'Power' DPS Gadgets Vs 'Skill' DPS Gadgets

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Innocent Assassin, Jun 3, 2016.

  1. Innocent Assassin Level 30

    So apparently there are DPS loadouts for gadgets that are 'Power' based as in you have certain power rotations and you stand there dishing out one power after the other to get massive crits and everything!
    Looks incredible on youtube!

    However being a newbie, I've levelled my toon to 30 beyond with my playstyle relying heavily on skill based combos and moving around the fight - really getting stuck in there with my dual pistols...

    Of course, grenades and EMPs and all the jazz is great as starting points and to AMs etc...but I guess my question is - am I missing out on the full potential of gadgets by playing the way I play?

    Should I respec and go pure 'Power' based DPS as I see on youtube?

    I ask this as Battle Awareness seems to the key power to have in gadgets and the devices tree - which I have specced exclusively - is pretty useless as a whole and only parts of it are useful in actual gameplay...
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  2. Tacca Well-Known Player

    For solos and duos you can have any play style. For alerts you may want to use power based attacks but your own play style is fun for you. For raids I'd say use the youtube load out as you may get kicked for not utilising the most efficient load out. Most people use use a completely different load out from their levelling days. You could always have two armouries for different play styles.
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  3. AlphaOrion Dedicated Player

    If you don't care what others say and your just playing for fun and playing with friends or league mates who don't care how you play then play it how you want, but if your going to pug alerts or raids then I suggest learning the Advanced Mechanic, just a warning but you'll probably be kicked from group if your not. By not using Gadgets AM yes you are missing out on the full potential of the power by a huge margin.
  4. Innocent Assassin Level 30

    Got it - Thanks...I'll end up having a different armoury set a bit later then...