? It's horrid and ends up meaning the rest of the group has to carry them through it assuming the group even gets past a certain point.
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  20. Control Creed Well-Known Player

    Mods for affinity, yes. White Mods, yes. Both make a difference sure. Not saying you said any of that, more at the OP. But since I usually play Troll, no I can't say I've had a horrid experience because of these issues by themselves. IF the player is not using the correct powers at the correct time, BIG issue, CR, Mods, SP none of that will matter at all. Been in that situation, I can honestly say a SKILLED player can easily overcome those issues.

    I'm not saying you said any of that, I'm saying that the OP seems to be under those misconceptions. The point I had with what you seem to be saying is this...

    The stats as they are matter EXACTLY as much as they will after the change that's the thing. What quite a few people seem to be thinking is they are going to buff the stats or specifically SP stats. That is not going to happen. So for example since I play troll, there will be virtually no difference whatsoever because the CR Differential does not affect Power Out, also, it doesn't affect Healing Out., Dominance or any of that.

    What it does affect is Damage In and Damage Out. It does this differently for each CR, sometimes you go one CR higher and you take WAY more damage than you would even with low stats / SP. Since the players in question are already accustomed to taking WAY MORE DAMAGE and doing WAY LESS DAMAGE more or less randomly throughout the CR range they will, if anything be relived the CR Differential is gone.

    In fact, it's the Damage In part that I really have an issue with the CR Differential, at times I am MUCH weaker at MORE SP than I was before it was put in place... will some scoreboard chasers be disappointed that they can't go up one CR and out damage someone 10 CR higher "proving" that they are a better DPS? Yeah, don't care for those types anyway... Will EVERYONE with low SP be disappointed? I don't think so.
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